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English 3 notes
Puritans are Englishman
Predestination: the idea that God knows where each person will end up in eternity
Those who were blessed with wealth and prosperous family were elected to heaven
There is no free will, just the plan of God
The word Puritan means -against pleasure
Although they preferred to be called "the godly", they were given the name "puritans" for their struggle to reform or purify the Church of England.
A group of English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries
Came to America from England in 1630-10 years after the pilgrims.
Arrived in Salem, Massachusetts.
Church attendance was mandatory.
If you missed church, you would pay a fine.
Very religious
Little compromise
If you stayed from God, you received a harsh punishment
They felt no remorse-they felt that if God did the punishment, it would be much worse
Adulterers were either given a scarlet A
Or they would be whipped in public
Or they would be put in the stockade
Or they would be hanged
Puritans were constantly fearful of what would happen to them when they died
Salvation is not based on your beliefs or good works
Puritans believed in a literal interpretation of the bible
They did not believe in excess worship; they wanted no rituals, adornments, no stained glass, no cushioned pews, no singing, and no music
They wanted to keep things simple so that they could concentrate on God
Promoted education and reading
Must be able to read in order to read the bible
Against anything the bible is against, technology, democracy, pride, sleeping during sermons, and divorce
Created first college, first bookstore, and the first newspaper
Wore colored clothes (not bright colors)-not black
Had games like horse racing and ninepin bowling
Protestant work ethic: God's favor was won through hard and honest work

Accommodate: to make adjustment; to make room for or make fit
When my sister comes to town, we accommodate her by cleaning out the spare room.

Havoc: wide and general destruction; devastation.
The hurricane created complete havoc on the school.

Impassive: without feeling; not affected by pain
You act so impassive when I expect you to be upset.

Rationalize: to give a reasonable explanation; to explain or justify on reasonable grounds
Do not rationalize why you are late for school-you are still late.

Unkempt: not combed; untidy; not well kept
Her hair is always so unkempt.

Marred: damaged; disfigured
After the accident, the car was marred

Eloquence: expressiveness; persuasive speech; speaking well.
Colin Powell is an amazing speaker who speaks with such eloquence.

Implication: that which is hinted at or suggested; hint; suggestion
Are you using the implication that I am sleepwalking? That is not true!

Deploy: to position or arrange; to spread out.
When we are ready to go to war, the president will deploy troops

Elaboration: addition of details;
Her lie was an elaboration of what really happened.

Attention grabber
Incident or brief story
Ask a question (rhetorical)
Use a quotation
An intriguing example
Startling information or fact

End with a summary and final thought

Include a thought provoking question or short series of questions
What should be done about the subject

A very brief summary of what your paper is about
No more than 5 words
Write after you have written the paper

Blaxicans and other reinvented Americans
Argument- speech or writing that expresses a position on the issue
Irony- contrast between appearance and reality
Verbal irony- occurs when a character states one thing and means another

Vocabulary 3

Omnipotent: all knowing. All seeing. Having great or unlimited power.
The mythological God Zeus is considered omnipotent because he sees everything and knows everything.

Detriment: loss, damage, disadvantage, or injury
Texting and driving can be a detriment to your life.

Concise- expressing or covering much in few words; to the point; brief.
The Puritan notes were not very concise because there was so much information to learn.

Gullible- easily deceived or cheated
When you are gullible, people can pressure you into anything.

Nominal- small cost compared to the actual price or worth.
For a nominal fee, you too can own a two headed camel.

Detached- not attached; separated; not connected
My new house has a detached garage.

Concede- to acknowledge as true
I concede that Florida beaches are better than south Carolina's beaches.

Methodical- performed carefully; slow and careful; deliberate
When I create my PowerPoints, I'm methodical because it helps me get them done efficiently.

Fluctuate- to change continually; shift back and forth
Her thoughts about junk food seem to fluctuate from not eating it to wanting it all the time.

Indifference- lack of interest or concern
He does not care about shopping, so when he goes with me, he shows his indifference

Amy tan
Born is Oakland, California in 1952
Parents wanted her to be a doctor or a pianist
First novel, the joy luck club, was published in 1989.
Parents fled communist China to come to the U.S.
mother tongue, written in 2004

Vocab 4

Passive voice: the target of the action is in the subject position
[Insert noun here] becomes the focus of the sentence.

Parallelism: similarity of structure in a pair of series of related words or phrases.
What you see is what you get

Anecdote: a short account of a particular incident or event, of an interesting or amusing nature
Easy come, easy go

Allegory: stories or poems that are interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning that is either moral or political
In the novel animal farm, the author uses animals to teach an allegory about politics

Inference: make an educated guess based on prior knowledge and evidence.
If this box is super heavy, I can make the inference that it is a new tv.

Allusion- a reference to well known pieces of work that you are expected to know
"Steve is a real Hercules" is an allusion about mythology

Flash forward: a literary device in which the plot goes ahead of time
The ghost of christmas future takes you a flash forward to see what happens in the future.

Irony: the difference of appearance and reality
It's ironic that his clothes are so torn up because he is a millionaire.

Verbal irony: a speaker speaks something contradictory than what they meant.
Sarcasm is a form of verbal irony.

Flashback: an event where someone knows something in the past or earlier event
Suddenly after the dream, there was a flashback.

Savagery: an uncivilized or barbaric state or condition; barbarity
Indians were seen as having savagery because they were different

Naiveté: lack of experience, wisdom or judgement
She showed her naiveté by giving the man all of her money.

Vocab 5

Kindle: Start a fire; inspire
My English teacher is always able to kindle my love of reading.

Tenacious: persistent;stubborn
I am tenacious when I have made up my mind.

Bravado: A display of false or assumed courage.
Even though he is scared, he puts on a bravado for his fellow soldiers.

Pedagogue: A teacher of children
Dora the explorer could be considered a pedagogue.

Persevere: To continue on regardless of the difficulties you face.
Abraham Lincoln persevered when he continued to fail, then eventually became an amazing president.

Libel: Written material defaming(ruining) someone's good name; material published without just cause.

The newspaper is being held libel for publishing the story when it is false.

Diligence: Steady in effort; persistent hard work.
He showed diligence when learning how to ride a bike.

Animosity: Active hatred.
Jane shows animosity towards Beth because her friend made her angry.

Infallible: Free from error; absolutely dependable
Doctors sometimes make mistakes and are not infallible.

Congenial: Getting along with other people; agreeable; pleasant.
Bob is so congenial that everyone wants to be his friend.

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