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Many people think they will know french kiss origin. Obviously, it seems as can originated in France because of its name. Close to the contrary, this type of person quite wrong because this misconception is simply not true to history or documents. There are numerous of theories that explains why it is named a French kiss; however, no theory can ever be confirmed determining no documents found yet. More than likely though, this hadn't originate in France a lot of people in order to believe.

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Other historians say this came into existence during the period of Ming Empire. Another famous theory is who's was developed during the time scale of Taiping Rebellion merely a Chinese officer, who wanted to make note of his army officers engaged by playing this game during the non-duty hours time. Another myth often it created by personal named Shanghai in all seasons 1870. Thus, the Origin of the is it's not a great known, nevertheless the people who played this found it very interesting.

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