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Roy has tried so many times to show Alisha how much he loves her and how much he likes her, but all his message and all his efforts are all in vain. But he will never stop liking her…
it was the day that Alisha has never been into such life. She finally accepted his proposal and she has her first kiss with Roy. So Roy finally conquer Alisha’s heart! And from that day on they were the LOVE-BIRDS that everybody in the world talks about.
Alisha has been waiting for this day in all her life, to find a perfect partner, to find a perfect relationship. She is an angle that everybody talks about because of her immense beauty and the calmness of her personality.
Three years has passed…and for Alisha, life is just a dream, like a heaven when she is near with her lover's Roy.
And after three perfect relationship they decide to get married in the month of November 19. Roy couldn’t be much happier because in all his life he has been driven crazy by this lady and he has been madly in love with her for so many years almost 7 years and now his long dream girl, the most beautiful girl that everybody talks about in the city, the most beautiful girl in the whole world-wide world ..that lady is finally going to wed him tomorrow. How happy that must be!

They were married for two years now. Life is all fine, they never stop loving and caring each other. They live a perfect couple life. But nobody knows what life will comes along? what life set for the future?
Roy has changed a little bit since the past two months. Sometimes he comes home late night and sometimes he make excuses to stay over to his friend’s house. Alisha was a little bit worried when Roy didn’t come home at night. Alisha misses her husband in the noon, in the evening, in the night almost every minutes. Roy was everything to her after all.
As years pass by..Roy began to partying with his friend, hang out with some other girls and he slowly forgets away his loving wife Alisha. Roy was too weak to fall easily in the temptation of a young girl whose name is Miya,the high school students.

Days passed by and the cold silence loneliness filled the day and night in their house. The old Roy has gone and the new Roy comes home everyday late at night. Alisha couldn’t understand and she wants to ask ‘why’? But Roy was clever enough to tall tale to his wife and acted as if he misses a lot in his office and in this way he diverts her minds from her query.
One day Roy got drunk and comes home late at night. When they were in love before they got married, it was Roy's promises that he will never drink nor cheat to Alisha. But their once ‘love’ promises is all gone now. Alisha feel sad, tears won’t stop falling down from her cheeks. They quarrel badly for the first time after their two years of married life.
The only question that keeps on asking in Alisha’s mind is “what made him changed dramatically?” Roy was too drunk to talk with Alisha, and throw down his body in the living sofa and fast asleep away peacefully. Alisha took off his shoes, took his coat and went to her room crying. She slowly put up the coat in the closet and while she put the coat in the closet something felt down from the pocket. it was a girl’s clip. She couldn’t believe it. why would Roy carry girl’s clip in his coat? Alisha can see a long girl’s hair sticking inside the clip. She put it back and slowly went back to her lonely bed. She’ll cry till twilight! Her tears would go dry...She was half death when she woke up by the morning alarm. Roy woke up too got breakfast, and soon drove his Mercedes Benz and went off for his work early in the morning. While driving, he can still remember the previous night incidence that he almost hit Alisha and how Alisha reacted to it. He knows he has hurts Alisha but he couldn’t help! He’s in love with Miya. The poor Roy! As he was thinking about the previous night incident he already reached his office. So he put on his coat, and took a lift to reach his office in third floor building.
He still think of the incidence that had happen back at home and he feel sorry for Alisha. While standing in the lift putting his hand in pocket he can feel something inside his coat and he check the pocket to see what’s inside the pocket. He found Miya’s clip in his pocket that was put by Miya while before they had sex in his friend’s apartment. Roy was desperate to know if Alisha knows about this because this coat was hung inside the closet while he went asleep in the night.
Roy never changed! but he keeps on continuing his aimless life. Roy continue on partying with friends and having a sexual relationship with Priya. And this is how he spend off his monthly income salary and all his money.
Everyday Alisha waited for Roy to come back home and she misses him desperately. Her loneliness made her feel sometimes to get out of her house and enjoy with her friend and enjoy with other guy like her husband did. But Alisha was a good girl and she she won’t do it. She is loyal and faithful to her husband. Everyday her days ends up with hatred.. and anger.. and frustration... and jealousy...
Roy was carried away by this devil world. Most of the time he came home late drunk and irritated. The couple often quarrel and lost their old ‘love’ that they once had! Slowly everything they had hope for disappear away in the air.
