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Dark Dimension
As I mentioned earlier, Dormammu is a being that lives and operates in his Dimension; another universe called the Dark Dimension. It’s where he harnesses all his powers from, and he plans to take over the entire existence and succumb to everything in his Dimension.

The Dark Dimension isn’t a planet, but a plain of existence filled with planets, stars, and galaxies Dormammu had already conquered and encapsulated in the Dark Dimension. The further he is from the Dark Dimension, the lower his powers are, so he usually opts not to leave but to open wormholes and portals connecting his dimension to others.

From the powers he harnesses from his Dark Dimension, Dormammu has extreme superhuman strength, interdimensional teleportation, limitless astral projection, elemental control, dark energy projection and absorption, and much more.

Seeing that Dormammu’s an interdimensional being, he is almost incapable of dying, as he manifests from energy, not a physical body. Even if he and his race get hurt, their regenerative abilities allow them to heal even from the most severe injuries. Apart from himself not being able to die, some of his powers allow him to resurrect others, too.

For instance, Parker Robbins used Dormammu’s powers to resurrect the licks of Cheetah, Black Abbot, Human Fly, and others to help him defeat the Punisher.

Flames of the Faltine
Dormammu’s entire being is made of pure energy, meaning his magic is way beyond the Sorcerer Supreme, or any other sorcerer, for that matter. With his raw power and abilities to absorb, control, and manifest magical forces, he simply cannot be destroyed but only tricked to stay within his Dark Dimension.

In other words, his magical powers are so high that he is virtually indestructible and can do anything he pleases with his magic. His only weakness is that he grows weaker if he leaves his realm, the Dark Dimension.

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