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A series of questions....

Why am I so awesome?
Is it something that a do? Something that I say?
The way I walk? The way I talk?
why aren't other people as awesome as I am?
What makes a person lame?
Why would a person even want to stay lame?
Do lame people know they're lame?
Is every person "built" equal?
What in the bible makes us think that we are?
If every person is born equal then why are innocent children dying?
If god takes no responsibly for this, then who will?
Could it be that he put me on the earth to fix this problem?
Who else can do what I do? Can anybody? Can everybody?
If they can then why don't they?
If they can't then why....
then why am I still here?
Why am I not there?
What is stopping me?
Where do I go?
Where to I start?
How do I begin?
When will the questions end and the answers begin?

A series of Answers.... As observed by Myself......

I am awesome because I refuse to be anything less.
I go after the impossible, think the unthinkable and never say no to a challenge.
I walk with confidence and talk as if the entire world listens.
People aren't as awesome as I am because they never try.
A "lame person" knows his talents are weak, and doesn't bother to improve them.
This type of person thinks inside the box, and for that reason they'll never escape.
A lame is completely aware of his status.
Every person is made equal but not everyone is treated as such.
God died for everyone's sins not just a select few.
While we are might be born equal we are not born in equal conditions.
If God takes no responsibly then he trusts me and people similar to do the job.
Only time will show my true destiny.
Anybody do what I do yet nobody can do it with such ease.
Everybody has the potential yet no one has the talent or skill.
I'm here to help others do what I did.
When It's time for me to leave I'll know.
I'm scared that I'm the only person with such power.
I move towards success.
The journey begins today, right now.
I begin by improving my self and improving others.
The answers to life are short and the questions are limitless.

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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