In one occasion, Alisha ran off to her friend’s house in the night cause Roy after arguing something got angry and start hitting Alisha so badly and this made Roy, a monster making Alisha scared out off his house. Alisha began to worry about her life and she remember her mother, her childhood life and all her old friend. She began to misses her mother. She was once a beautiful lady adore by everyone. She was the most beautiful girl that people in the whole town talks by and how guys will chase after her. she still remember Arjun who always asked for her love and to all guys who asked for her love she rejected them all and she finally accepted Roy thinking to be the ‘special one’. And still Alisha loves him. Everything that had happen between Roy and her flash back just like yesterday. She can still remember the laughter of his voice and can feel his gentle hands that holds her with him. But time passed only she can remember is his cruel eyes,how he slap her,how he tortured her whenever she talks about Priya and his relationship. She can’t take it anymore. She even thought of running back to her old home getting divorce with Roy. But the sad thing is she is still in love with her cruel husband. She can’t leave him. But at the same time her hatred towards him, jealously over his relationship with Miya made her wants to be a witch and take back everything she once has.
It was a cold winter night in the month of Nov 19, which Alisha has written in her secret diary “NOVEMBER-my favourite months of all the month-because Alisha and Roy got married during this cold romantic month”.
Roy came home late at night as usual drunk and aggressive. When he entered the house he can see the blur dim candle light and some glass and flowers around the table. He don’t have any idea and he completely forgot that today is their 5th anniversary. Alisha had been waiting for him to get back home all day long. She was happy because today was the day they got married and she was hoping to give her a surprise. But Roy was too drunk to understand a thing and totally forgot away this beautiful romantic day. For him everyday is a good day with Miya. And he always wanted to be with Miya. He even think of eloping Miya. Things get worse when Roy mentioned Miya instead of Alisha. Roy pretend to be his loving husband that he once was. But Alisha came to know that Roy is in love with Miya, not her. The jealousy is all that is in Alisha’s mind. How could she hate him forever when Roy was still her hero because by the time she fell in love with Roy her heart was already promises to never let go of Roy, to love him till she dies. Roy feel sorry for Alisha and couldn’t have candle light cheers with her because he was too drunk to stand and talk to her. He lay down in the sofa and went back to sleep. Alisha feel stupid! How unromantic her whole plan was! Alisha cried out loud and cried out low. suddenly Roy’s phone beeps and the incoming text says “when are we getting married? you better divorce her!” Its Miya! Slowly she looks back to Roy and see him sleeping. There she saw his neck, his chest full of lipstick, loves bite! Suddenly her minds filled with hatred, jealousy. She now couldn’t live without Roy. She was scared of loosing him. She looks at him and she looks back at the lonely table burning with dim candle light which is suppose to be a romantic candle night. She saw a knife. And she wonder what she would do with the knife. She slowly walk up to the table, picked up the knife and murmur to herself with full of tears in her eyes. Roy is still sleeping like a baby. She look at him, remembering everything they have done in the past year. How happy they once were. How romantic their love is! She wish Miya never exist in their life. It was Miya’s bite and lips that spread all over his neck to chest. Alisha was so afraid to loose his Roy. With the thunder in the sky, the world gave her a power the great strength! And with full of jealousy and hatreds Alisha stabbed Roy right in the chest saying “i love you Roy” “always be mine”.
Roy looked her up and realised how much she loves him, 'sorry it was the biggest mistake of his life'. He touches Alisha’s lips with his hand and died . Alisha’s world suddenly became dark and lost. For a minute she can’t believe herself of what she had done. Looking at Roy’s body, she only murmurs “he is dead’. Roy is dead! now what must she do? She knows she will be blame for this murder. But she don’t care! She picked up her bag, cover the knife with her scarf that Roy has bought her a year ago and went out to the street to feel the soft breeze in the lonely night.
Every seconds was just the image of Roy in her mind. She still couldn’t leave the incident that had happen a few hours ago. And with a tears in her eyes sipping her coffee and stared out in a cafe shop's window, here seats the most lonely girl in the whole world. And besides near her, there lay the blood stained knife next to her handbag, covered with her blue silk scarf. This day,Today will haunt her forever. She kills her hatred, her jealousy. She kills Roy out of jealousy and hatred, but did she has a hopes and dreams to live on? Did she still has the hope and dreams that the young Alisha once has?
She only wish Roy could come and hug her, make a joke to her.
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