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Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolutionary War who originally fought for the American Continental Army but defected to the British Army.Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, Connecticut, on January 14, 1741. A member of the Sons of Liberty, Arnold rose to the rank of general in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. He subsequently became a spy for the British, plotting to arrange a siege of West Point. When the plans came to light, Arnold defected to the British side. He died in London on June 14, 1801. Best known for: Being a traitor when he changed sides from the United States to the British. After the death of his parents, Benedict moved to New Haven and helped restore the family’s good name. He became a successful and enterprising pharmacist and soon made enough money to partner with a friend to buy three trading ships. Benedict and his partner established a profitable West Indies trade, and he often traveled throughout the Western Hemisphere conducting his business. In 1767, Benedict married Margaret Mansfield. The couple had three sons together, but Margaret died in 1775. Today, Benedict Arnold is the most famous traitor in American history. Despite his brilliance as an American general, he will be forever remembered as the man who gave the British the fort at West Point.

Wars/Battles he was in
⦁ American Revolutionary War
⦁ Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
⦁ Arnold's expedition to Quebec
⦁ Battle of Quebec
⦁ Battle of The Cedars
⦁ Battle of Valcour Island
⦁ Battle of Ridgefield
⦁ Relief of Fort Stanwix
⦁ Battles of Saratoga

⦁ British Army

⦁ Raid of Richmond
⦁ Battle of Blandford
⦁ Battle of Groton Heights

Awards - Boot Monument
Benedict's Rank
Major general (Continental Army)
Brigadier general (British Army)

was a military officer who served in the American Revolutionary War. Acting with Continental Army and South Carolina militia commissions, he was a persistent adversary of the British in their occupation of South Carolina in 1780 and 1781, even after the Continental Army was driven out of the state in the Battle of Camden. Due to his irregular methods of warfare, he is considered one of the fathers of modern guerrilla warfare, and is credited in the lineage of the United States Army Rangers. He was known as the Swamp Fox because of his craftiness in eluding pursuers in the Carolina swamps and his brilliant guerrilla operations.Marion was born at his family's plantation in Berkeley County, South Carolina, probably in 1732. The family's youngest son, Francis was a small boy with malformed legs, but he was restless, and at about 15 years old he joined the crew of a ship and sailed to the West Indies. During Marion's first voyage, the ship sank, supposedly after a whale rammed it. The seven-man crew escaped in a lifeboat and spent a week at sea before they drifted ashore. After the shipwreck, Marion decided to stick to land, managing his family's plantation until he joined the South Carolina militia at 25 to fight in the French and Indian War.After Eutaw Springs, Marion went to the South Carolina Legislature as an elected representative in the session of 1781. He was reelected in 1782 and 1784. Between times, he returned to his brigade, leading it in several engagements. At the end of the war he married a wealthy cousin, Mary Videau, and settled down at Pond Bluff, where he died on Feb. 26, 1795.
⦁ French and Indian War
⦁ American Revoulation
⦁ He missed Battle of Camden (Scout the peepee area. Dismissed from other wars also.
Rank Lieutenant Colonel,
Brigadier General
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