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Ainars SLESERS: I don't intend to go back to Saeima. It's only at the top.

Latvijas Avize published an extensive two-page interview in the newspaper with Ainars Selesers in this category. Dainis as well as Voldemars Lemeshenoks, the journalists, refer to him as Slesers and not Nil Ushakov. They also asked him the required questions. Here are some answers.

Changes in personnel at the Duma

A QUESTION. What about the personnel? There's no way for a politician to accomplish all of this without having to replace others.

Айнарс Шлесерс Answer. Айнарс Шлесерс Due to the economic downturn and the need to replace workers, we are unable to do so. Instead, we need to adopt structural changes. We came to an agreement to reduce the number of six executive directors who reside in the city to three and consequently let go of a lot of people who worked for the executive directories. Self-management is the next reform. There are fifteen self-managements in the capital. We will be competing with companies that provide housekeeping services. So, it's imperative that the activities of the municipal government can be more effective. Айнарс Шлесерс It is possible for maintenance to be reduced significantly so that people can pay less. About business plans

Question: Residents of Riga are concerned over the prospect of the introduction of a tax on living spaces. What is the opinion of the president of Riga think about the initiative of the government?

Answer: I see this as a negative state initiative even though tax revenue will go to self-management. Айнарс Шлесерс When people are in crisis and aren't able to pay they can introduce another tax... Айнарс Шлесерс We Seimas aren't going to be voting for it. Now the question is, where do we go to get the funds? It makes no sense to help those areas of economic activity where things are going badly. It is more beneficial to invest in profitable areas.

As "profitable" as "profitable. Shlesers named particularly transport, since Latvia is a transit state. The port is able to transship cargo from Russia and Belarus to Riga. In the past, prior to the war with Russia Federation, this was done through the port of Klaipeda. There is a plan for the expansion of the port of Riga and the construction of Kundzinsala, Krievu Island, and other territories, although many perceive this plan painfully. The Riga International Airport's mission that transforms the capital into a place that international cultural and business gatherings can be held is another lucrative area. To do this, first you must put things in order in the middle of the capital, so that guests are not being robbed at restaurants, in taxis or in taxis, so that there are enough toilets that are accessible to the people of the city. It is necessary, according to Mr. Slesers, to hold more concerts featuring pop music, so that, for example listening to Madonna the crowd did not go to Tallinn rather to Riga. Айнарс Шлесерс "We," the vice-mayor stated, "want to attract not inexpensive, but well-off visitors," but this requires an excellent tourism "product". Take lessons from London, Switzerland, and the USA. Foreigners who invest at minimum one million dollars in real estate or production in the local area get a "greencard" which allows them to remain permanently within the country. This isn't citizenship. ).

All these "huge ambitions" are not brand new. They were expressed by Mr. Shlesers during the course of the campaign for election. While journalists are looking into their implementation, it is still too early to discuss the concrete outcomes. Thus, most likely, a significant part of the interview questions dealt with the conflicts between the authorities in charge of economic law and vice-mayor’s ideological position.

To the "stinking" policy question

ASK QUESTION: Let's get back to our "stinking" policy. Discussions in recent times have been intensified through the words by Mr. Slesers - his party will fight for a spot in the parliamentary chamber along with the "Consent Center". The message of Ms. Aboltini from the New Times, which stated that all Latvian parties should join forces against the Shlesers bloc was also mentioned in the debate on the upcoming elections to the Saeima.

Answer: We were backed by 50 percent of Riga voters. LPP / LP does not represent any Russian party. It is a Latvian party that has many Russian natives. We don't discriminate those based on nationality. The second session of Duma's new Duma started with Dievs singing, sveti Latviju and all the Russian-speaking deputies sing. But no one is going to create a Soviet system in the Duma. Additionally, nobody is going to speak Russian at the Duma podium. LPP / LP stood for the state tongue, and the "Consent Center” has never been able to discuss the importance of having work in Russian within the Duma.

Furthermore, to a large extent thanks to the actions of the LPP / LP, the fact that we were able to unite Russian speakers around us, we destroyed ZaPcHeL.

On the issue of power

A QUESTION: Will Shlesers and Ushakov be the leaders of their respective parties during the Seim elections?

Айнарс Шлесерс The answer is I do not plan to go back to Sejm. There is a possibility that the party could nominate me for the post of ministerial president which would alter my plans for Riga.

Presently, there's a Duma composed of two blocs. One comes from LPP/LP and TsS. The other is from New Time and Civil Union. Similar blocs could be formed following the elections for the 10th Diet. We are getting closer to America
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