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# 📚 index

| group | title | status | last seen | location |
| [marketo]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | marketojbwagqnwx.onion |
| [marketo]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | g5sbltooh2okkcb2.onion |
| [marketo]( | 404 Not Found | 🔴 | 2021-10-04 | fvki3hj7uxuirxpeop6chgqoczanmebutznt2mkzy6waov6w456vjuid.onion |
| [marketo]( | 502 Bad Gateway | 🔴 | 2022-03-14 | jvdamsif53dqjycuozlaye2s47p7xij4x6hzwzwhzrqmv36gkyzohhqd.onion |
| [synack]( | end of game | 🔴 | 2021-08-18 | xqkz2rmrqkeqf6sjbrb47jfwnqxcd4o2zvaxxzrpbh2piknms37rw2ad.onion |
| [suncrypt]( | News | 🟢 | | x2miyuiwpib2imjr5ykyjngdu7v6vprkkhjltrk4qafymtawey4qzwid.onion |
| [suncrypt]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | nbzzb6sa6xuura2z.onion |
| [lv]( | | 🟢 | | rbvuetuneohce3ouxjlbxtimyyxokb4btncxjbo44fbgxqy7tskinwad.onion |
| [lv]( | | 🔴 | 2021-12-02 | 4qbxi3i2oqmyzxsjg4fwe4aly3xkped52gq5orp6efpkeskvchqe27id.onion |
| [lorenz]( | Lorenz | 🟢 | | lorenzmlwpzgxq736jzseuterytjueszsvznuibanxomlpkyxk6ksoyd.onion |
| [lockbit2]( | LOCKFILE | 🔴 | 2021-11-21 | zqaflhty5hyziovsxgqvj2mrz5e5rs6oqxzb54zolccfnvtn5w2johad.onion |
| [lockbit2]( | LockBit BLOG | 🔴 | 2022-06-17 | yq43odyrmzqvyezdindg2tokgogf3pn6bcdtvgczpz5a74tdxjbtk2yd.onion |
| [lockbit2]( | LockBit BLOG | 🔴 | 2022-06-17 | oyarbnujct53bizjguvolxou3rmuda2vr72osyexngbdkhqebwrzsnad.onion |
| [lockbit2]( | LockBit BLOG | 🔴 | 2022-06-17 | lockbitaptstzf3er2lz6ku3xuifafq2yh5lmiqj5ncur6rtlmkteiqd.onion |
| [lockbit2]( | LockBit BLOG | 🔴 | 2022-06-17 | lockbitaptq7ephv2oigdncfhtwhpqgwmqojnxqdyhprxxfpcllqdxad.onion |
| [hiveleak]( | Hive | 🟢 | | hiveleakdbtnp76ulyhi52eag6c6tyc3xw7ez7iqy6wc34gd2nekazyd.onion |
| [hiveleak]( | Hive | 🟢 | | hivecust6vhekztbqgdnkks64ucehqacge3dij3gyrrpdp57zoq3ooqd.onion |
| [hiveleak]( | | 🟢 | | hiveapi4nyabjdfz2hxdsr7otrcv6zq6m4rk5i2w7j64lrtny4b7vjad.onion |
| [arvinclub]( | Arvin Club – آزادی برای اتصال | 🔴 | 2022-08-01 | 3kp6j22pz3zkv76yutctosa6djpj4yib2icvdqxucdaxxedumhqicpad.onion |
| [avoslocker]( | AvosLocker Access Queue | 🟢 | | avosqxh72b5ia23dl5fgwcpndkctuzqvh2iefk5imp3pi5gfhel5klad.onion |
| [grief]( | Grief list | 🔴 | 2022-05-02 | griefcameifmv4hfr3auozmovz5yi6m3h3dwbuqw7baomfxoxz4qteid.onion |
| [avaddon]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | avaddongun7rngel.onion |
| [vicesociety]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 4hzyuotli6maqa4u.onion |
| [vicesociety]( | Vice Society - Official Site | 🟢 | | vsociethok6sbprvevl4dlwbqrzyhxcxaqpvcqt5belwvsuxaxsutyad.onion |
| [vicesociety]( | there is nothing... | 🔴 | 2022-09-21 | ecdmr42a34qovoph557zotkfvth4fsz56twvwgiylstjup4r5bpc4oad.onion |
