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Non-Surgery Weight Loss Procedures
This nonsurgical weight loss procedure involves implanting three small balloons into the stomach. These are connected to a thin tube, which patients swallow after they have finished digesting food. The balloons expand and take up space in the stomach, making patients feel full while eating less. The procedure is repeated twice over a six-month period.
Gastric balloon

A gastric balloon is one of the safest and most effective nonsurgical procedures for weight loss. This procedure is FDA-approved and uses temporary implants to limit the amount of food that a patient can eat. It does not require incisions and most patients can return home the same day after the procedure. In addition, patients can resume their normal activities within 24 hours. Patients who undergo this procedure typically lose about 20% of their body weight within 24 months. Some patients do gain some weight back, but they always remain at a lower weight than before the procedure.

There are two main types of gastric balloons. The first is implanted by endoscopy. The second type, called a 'procedureless' balloon, is swallowed and remains in the stomach for 16 weeks to 12 months.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

A Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is a surgical procedure used to help patients lose large amounts of weight. However, it carries with it some risks, including blood clots and deep vein thrombosis. Weight Loss should understand these risks before choosing this surgery. Patients are also advised to follow strict diet and exercise regimens after the procedure to reduce the risk of complications.

This procedure involves creating a small pouch from the top of the stomach, approximately two tablespoons in size. This bypass bypasses a large part of the small intestine, known as the duodenum, which is used to digest food. Because of this, the stomach size decreases significantly. This in turn reduces the amount of food a person can eat. Furthermore, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass has been shown to improve health conditions associated with obesity.

After Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, patients meet with a dietitian to determine the diet changes they need to make post-surgery. In addition, they interact with a surgeon during the preoperative phase of the procedure, monitoring their progress and discussing the procedure's details. After the procedure, patients typically stay in the hospital for one to two nights, and are ready to resume normal activities within three to four weeks.
Sleeve gastrectomy

A Sleeve gastrectomy (SGB) is a non-surgical weight loss procedure that involves the removal of a portion of the stomach. This procedure helps reduce the production of the hormone ghrelin, otherwise known as the "hunger hormone." By reducing the size of the stomach, this procedure can significantly reduce a person's calorie intake and insulin requirements. As a result, people with type II diabetes may see an immediate reduction in their insulin prescriptions.

This procedure is performed using a minimally invasive endoscopic suturing device. This procedure is an excellent choice for patients who have difficulty losing weight through diet and exercise. The procedure results in a substantial initial weight loss, which can range from 15 to 20 percent of one's original weight. This procedure is also one of the safest and quickest to recover from.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a safe and effective procedure for people with a BMI of 30 to 40. While it is not a permanent solution, it can reduce the risk of developing serious weight-related health conditions. It is performed by an experienced surgeon who inserts a thin, flexible endoscope into the stomach.

The OverStitch is a new nonsurgical procedure that helps people with excess stomach weight to reduce it using an endoscopic device. It offers many advantages, including reduced postoperative pain, no visible scars, and a quick recovery time. This procedure isn't for everyone, though.

Patients who are candidates for the OverStitch procedure have a significant amount of excess stomach weight, and have tried various weight loss methods without success. The procedure works by decreasing the size of the stomach, making patients feel full faster. As a result, they are able to eat less, leading to weight loss. The OverStitch procedure is only offered at select Houston area medical facilities.

It uses the same technique as traditional gastric surgery, but with fewer risks and reduced recovery time. This makes it a more attractive option for people looking for non-surgical weight loss. The OverStitch Endoscopic Suturing System is a less invasive alternative to traditional gastric bypass surgery, and it can be used as an alternative for gastric banding for patients who want to avoid surgery.
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