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You: Please let me know if you are reading - looking for a male to rp a detective/criminal story line

Hi I'm Sarah, I'm 5'10'', my legs make the most of that height, I play volleyball competitively so I am in good shape, I have long dark hair and pale skin, my eyes are auburn. My breasts aren't that big, I get away with not wearing bras if my clothing is thick enough, most of the time I am in sports clothing. My thighs are pretty thick due to the nature of my sport

PROMPT: We have been detective partners in Toronto's police force for 2 years now. We've never expressed feelings for one another but deeply care for each other for a long time now. Our latest case has been a sequence of rapes and murders by an unknown serial killer. I would spend weeks at a time staring at the traumatizing photos, trying to learn more about the killer. Last night I made a break through in the case and wanted to drive to the office to write my report and findings. I never got to the office, that was a week ago. I have been missing ever since... I pull at my wrist restraints that are attached to a water grate above an industrial shower I am in a dirty bra and panties, my hair clinging to my back as he periodically turns on the water to torture me. (Please introduce yourself and continue. I was hoping my partner could at first play the criminal and then the partner that would come and rescue me. Limits: scat, urine, amputation)

Stranger: reading

You: Thanks

Stranger: so you want me to be your partner and the serial killer

You: yes

Stranger: Ill see what i can do 1 sec

Stranger: Im alex M 25 btw

You: Nice to meet you

You: I am looking for someone descriptive

Stranger: The Killer turns on the intercom "good morning sarah, feeling alright?" he asks smoothly, knowing youd be sore tired and hungry after days of abuse and not feeding you, already making your mind fuzzy and weak. "Ill be down shortly to feed you, will you be a good girl?" he asks knowing how much you fought him the first few days of captivity.

You: I look around at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I am. It's been a week, I can tell he has been busy covering his tracks, making sure that no one finds out where I am. I have access to water but I haven't had any solid food in a while now. My ribs show at my sides more than they used to. I look at my wrists, there is a ring of broken skin and blood where I have been pulling from the cuffs. "Fuck off" I groan. I am sitting on the concrete, hugging my knees to my chest

Stranger: The killer walks into the room after a few minutes, wearing jeans and combat boots, a black crewneck and a mask, you can see he has tattoos on his neck which proves your suspicions right about him. "Now, how desperate are you sarah? lets make some hard choices for breakfast." He says sitting down in a chair in front of you, putting down a plate which has a burger and fries on it and a glass of milk. he also sets down a jar of murky yellowish white liquid and crosses his arms. "would you like to eat? and enjoy your morning, regain some strength.....but have a very, very hard night tonight. or would you want to have this for food." he moves the jar towards you. "sure you can figure out what it is, no i wont tell you how long it took to fill. But... ill leave you alone for today, wont have to deal with me at all. up to you" he grins enjoying toying with you.

You: (No urine - hard limit)

Stranger: (wasnt urine)

Stranger: (hehe)

You: I carefully reach for the liquid and pull it closer to myself although it does feel like there is no winning here. I push the burger plate away with my foot "go fuck yourself" I say in defiance and spill the liquid down the drain. "I would rather starve like I have been doing for days" I spit at him

Stranger: His grin turns to a scowl. "annoying. Youve been my favorite plaything so far.....But I hate when you dont play along."
In a brief moment he kicked his chair over grabbing you by your hair lifting you up to your feet, your legs shaking how weak you were now, not able to stand completely by yourself. ''I forgot youre one of those girls who love punishment." He snarls as he pushes your dirty underwear to the side, sliding his fingers into your pussy without any hesitation, looking into your eyes as he does it.

You: I struggle under him, crying out in pain and devastation, in the moment I only blame myself. I could have prevented this somehow... I could have done something..." I kick and squirm but it doesn't stop him, if anything it encourages him to keep going. In a minute or two my expression goes blank and broken, I am on a thin line now. My legs jerk under me, trying to not fall and have the only thing keeping me up being his hold on my hair

Stranger: he rolls his eyes "you give up so easily now...pathetic" He says as he slides another finger into you, embarassing you further "My little whore." He says quietly, letting go of your hair letting you fall onto him, catching you and holding you in his free arm now.

