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"I hope you haven't been standing out in the cold this whole time."

"Let me buy you another drink."

"There's never a bad time for ice cream."

"I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

"Hold still. This might sting a little."

"They're better off without me. But I guess that's their choice."

"I don't need your help."

"Who do you fight for?"

"See? I'm not just a pretty face."

"I'm a little disappointed. I expected a bit more of a struggle."

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You mad at me or something?"

"You were talking in your sleep."

"He's only mostly dead."

"You're not getting away this time."

"Let's make a deal."

"Why does it always have to be a fight with you?"

"It's you! You came for me."

"You're not as funny as you think you are."

"Why do you hate me?"

"I see you. I know you're watching me."

"I only wanted to help."

"Change isn't easy."

"I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel."

"I think I might've broken something..."

"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"You can't leave me here alone!"

"Stop trying to figure everything out. Just focus on now."

"I've come for you."

"You look better in my clothes than I do."

"None of this would’ve happened if you had just listened to me!"

"Can I ask... what happened?"

"Pull yourself together. We have work to do."

"I am forever in your debt."

"Keep it. It looks better on you."

"You look like you just saw a ghost."

"I promise I'll never hurt you again."

"You know, I really hoped I'd never see this place again."

"We need to be careful."

"I never meant to hurt you."

"I don't go away if you ignore me."

"Run! I'll hold them off."

"No one hurts you and gets away with it."

"Why did you bring me here?"

"We can get this done, but we've got to do it together."

"I want to be there when you get what's coming to you."

"If you have something to say, spit it out."

"I just need to step away for a bit, get some fresh air."

"You're not alone. I'm here."

"I don't need you anymore."

"I heard you were feeling sick, so I made you some soup."

"Why are you really here?"

"This isn't just about you. It's about what's best for all of us."

"Did I mention this is life or death?"

"It's fine. Nothing I haven't dealt with before."

"That's quite a scratch you've got there."

"I bought two. Here."

"You never cared about me. I was just useful to you."

"Every great journey begins with a single footstep."

"I had my suspicions, but I wasn't sure until now."
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Regards; Team

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