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Unitarianism - One, unit... Appeals to well educated because they thought they where better than others. In Unitarianism people are INHERIENTLY GOOD and can earn salvation. Use your BRAIN to understand what is taught and apply, need to use reason not just follow blank creeds

Universalism - Good is always good, and not send anyone to hell, because he loves us, and because he is good. Universal salvation.

Great Awakening - Fears of secularism, intense revival, Democratize religious practice and congregational structures.

Frontier Revivals - Camp meetings to rekindle fires of faith, generating excitement and strange manifestations, preaching of salvation (they can't get preachers because in frontier, also time to get husbands + Wives.
Baptists - Simplicity of Doctrine and organization. Universal redemption, stress adult baptism.
Methodists - More centralized organization, Circuit Riders (Francis Asbury on a schedule)
Mass Excitement and meaningful outlet to isolated rural folk

Charles Finney and the Burned-Over-District
First fire preacher, he went around preaching salvation where YOU choose YOUR salvation! Choose it now!

Mormons - Church of Latter-day Saints (LDS), Formed in 1830 by Joseph Smith, Optimistic creed stressing human goodness. June 27th, 1844 - Murdered by a mob at liberty Jail. Brigham Young led the saints to the Great Salt Basin in the Rocky Mountains. 1849 - Utah incorporated as a territory with Brigham Young as Governor

Romanticism in America- Emphasis on a realm beyond reason, individual freedom and beauties of nature.
Transcendentalism - Transcending the limits of reason, pervasive moralism, profound spirituality, close affinity with Quake Doctrine of "inner light" - Intuition

Emerson and Thoreau
Emerson - Preeminent Transcendentalist (Optimism, self-reliance, and the individual
s unlimited potential)
Thoreau - Practiced introspective self-reliance that his freidn Emerson preached (Plain living, High thinking)
July 4, 1845 - Cabin on Walden Pond... Saw Mexican War as an attempt to advance slavery... Civil Disobedience for not paying taxes (1849) Immoral government power not to the people do not pay for taxes or support government

American Lit
H.W. Long Fellow, Emily Dickinson, Washington Irving, Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman - Most Provocative, Leaves of Grass (1855)
Rotary Press made newspapers and magazines cheaper
Society gossip sports entertainment in the press.

Education -- 1830s - Demand peaked for PUBLIC schools, equal chance at social and economic success, also a vehicle for social reform
MA - Horace Mann (1837) legislation to create State Board of Ed, North - Great strides by

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