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Alzheimer's disease in dogs by 2022: Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

Could your pet have Alzheimer's or senile dementia? Having reached an advanced age does not mean we are immune to these diseases. Several animal species can also suffer from CDS, or Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, a form of Alzheimer's very similar to that seen in humans.

A dog's body displays visible signs of aging when it reaches maturity. Additionally, dogs can also lose habit and customs already established as well as become disoriented. Since dogs are already in the mature stage when they reach 8 years of age, we recommend that they consume a diet that can prevent brain aging.

When dogs reach advanced ages, they experience a series of neurodegenerative changes. The Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) is a set of behavioral and cognitive changes manifesting gradually in dogs.

B-amyloid (AB) is a protein that impacts neuronal function in the brain of those affected. Cognitive dysfunction manifests in dogs in a similar way to Alzheimer's in people. is often believed that cognitive dysfunction in dogs is caused by aging, which is a misconception many owners make. Behavior of our animal reflects the symptoms associated with this syndrome. In order to avoid confusion, it is important to administer tests to the patient in order to exclude other possible causes and differentiate primary attitude issues from those triggered by the disease.

The following are some of the changes they could experience, according to Raquel Alonso Santos, a veterinary graduate of the University of Central Mexico:

There is a decline in social and physical activity.

You become disorientated and lose track of people and places that are familiar to you.

With discouragement, respond to known demands.

Because of lack of understanding, they are slower to learn and cannot carry out certain orders.

In addition to altering sleep phases, they may wander at night or voice during the night.

The symptoms of CDS are general, but a veterinarian should do a thorough clinical assessment to determine whether the animal has another type of pathology.

The veterinarian should create a therapeutic protocol for CDS if the diagnosis is confirmed. In order for the patient's cognitive function to improve, certain guidelines are provided that complement the treatment. The benefits of playing with our animals and creating routines can help avoid stress, for instance.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that dogs with CDS will require attention, care, and affection in order to cope. There is no point in forgetting about them!

Founded in 1992, Creaciones Gloria designs, manufactures, and distributes products for dogs and cats

We also know that our furry friends are prone to certain cancers, whether they are skin, bone or internal. Discover the different types of cancer and how to prevent or detect it early with these recommendations!

We can also get cancer in our pets as we do in humans. According to a study by the American Veterinary Medical Association, a certain cancer causes 50% of deaths in pets over 10 years old.

Dogs, however, are often more likely than cats to develop cancer. Consequently, we've put together 6 recommendations that we must follow to ensure your furry's health. Providing you with the best care is our top priority!

It's very important that we sterilize our pets, regardless of whether they're female or male, to avoid spreading venereal tumors. In addition, females will have a lower risk of developing breast tumors because their reproductive hormones will be less affected.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to perform the surgery before the fetus completes its growth, as it can lead to bone cancer.

As well, we remember the necessity of following a series of post-surgical precautions and avoiding sterilization myths. Although veterinarians recommend it, it is also becoming more widespread, but there remain many taboos and false myths regarding it.

It is a preventive measure that our pets need to be administered periodically to keep them healthy.

About three times a year, dogs are dewormed. The second type of deworming involves treating fleas and ticks externally as well as internal parasites such as worms and worms.

Our pets will be healthy if we prevent diseases that lead to cancer or tumors.
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