| [vicesociety]( | Vice Society - Official Site | 🟢 | | wmp2rvrkecyx72i3x7ejhyd3yr6fn5uqo7wfus7cz7qnwr6uzhcbrwad.onion |
| [vicesociety]( | Vice Society - Official Site | 🟢 | | ssq4zimieeanazkzc5ld4v5hdibi2nzwzdibfh5n5w4pw5mcik76lzyd.onion |
| [vicesociety]( | Vice Society - Official Site | 🟢 | | ml3mjpuhnmse4kjij7ggupenw34755y4uj7t742qf7jg5impt5ulhkid.onion |
| [xinglocker]( | 星Team News | 🔴 | 2022-01-24 | xingnewj6m4qytljhfwemngm7r7rogrindbq7wrfeepejgxc3bwci7qd.onion |
| [darkside]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | darksidc3iux462n6yunevoag52ntvwp6wulaz3zirkmh4cnz6hhj7id.onion |
| [ragnarlocker]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | rgleak7op734elep.onion |
| [ragnarlocker]( | Home Page of Ragnar_Locker Leaks site | 🟢 | | rgleaktxuey67yrgspmhvtnrqtgogur35lwdrup4d3igtbm3pupc4lyd.onion |
| [ragnarlocker]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | p6o7m73ujalhgkiv.onion |
| [clop]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | ekbgzchl6x2ias37.onion |
| [clop]( | HOME - CL0P^_- LEAKS | 🟢 | | santat7kpllt6iyvqbr7q4amdv6dzrh6paatvyrzl7ry3zm72zigf4ad.onion |
| [netwalker]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | rnfdsgm6wb6j6su5txkekw4u4y47kp2eatvu7d6xhyn5cs4lt4pdrqqd.onion |
| [doppelpaymer]( | | 🔴 | 2021-09-23 | hpoo4dosa3x4ognfxpqcrjwnsigvslm7kv6hvmhh2yqczaxy3j6qnwad.onion |
| [revil]( | 404 Not Found | 🔴 | 2022-08-19 | dnpscnbaix6nkwvystl3yxglz7nteicqrou3t75tpcc5532cztc46qyd.onion |
| [revil]( | 404 Not Found | 🔴 | 2022-08-19 | aplebzu47wgazapdqks6vrcv6zcnjppkbxbr6wketf56nf6aq2nmyoyd.onion |
| [revil]( | Blog | 🟢 | | blogxxu75w63ujqarv476otld7cyjkq4yoswzt4ijadkjwvg3vrvd5yd.onion |
| [everest]( | Everest Ransomware Group | 🟢 | | ransomocmou6mnbquqz44ewosbkjk3o5qjsl3orawojexfook2j7esad.onion |
| [ragnarok]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | wobpitin77vdsdiswr43duntv6eqw4rvphedutpaxycjdie6gg3binad.onion |
| [ragnarok]( | Decrypt Site | 🔴 | 2021-08-27 | sushlnty2j7qdzy64qnvyb6ajkwg7resd3p6agc2widnawodtcedgjid.onion |
| [conti]( | CONTI.News | 🔴 | 2022-06-22 | continewsnv5otx5kaoje7krkto2qbu3gtqef22mnr7eaxw3y6ncz3ad.onion |
| [conti]( | | 🟢 | | |
| [conti]( | Error Response Page | 🔴 | 2022-10-30 | |
| [pysa]( | Pysa's Partners | 🔴 | 2022-02-22 | pysa2bitc5ldeyfak4seeruqymqs4sj5wt5qkcq7aoyg4h2acqieywad.onion |
| [nefilim]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | hxt254aygrsziejn.onion |
| [maze]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | xfr3txoorcyy7tikjgj5dk3rvo3vsrpyaxnclyohkbfp3h277ap4tiad.onion |
| [mount-locker]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | mountnewsokhwilx.onion |
