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Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 is the act that is made for the protection of animals used for experimental or other scientific purposes. This act was put into place on the 20th May 1986 and came into act on 1 January 1987. This legislation covers what procedures can be taken place on certain species and certain weights of animals. In order to be able to carry out animal testing a license needs to be gained by the government to confirm that it is being done for the right reasons, that the right facilities are provided and that the regulations are understood.
The code of practice which is required to comply with is called the Code of Practice for the Housing and Care of Animals used in Scientific Procedures. On this code of practice it states that the act regulates ‘any experimental or other scientific procedure applied to an animal which may have the effect of causing that animal pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm’ from the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. The code of practice covers the housing and environment of the animal, animal care and health, transport, special considerations, humane killing of animals, disposure of dead animals, cage and pen dimensions of the animals.
The law and code of practice can be improved by providing more accurate legislation as it is not very accurate to what animal it applies to. Also it should be made that a new license needs to be applied for each year and also very regular check-ups by the government should be taken place to ensure that the welfare of the animals is still being greatly considered. Also the variety of animals that are allowed to be tested on should be reduced as some animals are too big and stressful to keep in the controlled environment. Enclosure sizes should be made bigger and also made sure that the 5 freedoms are met in every single animal’s situation.
I do not think that animal testing should be banned as it serves a great purpose, but I do think that the law should be made more specific and that the animal’s welfare should be taken in to much more consideration.

Animal testing is right because it provides humans protection from possibly harmful and dangerous products and substances. On the other hand animal testing is wrong because the animal’s welfare is not taken into consideration at all times and some places will allow them to suffer.
Animal testing is carried out to develop new medicines and to test the safety of products. Some people think that it is wrong because the experiments cause pain to the animals which are involved in the animal testing. Some people also think that it reduces their quality of life in such ways of not being able to express normal behaviours and have the freedom of what others of the same species do. The animal experimenters attempt to make everything they do to be as humane as possible as they know it is for human safety. Some people think that this is selfish of humans and we could survive without anima testing or at least by reducing the amount of animal testing which takes place.
Animal experimenters may say that the suffering of animals is minimalized in all experiments, and also that human benefits are gained which could not be obtained by other methods. People against animal testing may say that it causes suffering to animals, the benefit human beings are not proven and any benefits to humans which animal testing provides could be produced in other ways.
Animal testing could be improved by reduction of testing - this done by improving experimental techniques, improving techniques of data analysis and sharing information with other researchers. Refinement of testing – By using less invasive techniques, providing better medical care and also better living conditions. Replacement – By experimenting on cell structures rather than whole animals, using computer models, studying human volunteers and by using epidemiological studies.
With welfare adjustments such as providing better living conditions for the animals and to allow them to express normal behaviour could alter peoples opinion on animal testing as their main concern is the animals being caged up with a lower quality of life than other species. Also providing better medical care would help alter people’s opinions as the animals would not suffer as badly due to the correct treatment to follow after the test.
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