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[flash=1,1][/flash][hr][table=1,][font=Georgia][size=20][center][color=#660000]C[/color][color=#6B0000]L[/color][color=#700000]A[/color][color=#750000]R[/color][color=#7A0000]A[/color] [color=#810500]T[/color][color=#880A00]R[/color][color=#8F0F00]I[/color][color=#961400]N[/color][color=#9D1900]I[/color][color=#A41E00]D[/color][color=#AB2300]A[/color][color=#B22800]D[/color] [color=#B22800]B[/color][color=#B63000]E[/color][color=#BA3800]A[/color][color=#BE4000]U[/color][color=#C24800]F[/color][color=#C65000]O[/color][color=#CA5800]R[/color][color=#CE6000]T[/color][/size][/center][/font][center][small][b][i][color=#CE6000]"Don't make promises you can't keep."[/color][/b][/center][hr][c][table=2,][center][img][/img][hr][table=1,][table=2,][size=3][font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ N[/color]AME: [i]Clara "Trinidad" Beaufort[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ A[/color]LIAS: [i]Trinity, Lara[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ A[/color]GE: [i]Twenty Three[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ B[/color]IRTHDATE: [i]14th of June, 1990[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ B[/color]IRTHPLACE: [i]Montpellier, France[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ C[/color]URRENT RESIDENCE: [i]New York[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ A[/color]LIGNMENT: [i]Chaotic Neutral[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ R[/color]ACE: [i]Vampire[/i][c][size=3][font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ H[/color]AIR: [i]Black[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ E[/color]YES: [i]Blue[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ S[/color]KIN: [i]Sun-kissed[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ B[/color]ODY: [i]Curvy[/i]
[font=georgia][color=#CE6000]☬ N[/color]OTABLE FEATURES: [i]Quite tall, surpassing average height for women, being around 5'8[/table][/table][hr][table=1,][spoiler=Gallery][spoiler=~][center][img][/img][/center][center][/spoiler][spoiler=~~][center][img][/img][/center][/spoiler][spoiler=~~~][center][img][/img][/center][/spoiler][spoiler=~~~~][center][img][/img][/center][/table][hr][table][table=3,][size=3][font=georgia][color=#008080] ☬ M[/color]OTHER: [color=grey][i]Faina Belikov[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ F[/color]ATHER: [color=grey][i]Dimitri Belikov[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ S[/color]IBLINGS: [color=grey][i] One younger brother, one younger sister.[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ C[/color]OUSINS: [color=grey][i]-[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ A[/color]UNTS: [color=grey][i]-[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ U[/color]NCLES: [color=grey][i]-[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ S[/color]IRE: [color=grey][i]Marvin[/i][/color][/font][/size]
[c][size=3][font=georgia][color=#008080] ☬ J[/color]OB: [color=grey][i] Pub owner, Barmaid at said pub. [/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ S[/color]EXUALITY: [color=grey][i]Heterosexual[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ S[/color]TATUS: [color=grey][i]Single[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ I[/color]NTERESTS: [color=grey][i] Reading, writing, late night adventures[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ T[/color]URN-OFFS: [color=grey][i]Loud mouths, tunnel vision [/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ T[/color]URN-ONS: [color=grey][i]Determination, Sarcasm, Charm.[/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ☬ D[/color]REAMS: [color=grey][i] Being able to live comfortably and happy[/i][/color]
[/font][/size][/table][/table][hr][table=3,][size=3][font=georgia][color=#008080] ☬ P[/color]ERSONATLITY: [color=grey][i]TBA[/i][/color][/font][/size][/table][font=georgia][size=3][hr][/size][/font][table=3,][size=3][font=georgia][color=#008080] ☬ H[/color]ISTORY: [color=grey][i]TBA[/i][/color][/font][/size][/table][font=georgia][size=3][hr][/size][/font][table][spoiler=Alliances.][hr][b][color=#008080] ✘ A[/color]lina Belikov: [color=grey][i] Katyusha's younger sister. Kat feels protective of the girl, and wants to keep her safe at all costs. [/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ✘ M[/color]arvin: [color=grey][i] Kat's sire. She trusts him implicitly and will do whatever he asks of her, no matter what it is. She also happens to be his personal blood bag, but has yet to remember any of the feedings. [/i][/color]
[color=#008080] ✘ E[/color]sias: [color=grey][i] Katyusha has trouble trusting this male, due to his often 'jumpy' personality, and the things he's done. [/i][/color][/b][/spoiler][/table][b][hr][/b][table=10][center][color=#008080]база данных[/color][hr][b]DATABASE[/b][/center][c][center][color=#008080]преступление[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Offense[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]защита[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Defense[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]выносливость[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Stamina[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]интеллект[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Intelligence[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]ила[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Strength[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]скорость[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Speed[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#dbd0a5][color=#008080]выносливость[/color][/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Endurance[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]Уилл[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Will[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][c][center][b]STATS[/b][/center][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■■[/color]■■■[/color][/center][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■■[/color]■■■[/color][/center][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■■■[/color]■■[/color][/center][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■■■[/color]■■[/color][/center][c][center][color=#008080]■■■[/color][color=white]■■■■[/color][/center][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■■■[/color][color=white]■■[/color][/color][/center][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■■■[/color]■■[/color][/center][c][center][color=#008080]■■[color=white]■■■[/color][/color][/center][/center][/table][hr][table=5][center][color=#008080]Дисциплины[/color][hr][b]DISCIPLINES[/b][/center][c][center][color=#008080]анимализм[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Animalism[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]изменчивый[/color][hr][small][b][color=white]Protean[/color][/b][/small][/center][c][center][color=#008080]
[/center][spoiler=Details]Level One - Feral Whispers: To those they would command, a vampire must first make themselves understood. So it is with beasts as well as men. A vampire using Feral Whispers overpowers the animal’s instinctive reactions and forces it to understand. They can ask questions of a creature and it must respond as best it can, and with a further slight nudge, they can compel it to obey them. A canny vampire can use magpies and crows to spy on their victims from above, or command a gangster’s mastiffs to savage their owner.

