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squeezing of the grave:
2 Angels (1 ugly 1 handsome) sniffing body from head to toe (recording deeds) & keeping the notes in boxes that are tied to the deceased.
They then move some levers that begin the squeezing of the grave
This could be staged by giving the audience a 2D view of the grave and the side of the grave being pulled away from the audience by the angel(s) turning a wheel, the book also mentioned the oozing of a black liquid that represents the bad deeds. This could be staged by soaking a sponge in a black liquid and the actor playing the deceased could squeeze the sponge as the grave is being squeezed whilst behind the side of the grave.

Munkar Nakeer Stage:
According to traditions, after one has been buried and those who had come to bury him go away, two angels come into his grave. One is called Munkar, the other Nakir. The soul is caused to re-enter the body for questioning. Then the “dead person”' is asked: Who is thy Rabb (Lord and Sustainer)? Who is thy Prophet? What is thy religion? What is thy Book? What is thy Quibla? Who are thy Imams?
Two huge Angels with fearful faces entered. Smoke and fire bellowed from their mouths and nostrils. They were holding red hot iron rods in their hands.
Could use non harmful vape for smoke
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Regards; Team

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