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When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
identify the skills and concepts that will be presented in this module
use the module checklist to set a schedule and keep track of your progress
complete a pretest to demonstrate your current understanding of the concepts in this module

This class gives you the opportunity to use what you learn to make real lifestyle changes on a daily basis. After you complete your assignments, get up, get moving, and shoot for at least 60 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity. Remember to record and monitor your activities so you can track your progress.

Each module includes a required entry in your wellness plan that you will submit for grading at the end of the module. In the wellness plan, you will:

Complete and document regular physical activity, including at least three different activities per week
Document your fitness assessment results and compare them to your baseline
Write wellness goals based on your fitness assessment results
Design workout plans incorporating the areas of fitness covered in the course
Answer reflection questions about the progress you're making toward each of your goals
Be sure to look over the Module One Wellness Plan requirements now so you know exactly what needs to be documented as you move through the lessons.


When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
analyze your individual responsibility to maintain or improve your health
identify in-school and community opportunities to participate in physical activities
discuss the importance of participating in a variety of activities that contribute to your enjoyment and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle

By now, you've heard that exercising and eating well are important. But as a teen, you're probably thinking, "I'm already busy enough with school and friends…what's the point?" Good question. Believe it or not, getting enough physical activity and eating well affects a lot more than your waistline.

Teens need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) at least five days a week. More and more participation in MVPA will help you build stamina.

average teen day-
7 hours of sleep+7 hours of school + 7.5 entertainment
+1.5 food +1 hour exerciser =24 hours

Aerobic Activities

Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and your heart beat faster. These exercises are especially good for your heart, which in turn is good for your whole body! It includes activities that keep your heart beating faster for at least 20 minutes straight, like walking, running, bicycling, cross country skiing, and swimming.

Muscle-strengthening Activities

Muscle-strengthening activities do just that–they make your muscles stronger. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to look like a big bodybuilder, but it does mean you’ll be stronger and healthier. These include activities like push-ups, sit-ups, using weights or resistance bands, yoga, and Pilates.

Bone-strengthening Activities

Bone-strengthening activities involve movements, like jumping, that produce a force on the bones. This is especially important for children and teens because your bones are still developing.

Balance and Stretching Activities

Balance and stretching activities enhance physical stability and flexibility. This helps reduce the risk of injuries. They include activities like stretching, dancing, yoga, and martial arts.

Lifestyle vs. Leisure

Often, lifestyle activities like cleaning, gardening, or walking the dog can be considered moderate to vigorous if they raise your heart rate higher than your resting rate for more than 20 minutes.

Leisure activities are activities that you participate in for pure enjoyment. You can select leisure activities like biking, horseback riding, and playing tennis. These can be played at a low to moderate level for people who cannot participate in strenuous activities. All are a great way to balance your fitness routine.


It is important that you select an activity that fits your current financial resources. Some sports require expensive memberships and equipment; others require no equipment at all. Choose the one that best meets your financial situation.


If you have an injury, illness, or physical disability, you may not be able to participate in some activities. However, there are a number of activities that could be right for you even with your limitations. A medical or health professional can help by making recommendations for activities that best suit your needs.

Geographic Locations

If you live in the mountains, surfing might not be the best choice for exercise. If you live in a hot climate, you might not be able to ice skate to meet your exercise goals. Choose an activity that is easily accessible in the area where you live. This may mean that you need to join a gym, get creative, or adjust your activities with the seasons.

Team or Individual

You may need to alter your activity plans based on the availability of team or individual sports. If you choose to play a team sport like soccer, during the off-season you might want to try another sport or participate in an individual aerobic activity.

Every Little Bit Counts
Fitting activity into a daily routine can be easy — take a 20-minute walk to the mall instead of driving. Or take the stairs instead of the elevator. These choices don’t seem like much, but they can add up throughout the day.

Make it a Priority
Whenever possible, try to schedule physical activities at least 10-30 minutes at a time; shorter bursts of activity will not have the same health benefits. For example, walking the dog for 10 minutes before and after school or adding a 10-minute walk at lunchtime can add to your weekly goal.

Making physical activity a priority in your schedule will help you make sure you get in at least 60 minutes total each day. You are in control of your own health and fitness, which means you get to choose what you want to do and how to make it a priority in your day.

Mix Things Up
Be willing to try new activities to find what you like the best, and to mix up activities to enjoy a variety of health benefits. If you start to get bored with an activity, mix it up to keep things interesting. Swim, play with your dog, take a yoga class, go paintballing, mow the lawn, join a flash mob, play Frisbee, go surfing, join a team, learn to hula hoop, or lift weights.
M Things Up
Be willing to try new activities to find what you like the best, and to mix up activities to enjoy a variety of health benefits. If you start to get bored with an activity, mix it up to keep things interesting. Swim, play with your dog, take a yoga class, go paintballing, mow the lawn, join a flash mob, play Frisbee, go surfing, join a team, learn to hula hoop, or lif

Invite a Friend
Find a friend who wants to join you on a walk or in a class at the gym, ask your brother to play basketball or go for a bike ride, join a softball team at the park, or try out for a team at school. Having someone to work out with can often make an activity more fun, and will make you less likely to skip out on it.

Have Fun!
Choose activities that you enjoy, and you’re more likely to stick with them. Whether it’s a team sport, rollerblading, kayaking, or jump-roping, just get out and get going!

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Regards; Team

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