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Anti-Aliased The Mailbag Edition

Hello Intrepid Massively readers! Instead of listing my usual complaints in one column this week I decided to do something different. On Monday, I opened up a call for questions on anything MMO related on the Massively Facebook fan page as well as the Massively Twitter and my personal Twitter. You guys didn't disappoint, and you certainly sent me more than a few interesting e-mails.

For the past three days, I've been preparing responses to the questions that landed in my inbox. What questions did readers who were intrepid want me to address? Whose e-mails did I select from the pile of text I received? What is the speed of an African Swallow's airspeed? These and a host of other questions (except the one that swallows, that one's been over and over again, so Google it or something) shall be answered after the break! Thundercats, hoooooooooo! Thundercats, hooooooooo!

McStudent, this is definitely a question for Anti-Aliased! Anti-Aliased is available to all questions! Except for baked beans. It's not a question for Anti-Aliased. This is more of a question to the dog that is talking in those commercials.

To answer your question, there are definitely a few MMOs which eliminate leveling systems from the window beyond EVE Online. Let me suggest a few.

"Would they be irritated if you could only play as a man in the newest MMOs?"

Darkfall could be appealing to you If you're an avid player (which you may be, since you included EVE in your question), Darkfall is mostly about PvP, but it's also about skill and not overall levels. Your ability to master a specific task, like mining or swinging your sword will increase as you progress through the game.

Ultima Online is the best option for those looking for something more traditional. The game is still running well (they have an expansion due out, Stygian Abyss) and it still holds to the idea of using skills over levels.

If you want to keep it simple, check out PlaneShift or RuneScape. RuneScape is a favorite hangout for all players, especially those who can't handle games with a lot of graphics and has a very active community. PlaneShift is smaller than RuneScape, enforces all players to play as roleplayers but isn't fully-featured as of this writing. But it's certainly better than nothing.

Two games that focus on skills, yet still use the concept of a pseudo-leveling system. These are Asheron's Call and Fallen Earth. Fallen Earth is newer and has an intense emphasis on the skills in the game, rather than the actual level, offering players a variety of options to customize your character. Asheron's Call is an innovative system that blends general and specialized experience. It is one of my favorite MMOs. When you engage in combat you earn general experience which is counted towards an "level." However, the experience is assigned by you to your particular abilities. Therefore, even as the game is counting levels, you're always using your experience to raise your skills.

This is merely a taste of the games that are based on skill. You have Mortal Online and Earthrise to look towards in the near future.

Next question! Next question!

Hello Sera! I used play Ragnarok Online, an older MMO that only allowed you to play as your gender during account creation. In the game, you could create only male characters in case you were male and vice versa for females. Do you think this is something that should be encouraged to weed out G.I.R.L. G.I.R.L. (Guys In Real Life) Do you think it's an older way of looking at the world and is very old-fashioned? Would you be angry that new MMOs would only allow players to play as a man in the event that you were a man?

Ahhhh Ragnarok... I needed to create two accounts so I could use my female avatar... fantastic times.

Interesting question there Matt (darn it you're too boring for me to poke fun at) I think I need to answer it by asking a straightforward, "Does it really matter?"

Online men are terrified of female avatars. It's just a collection of pixels that have no impact on anything. Unless, of course, you're trying to find real love in an MMO. My advice is to not try to find true love in an MMO. If you find love, you find love. If you go looking for it, you'll come across men in dresses.

Page 2 of Anti-Aliased>>

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