You: I sob quietly, unable to stop any of it. I don't look at all like the girl I was a week ago. When he took me, I had a full suit on, my hair was in a neat military bun, my body was fit and healthy. No matter how the girls looked like when he first got them, they always ended up in this state at some point. Suddenly I feel the warm of his body hold me, I nearly melt. I've been so cold all this time, I lost feeling in my hands and feet

Stranger: he caresses you a bit not being rough like he usually was, he didnt stop playing with you though, almost if his goal was different. "do you want it all to stop? You could be getting rewarded instead of punished..." he moved some of your hair from your eyes making you look up into his big green eyes.

You: I press my face against the skin on his abdomen and nod, wanting it all to stop "Please make it stop, just leave me alone" I beg "Let me go home, I won't say anything" I plead with him, my body shaking from exhaustion

Stranger: "give up on that, you are home now, thats what im trying to tell you...." he says "your only focus is me now......learn that or youll end up like the rest...." He lets you fall to the floor, licking his fingers of your juices. He starts to walk away having begun to sow the seeds of your submission to him. The girls he killed either couldnt take it or didnt submit but he saw something in you. "Ill be back for dinner, hopefully you didnt regret your choice." He says leaving the room heading upstairs.

You: "Amber Hoffman, Natalie Pryce... Amanda Scolfield...Shauna Scott...Melanie.... Melanie Whyler" i whisper the names of all the cases I had to study. I wonder what it was like for them. I was the oldest of his victims that I know of. I lay on the ground and stare at the ceiling, whispering the names over and over until I pass out from exhaustion

Stranger: I sat at my desk Late at night, going through every piece of info i had, trying to connect the dots but getting no where, looking at the last text you sent me before you disappeared. I had been trying so hard all week worried sick about you, wondering if you were ok, what was happening to you.........

Your face was pushed into the cold floor with his boot as The killer held your ass in the air, Pounding into your asshole roughly which was the nightly ritual at this point. he said nothing, grunting and groaning as he had been at it for hours now, long past what little of a fight you pretended to put up.

You: Amber Hoffman, Natalie Pryce. Amanda Scolfield, Shauna ...." It's become a mantra of sorts, by remembering their names, maybe I could keep my humanity. What are there names?. I whimper as he keeps slamming his cock inside me, I've lost count how many times this happened. When I collapse I am just picked up again and force to keep my hips up. My eyes shut and my breathing become shallow, in rhythm with his

Stranger: He was relentless, his good cop evil cop was getting in your head, clearly making you lose grip on reality. who knows how much time has passed before he allowed you to go limp, your ass still sticking up in the air as he pulled out, cum dribbling out of your much looser asshole and dripping onto the floor. he wiped his cock on your ass and put it away, starting to leave again "what do you say when im done?" He asked expecting a weak thank you.

You: The only think I have energy for is to get on all fours, trying to get the cum to leak out of me. I feel sick to my stomach but I don't have anything in my system to throw up. I flex my muscles trying to push out his seamen. I collapse on my elbows once I feel like I've done the most I could. Everything hurts. I try to reply to him but nothing escapes my throat, it's too sore and strangled to speak. My wrists are bleeding badly and so is my ass, last night it was elsewhere.

You: (*thing)

Stranger: He watched the girl almost animalistically push the cum from her ass, seeing she was truly broken but not beyond repair. He admired his creation. he liked the girl so much he hadnt acted on his next target, far too busy with sarah. He left the mess of a girl to tend to her wounds, not expecting her to be awake much longer anyway.

The next morning seemed the same although there was less fight in the girl when he sat in front of her, bruised, covered in sweat and cum, barely any life in her eyes, not bothering to cover up at all. Without speaking he undid her chains, freeing her hands.

