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*Met Fancy in a dream well not met because he didn't talk to me he just looked and I was to afraid to talk to him so I tried to act nice and do things for him or other people that were in my dream I can't remember all of them but I know Kara and Fancy I think a butler and someone else but I don''t know who so I think Kara knew I was trying to act nice because of Fancy XD yeah maybe so well then almost at the end of my dream Fancy finally started to talk to me or I think I just said "Fancy" (I think that was a bad choice of word on my part I think I should've said "Wesley") and then he started to talk to me but idk what he said though ='( then he picked me up by my waist and I was so confused and he carried me to the dining room and asked (idk if he really asked) me to carry this like hm... paper covered in plastic (sorry) and put it in front of my clothes like 3 in. away and then he still carried me and threw a tiny bouncy ball at me and since it was hard to move I had to dodge them with all I got so it looked like I was preforming a dance and Fancy and I start laughing and he put me down and we talked a little more but I forgot what about well then my dream ended but I wanted to ask all kinds of questions but since my dream ended I couldn't ="(

* My teacher Mrs.Jacobs was leading the class to the bathroom that was on the right side of the school and since I don't like the schools bathroom I decided to wait in a line in the hall like you should do and then my teacher from last year (Mrs.McWillams) walked in the doors and saw me waiting in the hall and I was in her way so I moved and let her get through but then she turned around and hugged me and kissed me on the forehead like 4 times and said "I used to shut the door on you in my class and leave you behind" idk if that was really it but she kissed me on the forehead like 4 times again and said "but always be confident Amara" and my teacher Mrs.Jacobs was just over there looking so confused and Mrs.McWillams walked away and my dream ended

um... my other 2 dreams um... I don't want to tell them sorry
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