| [babuk]( | Babuk - Leaks site | 🟢 | | nq4zyac4ukl4tykmidbzgdlvaboqeqsemkp4t35bzvjeve6zm2lqcjid.onion |
| [ransomexx]( | ransomexx2 | 🟢 | | rnsm777cdsjrsdlbs4v5qoeppu3px6sb2igmh53jzrx7ipcrbjz5b2ad.onion |
| [cuba]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | cuba4mp6ximo2zlo.onion |
| [cuba]( | Cuba | 🟢 | | cuba4ikm4jakjgmkezytyawtdgr2xymvy6nvzgw5cglswg3si76icnqd.onion |
| [pay2key]( | Pay2Key Leak Directory! | 🔴 | 2022-03-15 | pay2key2zkg7arp3kv3cuugdaqwuesifnbofun4j6yjdw5ry7zw2asid.onion |
| [aztroteam]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | anewset3pcya3xvk73hj7yunuamutxxsm5sohkdi32blhmql55tvgqad.onion |
| [lockdata]( | LockData Auction | 🔴 | 2022-04-09 | wm6mbuzipviusuc42kcggzkdpbhuv45sn7olyamy6mcqqked3waslbqd.onion |
| [blacktor]( | Bl@ckt0r - Bug Hunter and Data Breacher Group | 🔴 | 2022-11-12 | bl4cktorpms2gybrcyt52aakcxt6yn37byb65uama5cimhifcscnqkid.onion |
| [haron]( | Clients page | 🔴 | 2022-01-31 | ft4zr2jzlqoyob7yg4fcpwyt37hox3ajajqnfkdvbfrkjioyunmqnpad.onion |
| [darkleakmarket]( | Dark Leak Market | 🔴 | 2021-10-07 | 54rdhzjzc4ids4u4wata4zr4ywfon5wpz2ml4q3avelgadpvmdal2vqd.onion |
| [darkleakmarket]( | anonymous Marketplace - best onion market - DarkHi | 🔴 | 2022-11-12 | aby6efzmp7jzbwgidgqc6ghxi2vwpo6d7eaood5xuoxutrfofsmzcjqd.onion |
| [darkleakmarket]( | Dark Leak Market | 🟢 | | darklmmmfuonklpy6s3tmvk5mrcdi7iapaw6eka45esmoryiiuug6aid.onion |
| [darkleakmarket]( | Dark Leak Market | 🟢 | | darkleakyqmv62eweqwy4dnhaijg4m4dkburo73pzuqfdumcntqdokyd.onion |
| [prometheus]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | promethw27cbrcot.onion |
| [blackmatter]( | BlackMatter | 🔴 | 2021-11-04 | blackmax7su6mbwtcyo3xwtpfxpm356jjqrs34y4crcytpw7mifuedyd.onion |
| [payloadbin]( | Payload.bin | 🔴 | 2022-08-27 | vbmisqjshn4yblehk2vbnil53tlqklxsdaztgphcilto3vdj4geao5qd.onion |
| [groove]( | Утечки - Groove | 🔴 | 2021-10-30 | ws3dh6av66sjbxxkjpw5ao3wqzmtejnkzheswm4dz5rrwvular7xvkqd.onion |
| [ako]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | kwvhrdibgmmpkhkidrby4mccwqpds5za6uo2thcw5gz75qncv7rbhyad.onion |
| [atomsilo]( | AtomSilo | 🔴 | 2021-12-17 | mhdehvkomeabau7gsetnsrhkfign4jgnx3wajth5yb5h6kvzbd72wlqd.onion |
| [atomsilo]( | AtomSilo | 🔴 | 2022-01-25 | l5cjga2ksw6rxumu5l4xxn3cmahhi2irkbwg3amx6ajroyfmfgpfllid.onion |
| [avos]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | avos2fuj6olp6x36.onion |
| [blackbyte]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 6iaj3efye3q62xjgfxyegrufhewxew7yt4scxjd45tlfafyja6q4ctqd.onion |
| [blackbyte]( | BlackByte BLOG | 🔴 | 2021-12-30 | f5uzduboq4fa2xkjloprmctk7ve3dm46ff7aniis66cbekakvksxgeqd.onion |
| [blackbyte]( | BlackByte BLOG | 🔴 | 2022-03-28 | dlyo7r3n4qy5fzv4645nddjwarj7wjdd6wzckomcyc7akskkxp4glcad.onion |