You: I don't know who I am anymore, I have a vague idea but it's been fuzzy the last few days. The cuffs that have been restraining me for days are taken off, but I still feel locked to the grate. I don't dare get up. My muscle mass has started to decrease, it's a slow process, but it's clear my body has used up all the fat it had for energy. I lay on my side, keeping my brutalized writs close to my abdomen. There are thick rings around both writs of missing flesh half scabbed over lesions. My stare is empty, my body is dirty, in all sense of the word

You: (*Wrists)

Stranger: He quietly picked up the girl, who was half of who she used to be, taking her up the stairs to a bathroom to a real shower. he washed her nearly lifeless body and cleaned her "there you go...." he said and took her into a bedroom. The girl was in a daze until later. it was night again. but this time she was in a bed, naked, not chained, but not in her usual circumstance.

You: The only sign up real life I give is when I flinch from the bath sponge going across my wounds, wrists or between my thighs that were bruised and stretched to open much wider than they are supposed to. IF he had let me stay in the tub, I would have drowned myself. I wake up, my hair is braided and damp and my skin smells of roses and lavender. I can't find my sanity but I know I need to get out, something awful is going to happen here. I struggle to get out of the bed, the blanket feels so heavy to lift when just two weeks ago I was benching my body weight. I crawl towards a window, trying to feel for the latch

Stranger: He stood in the doorway shaking his head, "i knew you would try it. locked. I just wanted to show you it doesnt have to be bad. it doesnt have to be horrible being mine. you can live like a disposable cum dump in a shower drinking water from a dog bowl, or you can live comfortably." he said with his god complex on full display. It wasnt a bad deal truly but He knew how stubborn you were either way, he did all his research on you. "you already know who i am and all about me, as do i know about you, we dont need to keep playing games." he said has he took his mask off, showing a handsome man with black hair.

You: I sit with my back against a wall, hugging my knees to my chest. Seeing his face changed things, we have a relationship now, no matter how dark and awful, him and I are sharing this experience. "Why are you doing this?" I finally ask, trying to get a real emotion out of my captor. Every movement I made and word I speak I feel weaker, soon I'll barely be able to walk without eating something

You: "Alex, you're going to have to face the fact she has been gone for 12 days, if we look at his track record, he most likely killed her 4 days ago" The captain sits across from you "It's not a missing person's case anymore, it's murder one. If you accept that, it will be easier to let go of your emotions and focus our strengths on finding her body". His hand reaches out to you trying to comfort you as best he could

Stranger: "to you or in general? because you're here specifically because you dug too deep. figured out too much. and im glad you did.....Im growing quite fond of you really." he shrugged being as genuine as youve seen him. "I could keep using you as a fuckpig but....theres more to you i dont want to waste...." he trailed off. He was well over 6 feet and 240lbs, you knew this already from his bio, you knew you could barley take him even if you tried, restrained or not.

Stranger: I shake him off not accepting it. we had just finally hit things off, started going on dates, our future ahead of us.....i couldnt just give up on that..... "shes still out there i know it." I leave the room not bothering to finish the conversation, heading over to your place which i had the key to, unable to bring myself to enter it until now.

You: "In general" I try to push past the degrading words, trying my best to keep my head clear as possible. The names are coming back to me, Amanda, Shauna, Natalie... "I think I would rather put up a fight and die than submit and be in this room here with you". I cough a bit, realizing how dry and sore my throat is, I can't carry this conversation much longer. I hug myself, regretting what I just said. I don't feel strong anymore, I did in the first few days, but not now

Stranger: (question, do you want to be rescued or submit to him and have Stockholm syndrome?)

You: (Rescued :))

You: (Up to you, when)

Stranger: (I think i might really break you in then before you make it out...heh)

You: (Go for it )

Stranger: He shook his head annoyed, the girl refused everything he offered her, he started to believe she would rather die then give in, willing to let him do as he wished as long as she never gave into his wishes. It infuriated him. She saw it to, the look in his eyes when he realized he couldnt truly get what he wanted.

I entered your apartment and looked around for anything that would lead me to you. I hated snooping through your things, but i had to. your wardrobe, closet, kitchen, bedroom. dead ends for hours until getting on your laptop. I found alot i didnt want to see, you with your ex, old pictures messages, guys you were talking to. I pushed my feelings away from it and read everything no matter what, until finding a message to a guy saying you were headed to a certain part of town before you could see him that night. it was the best lead i had, heading to my car to drive there.

