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Lekcja Dla Klas 4. Technika Pastelowa - Plastyka W SP 14
The Leviathin race tried to build a master take over race that have more and more of the codings that went with the planetary star gates so they could, when they had enough coding in their body to run the templar the way they want to. They placed crystal wave technologies that work like microchip to get the control of the planetary templar. The Pledian Sirian agreememtns of 1992 were supposed to bring the Annunakis and Leviathins together with the Guardian races to make a stand to prevent the Draconian Races from taking over the planetary templar and from that point the period the humand indigos and annunaki and leviathins would create a united humanity. The human races moved away from the stargates they were assigned to. Certain groups of Elohims fell from grace. They promise ones in certain races who incarnated as the human angelic race to heal this time matrix.

Those who incarnate as angelic humans made a promise back before the human form even existed to come in and finish the healing of this time matrix. In order to preserve the human race line before they became extinct. Human angelics are here to hold the frequencies. In 246,00 B.C. the guardian races made a promise that when the end times came they would tell the truth even if there was no one who wanted to hear it. 10,500 B.C. we had the Luciferian conquest when more dark forces came in to make worm holes in Earth. Luciferian conquest Grail line humans were being executed and hooked up to technology to take their cellular knowledge out of their bodies. The grail line humans are the real humans. EXPERT LINE ® to droga produktów wysokiej klas spełniających wymogi międzynarodowych norm technologicznych oraz budowlanych. There have been those who have forced themselves onto this planet in order to try and take the codes. Those carrying the Christos message are carrying the same message they have carried for the past 500 million yearsl It has been on every planet. rozprawka begain 250 billion years ago.

There was a thing that happened 250 billion years ago in Earth time between races that were the Christos Founders races. 25,500 years ago was our last chance at a Stellar Activation when a race called Annunaki invaded Ionia and placed the Nibiru Crystals for control. If our DNA was working the right way, we would know our selves as Christic beings- as Avatars. It became polarized. Those doing anti-Christos and those doing Christos being directed by Annunaki Races and the other the Draconian Races. Meaning their DNA templates became distorted because of inbreeding. There were things done to the electromagnetic field of the planet to block our DNA. There were a series of cataclysmic events that have happened here during our history. We have these higher parts of ourselves that never lost connection to god. We can now bring through these frequencies for the first time since 208,216 B.C. The Leviathins would had taken over the planet.

The original sin was when the entire time matrix almost implodded down into a black hole thanks to what the Elohim had done. It was not supposed to be a waring matrix. That created distortions in consciousness and they started waring with founder races. The guardian races were here. The great flood was done by the Luciferian Covenant. 9,550 Flood the deluge done by the Luciferian covenant and was orchestrated by space ships. Guardian Races have bigger space ships. In 1992 the guardian races tried very hard to get the Annunaki to co-operate. That created the Bermuda triangle off the coast of Florida. That was way before 25,500 B.C. The Ionian people - Greek and Roman- the Tribe 5 10,500 B.C. That began in 25,500 b.c. The Annunaki weren’t too thrilled that we would know the truth about them. War is between Annunaki and Wesedecks and the Draconians who don’t agree with them. The fallen angelics are making choices of hate over love and war over peace.

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