| [blackbyte]( | BlackByte BLOG | 🔴 | 2022-04-24 | fl3xpz5bmgzxy4fmebhgsbycgnz24uosp3u4g33oiln627qq3gyw37ad.onion |
| [blackbyte]( | BlackByte BLOG | 🔴 | 2022-07-12 | ce6roic2ykdjunyzazsxmjpz5wsar4pflpoqzntyww5c2eskcp7dq4yd.onion |
| [blackbyte]( | BB Auction | 🔴 | 2022-11-12 | jbeg2dct2zhku6c2vwnpxtm2psnjo2xnqvvpoiiwr5hxnc6wrp3uhnad.onion |
| [lolnek]( | | 🔴 | 2022-08-27 | mmeeiix2ejdwkmseycljetmpiwebdvgjts75c63camjofn2cjdoulzqd.onion |
| [lolnek]( | | 🟢 | | obzuqvr5424kkc4unbq2p2i67ny3zngce3tbdr37nicjqesgqcgomfqd.onion |
| [lolnek]( | | 🔴 | 2022-10-01 | nclen75pwlgebpxpsqhlcnxsmdvpyrr7ogz36ehhatfmkvakeyden6ad.onion |
| [blackshadow]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 544corkfh5hwhtn4.onion |
| [bonacigroup]( | 502 Bad Gateway | 🔴 | 2021-12-28 | bonacifryrxr4siz6ptvokuihdzmjzpveruklxumflz5thmkgauty2qd.onion |
| [crylock]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | d57uremugxjrafyg.onion |
| [ech0raix]( | | 🟢 | | veqlxhq7ub5qze3qy56zx2cig2e6tzsgxdspkubwbayqije6oatma6id.onion |
| [ep918]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | dg5fyig37abmivryrxlordrczn6d6r5wzcfe2msuo5mbbu2exnu46fid.onion |
| [exorcist]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 7iulpt5i6whht6zo2r52f7vptxtjxs3vfcdxxazllikrtqpupn4epnqd.onion |
| [hades]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | ixltdyumdlthrtgx.onion |
| [hellokitty]( | News | 🔴 | 2021-10-02 | 3r6n77mpe737w4sbxxxrpc5phbluv6xhtdl5ujpnlvmck5tc7blq2rqd.onion |
| [hotarus]( | Hotarus Corp | 🔴 | 2021-10-22 | r6d636w47ncnaukrpvlhmtdbvbeltc6enfcuuow3jclpmyga7cz374qd.onion |
| [karma]( | Karma Leaks | 🔴 | 2021-11-05 | 3nvzqyo6l4wkrzumzu5aod7zbosq4ipgf7ifgj3hsvbcr5vcasordvqd.onion |
| [lockbit]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | lockbitkodidilol.onion |
| [mbc]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | xembshruusobgbvxg4tcjs3jpdnks6xrr6nbokfxadcnlc53yxir22ad.onion |
| [mydecryptor]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 5s4ixqul2enwxrqv.onion |
| [n3tworm]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | n3twormruynhn3oetmxvasum2miix2jgg56xskdoyihra4wthvlgyeyd.onion |
| [nemty]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | zjoxyw5mkacojk5ptn2iprkivg5clow72mjkyk5ttubzxprjjnwapkad.onion |
| [onepercent]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 5mvifa3xq5m7sou3xzaajfz7h6eserp5fnkwotohns5pgbb5oxty3zad.onion |
| [prolock]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | msaoyrayohnp32tcgwcanhjouetb5k54aekgnwg7dcvtgtecpumrxpqd.onion |
| [qlocker]( | | 🔴 | 2022-11-08 | gvka2m4qt5fod2fltkjmdk4gxh5oxemhpgmnmtjptms6fkgfzdd62tad.onion |