The vampire can communicate with an animal, asking it what it has perceived. Most animals can remember what has happened over the last night. Animals relate what they have encountered through the lens of their own perceptions — dogs answer in terms of smell and hearing, while birds relate what they could see. The vampire can also give the victim a simple command, equivalent to what the animal could do on its own, such as “attack him,” “follow her then return here,” “chew through these cables.” The command doesn’t normally persist for more than a night, but the vampire can add simple contingencies such as forcing the beast to go to ground if noticed, or to return once the command is complete.[/spoiler][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■[/color]■■■■[/color][/center][spoiler=Details]Level One - Unmarked Grave: With a silent command, the earth itself yawns open to embrace the vampire. She merges with the ground, becoming immune to almost any harm. She can remain there indefinitely, waiting in a cocoon of soil until the time is right for her to emerge. She does not have to find stone or mud, she can just as easily slip into concrete — as long as she has servants willing to feed her while she rests.

The vampire sinks bodily into the earth, for as long as she desires. Once interred, she’s mostly insensible to the outside
world, though she can remain conscious if she so wishes. She has a sense of the ground above her — she’s well aware if someone tries to concrete over her hiding place. Her Kindred senses continue to function, and she remains capable of sensing the predatory aura even though her safe haven means another vampire’s predatory aura can’t force her into a fight-or-flight reaction. Should someone spill blood or Vitae upon the ground, she can absorb it. The ground dilutes Vitae enough that it can’t result in a blood bond, but to a Vitae-addicted vampire just the taste might be enough to drive her out of the ground, thirsty for more.

