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Dear FutureMe,
So in this letter I'm going to include a series of journal entries I made during camp this summer in Demeter. As you can probably guess, the theme is The Evie Problem of 2K15. It's titled "Dear Cabinmates." You probably still remember writing these, so I'll just go ahead and type them in.

"Dear Cabinmates, I am issuing a complaint. You talk about Evie way too much. Stop it right now before I die."
"Dear Cabinmates, did you even read my complaint?! You really ought to stop soon. Although, on a completely unrelated note, thanks for letting me know that she's 18... that's only 4 years... Caroline stop this right now. Cabinmates, sorry for the interruption. Please take a moment to consider my complaint and sit down and think really hard about what you could do to help me out."
"Dear Cabinmates, you really don't seem to be paying any regard to my earlier complaint. Or my complaint that you weren't paying attention to my first complaint. I know you never even saw either one of them in the first place, but that's irrelevant, don't you think? You really have to stop, or I'll die pretty soon. Your cabinmate is suffering and you are doing nothing to help. Shame on you."
"Okay, okay, you got me on this one- I didn't specify enough when I said "cabinmates." I also meant counselors. This just happened.
Emily: So then Evie, I mean, what am I saying, Lian... (she said the wrong name)
Dear Cabinmates and Counselors, you have failed me. You literally managed to mention her without even talking about her at all! I know I didn't specify that counselors needed to listen to my complaint, but it was still very inconsiderate. Please listen the first time when I issue a complaint!"
"Oh, and on the topic of Nadia. She seems to think she's not included in 'Cabinmates and Staff.' Let me revise.
Dear Cabinmates and Staff and Nadia, FOR THE LAST TIME STOP TALKING ABOUT EVIE! Thank you and goodnight."
"Dear Cabinmates, you all suck. It's my birthday and out really couldn't be bothered to listen to the hundreds of complaints I made already? I'm looking at you, Lian."
"Dear Cabinmates, fuck you. You are making my last few days at camp so angsty, and I can't deal. So for the last time, stop talking about Evie!!"
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Regards; Team

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