| [ranzy]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 37rckgo66iydpvgpwve7b2el5q2zhjw4tv4lmyewufnpx4lhkekxkoqd.onion |
| [vfokx]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | vfokxcdzjbpehgit223vzdzwte47l3zcqtafj34qrr26htjo4uf3obid.onion |
| [vfokx]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 746pbrxl7acvrlhzshosye3b3udk4plurpxt2pp27pojfhkkaooqiiqd.onion |
| [xinof]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | wj3b2wtj7u2bzup75tzhnso56bin6bnvsxcbwbfcuvzpc4vcixbywlid.onion |
| [spook]( | Spook | 🔴 | 2021-10-26 | spookuhvfyxzph54ikjfwf2mwmxt572krpom7reyayrmxbkizbvkpaid.onion |
| [RAMP]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | wavbeudogz6byhnardd2lkp2jafims3j7tj6k6qnywchn2csngvtffqd.onion |
| [RAMP]( | Log in - RAMP | 🟢 | | rampjcdlqvgkoz5oywutpo6ggl7g6tvddysustfl6qzhr5osr24xxqqd.onion |
| [RAMP]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | ramp4u5iz4xx75vmt6nk5xfrs5mrmtokzszqxhhkjqlk7pbwykaz7zid.onion |
| [sabbath]( | BLOG | 🔴 | 2021-11-13 | 54bb47h5qu4k7l4d7v5ix3i6ak6elysn3net4by4ihmvrhu7cvbskoqd.onion |
| [sabbath]( | | 🔴 | 2022-04-13 | |
| [quantum]( | Quantum Blog | 🟢 | | quantum445bh3gzuyilxdzs5xdepf3b7lkcupswvkryf3n7hgzpxebid.onion |
| [quantum]( | Secure Chat | 🔴 | 2022-08-29 | 22rnyep2aa2exx3fdm26p4onwjfmhciodb55v5l3w4iny7e5bxpg3yad.onion |
| [medusa]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | qd7pcafncosqfqu3ha6fcx4h6sr7tzwagzpcdcnytiw3b6varaeqv5yd.onion |
| [medusa]( | Ransomware blog – We will not give ourselves a nam | 🟢 | | z6wkgghtoawog5noty5nxulmmt2zs7c3yvwr22v4czbffdoly2kl4uad.onion |
| [snatch]( | News | 🟢 | | hl66646wtlp2naoqnhattngigjp5palgqmbwixepcjyq5i534acgqyad.onion |
| [snatch]( | News | 🟢 | | |
| [midas]( | Info | 🔴 | 2022-04-15 | midasbkic5eyfox4dhnijkzc7v7e4hpmsb2qgux7diqbpna4up4rtdad.onion |
| [entropy]( | Entropy hall of fall | 🔴 | 2022-02-27 | leaksv7sroztl377bbohzl42i3ddlfsxopcb6355zc7olzigedm5agad.onion |
| [robinhood]( | Not found. | 🔴 | 2022-11-12 | |
| [mosesstaff]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | mosesstaffm7hptp.onion |
| [mosesstaff]( | Activities – Moses Staff | 🟢 | | |
| [cooming]( | CoomingProject announcement | 🔴 | 2022-02-04 | z6mikrtphid5fmn52nbcbg25tj57sowlm3oc25g563yvsfmygkcxqbyd.onion |
| [cooming]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | teo7aj5mfgzxyeme.onion |
| [aGl0bGVyCg]( | Error Response Page | 🔴 | 2022-10-22 | |
| [rook]( | We Are Rook!!! | 🔴 | 2022-01-26 | gamol6n6p2p4c3ad7gxmx3ur7wwdwlywebo2azv3vv5qlmjmole2zbyd.onion |
| [unknown]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | tdoe2fiiamwkiadhx2a4dfq56ztlqhzl2vckgwmjtoanfaya4kqvvvyd.onion |
