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The Box is the cosmological object that contains everything. Regardless of any internal properties, it is in the Box, for any value of "it". This means that the Box is the largest imaginable, unimaginable, theoretical, nontheoretical, unphysical, metaphysical, pataphysical, useful, or useless set. The Box is, and the Box is not if you will. The Box contains anything beyond space, time, reality, logic, and everything else that could, can, and will ever be thought of or not thought of no matter what anything says otherwise. The Box contains the Omniverse, as well as infinite variations of said verse, to the point where it is not even a "verse". The Box contains not only all of existence, but infinite variations of an infinite set of 'concepts' completely different from existence. The Box contains everything outside the box, while still being contained by The Box. Additionally, the Box contains all properties and anything that can be elaborated or not elaborated upon; effectively, all statements include the tag "is inside the Box" by definition. The Box also follows all types of physical realm using all properties, including the metaphysical realm and the pataphysical realm. No entity, concept, possibility, or impossibility exists outside the Box. Any attempts at explaining how something exists beyond the Box are retroactively nullified; by placing something "beyond" or "outside" it. The very fact that the object/verse/being holds properties or is being thought/defined at all places it inside the Box, and will supersede any explanation or excuse of why is outside of the box. All permutations of logic possible and impossible are in the Box, and it also contains an infinite number of copies of itself. One version of this would be Altarca. Impossipotence (From Impossible Potent "Impossible power") This power is so impossible that even the users of this power don't have this power, but can use it to do anything they want regardless of that fact, allowing them to use any power they want or none at all while still somehow using them.

Principles of Impossipotence
Impossible power; It allows for all power to be superseded, Beyond absolute-level, The pinnacle of impossibility, existing above and beyond omnipotence unilaterally.

To elaborate, Impossipotence is the description of true impossibility, which unlike Omnipotence it isn't bound by anything. And can do the truly impossible such as " Defeating an omnipotent being without them losing their Omnipotence".

Beyond Omnipotence

By definition Beyond Omnipotence is impossible so there can never be one until now with as many Impossipotent beings per fiction, but even if an omnipotent or omnivastant being tries to gain this power they will only lose their Omnipotence/Omnivastance, because they can't attain Impossipotence, not even with their above all power.

As a truly impossible power it exceeds powers like Omnipotence/Omnivastance without being stronger and can still surpass them and not revoke their status.
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