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How to Create a Facebook Messenger Bot
If you'd like to create a Facebook Messenger bot, there are a few things you should know. First, you need to create a storyboard for your chat bot. Once that's done, you can add more buttons to it. Then, you can use multiple buttons to increase response rate. That way, your customers will have an easier time responding to your chatbot. Here are some tips to help you create a conversational chat bot:

Create a chatbot in MobileMonkey

A chatbot can help you answer questions that your customers may have. It can also schedule appointments and ask broad match questions. Unlike a human customer service rep, chatbots can run 24 hours a day. Moreover, chatbots can save you money on customer service. MobileMonkey won the Martech Breakthrough Award for best marketing bot solution for 2019.

First of all, you have to create a Page Access Token (PAT) for your chatbot. This token will authenticate your requests when your bot communicates with your customers. You will also need to provide a webhook for your bot. Basically, this webhook will receive requests from your bot and post them on your Facebook page. You can also use it to subscribe to specific pages.

Storyboard your chatbot

Using a customer messaging platform such as Heyday, a Facebook Messenger bot can be created to help your business. Heyday's chatbot features a built-in conversational sales assistant that connects to your catalog for recommendations. It can also be used to make appointments through Messenger. If you want to know more about using chatbots to drive business, check out this free guide from Hootsuite.

Once you have a basic understanding of the basics of conversational architecture, you can begin the process of creating a chatbot. You can start by creating a storyboard, which highlights the steps involved in answering questions. You can also use mindmaps and flowcharts to draw out a conversation. If you're building a chatbot for Facebook Messenger, the next step is to create a user-friendly chatbot interface.

Add more than one button to chatbot

If you'd like to add more than one button to your Facebook messenger bot, you can do so by editing your chatbot's welcome message. To add additional buttons, go to the "Edit" tab of the chatbot's welcome message and click "+ Add Block." Type the name of the button and then click "Save". Once your chatbot is finished, you can test it by selecting "View on Messenger."

Adding more than one button to your Facebook Messenger bot will allow you to offer your visitors more ways to interact with it. For example, if your chatbot responds with a vague term, the user will receive an error message that directs them to a more specific response. You can even display more than one button in your chat history. However, you should note that the space for buttons is limited horizontally and varies from device to device.

Increase response rate

One of the most effective ways to improve the response rate of your Facebook messenger chatbot is to mimic real-life conversation. If your chatbot can't mimic natural conversation, customers will likely think they're talking to an automated message instead of a human. That could lead to awkward conversations and dying conversations. To increase response rates of your Facebook messenger bot, make sure your bot mimics human conversation and that it has a natural tone. Make sure to give your chatbot breaks between responses so that it doesn't sound too busy or overflowing. If facebook bot are building your own bot, make sure you use the best platform to increase the response rate of your Facebook messenger bot.

Using a chatbot can make it easier for customers to contact you. A high-quality answer helps to pre-qualify potential customers. You can provide accurate information to reduce the risk of a customer searching for an alternative supplier. And, if your chatbot responds quickly, Facebook users will be more likely to purchase from you. As a bonus, Facebook users can see the percentage of responses that your bot has received from people and can see the type of interaction the user had with the bot.

Promote your chatbot

When you want to promote your Facebook messenger bot, there are several options to choose from. The easiest option is to create a messenger link that opens the company's conversation in Messenger. You can also create a messenger code that you can share with users, like a QR code or user profile code. This way, they will be able to find your company's chatbot without entering the URL themselves. However, you will need to promote your chatbot before it becomes popular.

When developing a chatbot, consider the demographics of the users of each social network. You can also consider adding content based on the trends of customers' questions. If your company is marketing-focused, think of your existing content and incorporate that into your chatbot. You may even want to consider hiring a creative team to come up with a personality for your chatbot. A personality will humanize the experience, aligning it with your brand, and give it a sense of personality.
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