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How to Properly Store and Plant Old Seed
You may have received a packet of Old Seed in the mail but are not sure if it is still viable. Many plants are very delicate and can suffer from germination issues. If your seeds don't germinate after two years, it is best to discard them. You can also use them for planting next spring. Some species of seeds can be discarded after two years, but there are many that do. To make sure your seeds are viable, you should carry out a yearly germination test. In the germination test, place 20 seeds in moist paper towels. Keep the containers warm, but not hot.

Proofing your Old Seed is an essential part of planting. Once you have cleaned the seed, you need to place it in a closed container. You can use a mason jar or plastic zip bag. Be sure to keep the container in a cool place. If the temperature is above 85 degrees, the temperature is too hot or too cold. You can also use a thermometer to check the moisture level of the bag. This will help you to determine if the seeds are still viable or not.

You can also try storing your Old Seed in a paper bag. This method works well with most vegetable seeds, and is particularly effective for tomatoes, beans, peppers, and peas. However, it is not suitable for native plants and flowers. It is a good idea to save your old seed when you are replanting your garden. You can also reuse the old seed if you do not like the taste. During this process, you will be able to save a lot of money.

If you want to plant your Old Seed, it is important to proof it. This process will take a couple of weeks or three days, and you will need to use a wet paper towel. You will need about ten seeds, and a piece of paper towel folded into fourths, without touching each other. If you do this, the seeds will germinate. You should avoid using seed that has been exposed to light during this process, because they can be destroyed.

Inspect your old seed. If the packet is too old, it may not be viable for sprouting. You should throw it away or use it. If it is sterile, it will be very unlikely to grow in your garden. The only exception is if the packet is very old. In this case, you should use a fresh one. Then, you will get the best results from your seeds. You will also have a much healthier environment than if you do not proof your Old Seed.

If you are planting seeds from a packet that is over three years old, you may still have a high percentage of viable seeds. But you will not want to use any seeds that are spoiled by fungus or mold. So, you should discard them as a whole packet. Soak the seed thoroughly in water. If you are using it to sprout vegetables, you may also consider adding them to your salad. If you do so, you can have the same effect.

Old Seed needs to be proofed before planting. Depending on the type of seeds, it may take anywhere from three days to two weeks. After you proof your Old Seed, you can now store it safely. A good tip is to keep it away from the sunlight. After all, you can't guarantee it will survive. You can still get a large percentage of the seeds if you store them properly. In addition to the seeds, you can plant them in your garden with the help of an airtight container.

If you're planting Old Seed, you need to proof it properly. If you haven't stored it properly, they'll lose their viability. If you're planting a heirloom tomato, you need to proof them thoroughly. After you've done this, you should be able to plant it in your garden. Otherwise, it's best to use fresh seeds. If you don't want to risk losing your hard-earned harvest, you can use the Old Seed.
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