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Constitution-a detailed, written plan for government
Former colonies all had their own state constitutions

Bicameral-a legislature consisting of two parts, or houses
Divided into two parts, split in half

Confederation-a group of individuals or state governments
In 1777 the Congress wrote out these plans in the Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation-the first constitution of the United States
This document became the first constitution of the United States of America

Ratify-to vote approval of

Ordinance-a law, usually of a city or county
The Confederation Congress passed two laws, or ordinances, that would have a major effect on the history of the United States

Area-a region or section
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota

Ordinance of 1785-a law that set up a plan for surveying western lands; this method is still used today
Set up a plan for surveying western lands

1. Northwest Ordinance-1787 law that set up a government for the Northwest Territory and served as a model for other new territories and as a plan for admitting new states to the Union
2. Law set up a government for this area, which was called the Northwest Territory

Impact-an influence or effect
A big impact may be slavery or freedom

1. Shays's Rebellion-an uprising of Massachusetts farmers who did not want to lose their farms because of debt caused by heavy state taxes after the American Revolution
2. It was a warning to the country. Could the government maintain law and order?

Process-an action or a series of actions directed toward a result
Something that leads to another

Despite-regardless or in spite of
Delegates agreed not to discuss the meeting with outsiders

Constitutional Convention-meeting of state delegates in 1787 leading to adoption of a new Constitution
The meeting in Philadelphia

Great Compromise-agreement providing a dual system of congressional representation
Agreement between two or more sides

1. Three Fifths Compromise-agreement providing that enslaved persons would count as three-fifths of other persons in determining representation in Congress
2. The delegates decided that every five enslaved persons would equal three free persons

Electoral College-a group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president
This group would select a president and a vice president

Federalists-supporters of the Constitution
Group of the few who supported Federalism

Federalism-a form of government in which power is divided between the federal, or national, government and the states
They believed, however, that federal law should be supreme over state law

Federalists Papers-a series of essays written to defend the Constitution
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote essays called ^ ^ ^

Anti Federalists-those who opposed ratification of the Constitution
The Anti-Federalists argued that the new Constitution would destroy the liberties won in the American Revolution

Preamble-the opening section of the Constitution
It states the goals and purposes of the government

Article-one of several main parts of the Constitution
Seven main parts/articles

Amendment-any change in the Constitution
There are 27 amendments

- Branchs -

Legislative-the lawmaking branch of government
Basically Congress

Executive-the branch of government that carries out laws
Law enforcing

Judicial-the branch of government that interprets laws
Intercepts laws for fair appeal
Assume-to take on or accept a role or responsibility
Vice President John Tyler assumed, or accepted, the powers of the president as authorized by the Constitution

Popular Sovereignty-the idea that power lies with the people
The Declaration of Independence is a statement about popular sovereignty

Ensure-to make sure of; to guarantee
Further, the Constitution includes seve ral parts that protect and ensure, or guarantee, the sovereignty of the people

1. Limited Government-the principal that a ruler or a government is not all-powerful; a government that can do only what the people allow it to do
2. This means that government can do only what the people allow it to do

Rule of Law-principle that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern
This means that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern

Assign-to dole out or give as a task
Montesqieu thought each task should be assigned to a separate branch of government

Separation of Powers-the split of authority among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
Montesquieu assigned this division

1. Checks and Balances-a system in which each branch of government is able to check, or restrain, the power of the others
2. Under a system of checks and balances, each branch of government is able to check, or limit, the power of the other two branches in a number of ways
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