You: I look to the ground and then close my eyes, feeling like I am falling through the rabbit hole. My head is spinning. I feel my body hit the carpeted floor and I relax, unable to fight in this moment. I nuzzle my face against the carpet finding it comforting for a moment. This is much better than cold and wet concrete.

My messages were to someone I clearly was suspicious of, I knew it was him, trying to get to me before I got to him. I wanted to go into the office and track the location of his messages to me but he intercepted me on the way to the precinct

Stranger: You didnt wake up as he carried you back down to the dungeon, the oversized shower you called home for so many days now. fully intending to kill you now he stripped naked, his 9'' cock dangled over your lifeless body, enraged, clearly having snapped. "and to think i took it fucking easy on you, no wonder all the girls broke but you didnt....i actually cared about you..." he said delusional. he held your foot up, dragging you to him as he looked you over, almost sad about what he was going to do.

I drove down in hopes to find your car, wasting hours driving aimlessly in the dark. No luck until as i was giving up.....I saw it, parked in a parking lot, the door cracked open. I quickly went through it, finding gym clothes and energy drinks and....your phone? I quickly take it needing to get help to unlock it so i can see where you were headed.

You: I feel each of my vertebrae against the concrete as I am being dragged to the shower again. My eyes open halfway as I stare at my aggressor. He's in regular office clothing, a clean button up shirt, nice pants, his face shaven, his hair pushed back. I am not even processing what is happening to me as he undresses and folds his clothing neatly in a pile "What are you doing?" I ask in a daze, my vision blurry "Alex?" He looks so much like him with the lights dimmed. I feel a sharp kick to my side

Stranger: "alex?" he mocks you as youre clearly not completely here. another kick to the stomach makes some blood leak from your mouth. "i bet alex never fucked you this well bitch." he said as he mounted you on the cold floor, your pussy instantly filled by his cock pushed to its limits by him as he didnt hesitate, slamming in and out of you with force, tearing you a bit. he didnt slow down, he wanted you to die like this.....

You: I vomit up blood, nearly chocking on it as he continues to relentlessly violate my body. I feel my blood pressure drop, it's a familiar feeling, I felt like this the first time I got shot in the thigh during one of my first large gang busts. I don't know if I am imagining it or not but I hear sirens, the sound echoes and bounces off the naked cold walls. My heart is beating slow, it almost feels good to be this calm, I don't feel my body anymore, I don't feel the pain

Stranger: to you its all a blur, out of body, almost a high. in reality your body was breaking, pussy bruised, bloody and beaten....ruined. he opened your mouth and forced his cock down your throat, taking both hands and holding your head as he used it like a fleshlight, your eyes glazed over, half assuming you were dead already.

You: There is an animalistic instinct that kicked in, making my hands trying to push his thighs with all might, my pupils dilated but then my arms fell and went completely limp. He broke my ribs when he kicked me, luckily he didn't collapse my lungs. When he finishes on my chest I am still just barely alive

Stranger: The finale was in your ass, he had you on your stomach as he railed your already ruined hole, holding your hair in his hand as he grabbed a knife, cutting your back playfully, making your back a bloody mess. he then makes a final act of humiliation as he cuts the hair off he was holding making your head hit the floor. Just as he does so a shot rang out....I stood in the stairway with my pistol, seeing what he was doing to you, taking the shot without second thought as other cop cars pull up.

You: (My hair :'( )

Stranger: (you were too pretty!)

You: I didn't look like myself, I looked like those photos of the bodies we found dumped and dismembered in barrels in Lake Earie. The paramedics come rushing in, ready to put a white sheet over my body before one of them detects a pulse, weak but still there. My long hair that nearly went to the middle of my back was cut at my neck, the strands covered in blood from the initials he carved into my back. An oxygen line is immediately connected "Female, 27, broken ribs, emaciated, blood pressure 55 mm Hg systolic" A medic calls out
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