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Small Member? No Problem - An Extender May Be Your Solution

Health,Fitness One of the benefits that comes with society’s gradually more open acceptance of adult toys is the opportunity for men who feel uncomfortable about their male organ size to use toys to supplement their endowment. When adult toys are part of a person’s typical intimate play, then he is able to utilize devices such as manhood sleeves to add length and girth to the sensual experience. And as long as proper hygiene care is followed, there aren’t major male organ health concerns to worry about. With that in mind, men - especially those who feel they have a small member - should learn some basic tips about manhood sleeves. Manhood sleeve basics Also known as male organ extenders, manhood sleeves are simply hollow, phallic-shaped devices into which a man inserts his own male organ. Wearing a manhood sleeve gives the illusion that one’s male organ size has increased - both in terms of length and girth. How much the size has increased depends upon the model selected. Prostate Massagers are designed to fit very snugly and may add only increase the impression of size by a small amount. Others are designed to create the illusion of a massively formed member. Nowadays, most manhood sleeves are made of silicone or some variation thereof. There are, however, sleeves made of other substances, such as metal. While many extenders closely resemble a realistic organ in shape, others may have exaggerated veins, bumps or even rubber spikes, which are intended to provide extra stimulation to the partner on the receiving end of the sleeve. Tips Men who are new to using manhood sleeves should consider the following: - A manhood sleeve is not a prophylactic. Indeed, some sleeves have slits, holes or openings in them which make them especially impractical as protection. Even those that are totally solid still do not prevent fluids from dripping out. - Get hard before wearing one. In general, manhood sleeves are meant to be placed upon the male organ when it is hard, rather than soft. - Straps are good. Some manhood sleeves come with a strap at the base, which is intended to be worn around the balls. (Some may even have straps which can be tied around the waist.) This helps enormously in keeping the sleeve from slipping off. Those without straps tend to slip a bit if the fit is not tight enough, if the tumescence softens during intimacy, or if the play is especially aggressive. - Prep before putting it on. There are a couple of ways to prep before putting the sleeve on. One way is to soak the sleeve in warm water (if it is made of a pliable material) so that it stretches out a bit and then placing it on the hard male organ. Or instead one can lubricate the manhood and the inside of the sleeve before wearing it. In either case, it’s good to then add lubrication to the outside of the sleeve for the comfort of one’s partner. - Always clean after use. The last thing a guy wants is for bacteria to grow on his sleeve, so he should clean it after every use with soap and water (but nothing harsher or more abrasive). And he should thoroughly dry it after washing. Manhood sleeves can be useful for a man, especially if he has concerns about his male organ size. But all men can benefit from maintaining care by regular use of a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure to search for a crème that includes a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E; topical application of these vitamins to the male organ allows them to more directly spread their benefits. The best crèmes will also include L-carnitine. This amino acid has valuable neuroprotective properties which help prevent peripheral nerve damage and, subsequently, unwanted loss of sensation which can dampen one’s pleasure during intimacy. Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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