| [unknown]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | darktorhvabc652txfc575oendhykqcllb7bh7jhhsjduocdlyzdbmqd.onion |
| [rransom]( | | 🟢 | | t2tqvp4pctcr7vxhgz5yd5x4ino5tw7jzs3whbntxirhp32djhi7q3id.onion |
| [babyduck]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | babydovegkmhbontykziyq7qivwzy33mu4ukqefe4mqpiiwd3wibnjqd.onion |
| [alphv]( | | 🟢 | | alphvmmm27o3abo3r2mlmjrpdmzle3rykajqc5xsj7j7ejksbpsa36ad.onion |
| [alphv]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | 2cuqgeerjdba2rhdiviezodpu3lc4qz2sjf4qin6f7std2evleqlzjid.onion |
| [alphv]( | | 🟢 | | vqifktlreqpudvulhbzmc5gocbeawl67uvs2pttswemdorbnhaddohyd.onion |
| [cryp70n1c0d3]( | -*- CRYP70N1C0D3 Team -*- | 🔴 | 2022-09-16 | 7k4yyskpz3rxq5nyokf6ztbpywzbjtdfanweup3skctcxopmt7tq7eid.onion |
| [dread]( | Dread Access Queue | 🔴 | 2022-10-24 | dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion |
| [againstthewest]( | Threat Actors - Onion Forums - Internal Error | 🟢 | | giphvoitymatg4cv7bxqh5dz6sn6bfscywoat4qtslztkomf5lavrayd.onion |
| [holyghost]( | HolyGhost | 🔴 | 2022-04-22 | matmq3z3hiovia3voe2tix2x54sghc3tszj74xgdy4tqtypoycszqzqd.onion |
| [nightsky]( | Night Sky | 🔴 | 2022-01-25 | gg5ryfgogainisskdvh4y373ap3b2mxafcibeh2lvq5x7fx76ygcosad.onion |
| [ransomcartel]( | Ransomware - Control Panel | 🔴 | 2022-03-03 | u67aylig7i6l657wxmp274eoilaowhp3boljowa6bli63rxyzfzsbtyd.onion |
| [ransomcartel]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | cartelirsn5l54ehcbalyyqtfb3j7be2rpvf6ujayaf5qqmg3vlwiayd.onion |
| [ransomcartel]( | Ransom Cartel | 🔴 | 2022-10-11 | cartelraqonekult2cxbzzz2ukiff7v6cav3w373uuhenybgqulxm5id.onion |
| [adminlocker]( | Admin Locker | 🔴 | 2022-05-20 | adminavf4cikzbv6mbbp7ujpwhygnn2t3egiz2pswldj32krrml42wyd.onion |
| [sugar]( | | 🟢 | | chat5sqrnzqewampznybomgn4hf2m53tybkarxk4sfaktwt7oqpkcvyd.onion |
| [zeon]( | ZEON.Recovery - Enter the key | 🟢 | | zeonrefpbompx6rwdqa5hxgtp2cxgfmoymlli3azoanisze33pp3x3yd.onion |
| [freecivilian]( | Free Civilian | 🟢 | | gcbejm2rcjftouqbxuhimj5oroouqcuxb2my4raxqa7efkz5bd5464id.onion |
| [pandora]( | Pandora Data Leak | 🔴 | 2022-05-03 | vbfqeh5nugm6r2u2qvghsdxm3fotf5wbxb5ltv6vw77vus5frdpuaiid.onion |
| [pandora]( | | 🔴 | 2021-05-01 | |
| [stormous]( | Database Shop | 🔴 | 2022-05-09 | 3slz4povugieoi3tw7sblxoowxhbzxeju427cffsst5fo2tizepwatid.onion |
| [leaktheanalyst]( | #LeakTheAnalyst | 🔴 | 2022-08-05 | leaktheanalyst.fireeye62c3da3fnosymmmcqcty7rl7cjucpbkzaz275a4qs5fgkzhad.onion |
| [ranion]( | | 🟢 | | ranionv3j2o7wrn3um6de33eccbchhg32mkgnnoi72enkpp7jc25h3ad.onion |
| [x001xs]( | BITCARDS - Prepaid cards | 🟢 | | nalr2uqsave7y2r235am5jsfiklfjh5h4jc5nztu3rzvmhklwt5j6kid.onion |
| [kelvinsecurity]( | | 🟢 | | |
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