The only way to harm the vampire is to damage or destroy the ground she resides in; she takes damage for each bit of Structure that her haven loses. When she takes any would-be lethal damage she emerges from the ground, unable to hold herself in.
[/spoiler][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■[/color]■■■■[/color][/center][spoiler=Details]Persistent Resilience: Adds the vampire’s Resilience to his already peak stamina. This may raise a character’s stamina above the normal limits imposed by his Blood Potency ( As your character gains far more durability the higher your blood potency goes). Whenever he is dealt damage, for each dot of Resilience he possesses, the less damage he takes from all sources. This applies to damage from fire, but not sunlight. Resilience offers no reprieve from the sun’s blazing eye.

Resilience Active: By spending Vitae a vampire can dismiss grievous wounds. For each point of Vitae spent, choose one effect from the following list. A vampire may spend additional Vitae to invoke multiple effects simultaneously, but no effect of Resilience may be used more than once per scene.

• A Vampire can use his resilience to absorb damage, mechanically this is similar to armor, but does nothing to reduce the visual and superficial signs of injury. Absorbed damage appears to be dealt, but visual wounds do not inhibit the vampire physically in any way, though in a social context they likely create some difficulties. All superficial wounds may be healed completely for by Vitae whenever he next slumbers. If an injury specifically removes a limb, an eye, or so on, the vampire does suffer logical impairments from the injuries. This method of reducing damage does make it more difficult to stake a vampire, the more resilience you use, the less damage you take from assaults. At one point you might be able to absorb a few choice blows from an opponent, where at five points you can take a majority of injuries without slowing down.

• The vampire may use his Resilience to all damage from fire. Sunlight still remains beyond the power of Resilience to defend against. All superficial signs of damage remain: Even if a vampire lost no Health while dashing through an inferno, he still emerges a burnt corpse. In this case, however, the visible damage is only as severe as it would be for a mortal who’d suffered the same level of harm. The more points you have in resilience when you activate this effect to deal with fire, the more likely you are to be able to withstand it. At one point you may only be able to deal with fire for a very brief period of time ( up to 2 minutes. ) where at five points it would be something greater. ( half an hour. )[/spoiler][c][center][color=white][color=#008080]■■[/color]■■■[/color][/center][spoiler=Details]Persistent Vigor: Add the vampire’s dots in Vigor to her already peak strength. This can raise her strength above the normal limits imposed by her Blood Potency ( as a character becomes stronger the more potent their blood is). Additionally, the vampire may use their Vigor to enforce their jumps. The yards jumped are increased the more points they place into their vigor, and the higher their blood potency is; a vampire at one point of vigor might be able to jump high enough to jump over a fence straight out, where a vampire at five points in vigor could potentially jump high enough to be mistaken for flight, such as jumping to the roof of a castle or large building.

Vigor Active: By spending Vitae a vampire can energize her dead muscles, giving her a brief but substantial burst of strength. For Vitae spent choose one effect from the following list. A vampire may spend additional vitae to invoke multiple effects simultaneously, but no effect of Vigor may be used more than once per scene.

• A vampire may use her Vigor as a weapon bonus to all attacks made during a scene. This puts enormous strain on weapons, especially those not intended for heavy hitting. Improvised weapons tend to break within a couple of swings, and anything not considerably powerful will most likely explode after a single use. The strength behind this skill varies with your ability in Vigor, one point may be able to add a small amount of power behind a swing, capable of maybe hitting a home run with a bat that carries over to maybe a block away, where five points is capable of using a bat to completely decimate a steel enforced safe door without even breaking a sweat.

• Lift and hurl objects normally far too unwieldy to use as weapons, such as boulders, cars, and other people. Any object she can lift, can be used as an improvised melee or throwing weapon. Improvised weapons and objects such as cars or boulders, deal lethal damage to mortals, while those with much larger sizes deal lethal damage even to vampires. What you can pick up is dependent on your Vigor score, those with one point in Vigor may only be able to pick up slightly larger objects such as a city-styled mailbox with ease, where someone with five points in Vigor could pick up a tank.
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