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It’s says on the front “ highly confidential, class 5 personnel or above access. “
Experimentation 1,201: Code name D.A.V.E

Delta Anthropoid Variable Experiment

This is Dr *******, class 7 personnel of laminax labs site 27 leading readership and development of subject code name

The premise of this experimentation is that it is believed after the creation and testing of the gootraxian speciesism that we could go further.

Instead of our subject being zoomorphic in nature, we shall create the first genetically enhanced human being.

This would, theoretically, be the perfect human. Heightened reflexes, strength, immunity and fortitude.

subject is to be stationed in a stasis chamber in lab 204.

There’s hundreds of pages here!

I’ll start on this first one.

Day one

All is running smoothly and we should be set to start the bioengineering process immediately.

Subjects body will be of an adult male, 25 years of age. Subject will measure 5’9 feet tall and will have an arm-spam of 6’1 feet. Subject will weigh 197.5 pounds. Subject will have an I.Q of 109.

Estimate of subject body completion is one week

Day 8

Subject is dormant, but conscious. We’ve done it. The mind is nothing but grey matter, neural enhancement will be in order. Subject is to kept dormant until then.

Day 12

Subject has accepted genetically engineered intelligence and memories. Subject should remember signing up to take part in a focus group hosted by laminax laboratories. Tomorrow we shall take the subject out of the stasis chamber for the first time.

Day 13

Subject was awake for the first time today. Subject has been allowed same access to facility’s and grounds as a class 1 personnel.

It has been observed that subject has a very chipper and upbeat attitude. They were very friendly to all personnel and test subjects, it went around greeting test subjects and personnel as if they were old friends of it.

Subject wandered around for the day, exploring its new home and the people in it. Subject has taken a specific interest to the gardens outside of site.

Subject was sedated and escorted back to stasis chamber in lab 294 at the end of the day

Day 15

Subject has made a friend. Said friend is test subject 612. Subject first meet test subject 612 today in the common area while playing one of the bongos. 612, named Stephan, asked to play the bongos as well. Both took turns playing the musical instrument, and soon a crowd had appeared.

Test subject 604 had told personnel that there was a quote “epic concert”. Subject and 612 bonded quickly afterwards and held conversations through the day.

However, test subject 612 is scheduled for testing and transfurmation in 3 weeks. It will be interesting to see how subject copes with loss, and my request for subject to be present during 612’s testing has been accepted.

Day 27

Subject was wandering the gardens outside of site 27 as per usual near 9:24 pm when they encountered fireflies.

Subject knew about the existence of fireflies and numerous other animals through its metal conditioning, but soon the sight of actual fireflies, subject became very excitable and demanded to be able to catch some with a mason jar found inside of the cafeteria.

Subject seems to be amazed at the very sight and spent the entire evening ogling at the jar.

Day 36

Today is the day of test subject 612s testing

Subject went about daily duties and habits as per usual. It is to be noted that subject always starts each morning with a glass of orange juice. While eating breakfast, subject has asked personal multiple times where 612 was.

Subject was told that they were feeling under the weather and had decided to sleep in. Subject seemed to accept this fabrication

Subject continued day as per usual schedule until mid afternoon at about 1:41 pm. Subject was taken aside by personnel and led to sub level B27, lab 167.

Subject was allowed to see inside of the test chamber, in which 612 was sitting in. It should be noted that this was not 2 way glass, so 612 could see and interact with subject. See the tape attached for the audio transcript relating to the incident at 1:47 pm, */**/**21 in lab 167 laminax site 27

There’s an audio tape inside of the folder here

“ *indistinct shuffling* *door closing* oh hey! There’s Stephan! What? I can’t hear you Stephan! Oh. He can’t hear me either? Hey what’s he doing in that big chamber anyhow? I thought you guys were gonna test him. He’s what? Being “let go”?

OH NO! LIKE LEAVING THE FACILITY? I didn’t get his cell number! Let him out for a second so we can exchange numbers! *indistinct talking* …What do you mean it’s dangerous?

If it’s dangerous, you need to get Stephan the heck outta there!

Wait a second, if Stephan’s being “let go” ( whatever that means ) why are we like a bajibillion feet underground?

Something’s wrong here. …no I will NOT sit down until you tell me what the heck’s going on!

What are you doing? Hey! Let go! *indistinct shuffling and the sound of handcuffs being clapsed* HEY! WHATS THE BIG IDEA? LET ME AND STEPHAN GO! “

At this time, my associate releases gootraxian test subject 579 danger class alpha, speciesism panther, into 612’s test chamber. Tape transcript will now resume.

“ What’s that? It’s looks like a panther! What’s a panther tho how doing in there! You need to let Stephan out right now or he’s gonna get hurt! You can’t do this! Stop! Please! Don’t hurt him! Run Stephan! RUN!

oh no. it has him. my best friend just got mauled by a panther and you guys DID NOTHING! wait. where’s Stephan? Where’s the blood? What did…what did you do to Stephan? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?

What? *indistinct talking* a goo-what-now? …no…I…I don’t believe you. You wouldn’t do this. You’re my friends!…right…?

…Please I don’t know what I did but please just bring him back. *indistinct talking* YOUR LIEING! THATS NOT STEPHAN! HEY! GET OFF ME! I SAID GET OFF ME!

*crack!* *thud* *pow* YOU *pow* GUYS *pow* ARE *pow* MEANIES! *po-* gah!

… *kshh* Subject contained. Officer ******* has sustained a broken nose request for med bay escort, over.

Roger that. Stand by for escort, over.

To allude as to what happened, Subject had broken through its restraints and tackled class 3 personnel officer ******* to the ground, repeatedly beating them in the face with its fists.

Subject was shortly thereafter sedated and contained. Officer ******* suffered a broken nose and fractured jaw and was escorted to the med day immediately.

Subject and officer ******* are prone to heavy brain conditioning

Day 37

Subject appears to be in emotional distress after learning the truth of my work. They distanced themselves from all personal and test subjects all day.

Upon test subject 629 greeting subject and sling what was wrong, subject broke down and sobbed uncontrollably, whispering “they’ll take you too” over and over.

A thorough brain conditioning will be in order

Day 38

Subject is no longer allowed access to facility’s and is to be kept in stasis chamber until further notification.

this morning at 12:11 am, subject was being escorted back to their stasis chamber when they suddenly lashed out.

Security officer **** class 3 reported that subject had been thoroughly sedated and was unconscious when they had started escorting subject.

It is theorized that subject over time developed an immunity to the sedatives used each day and was able to resist the draw of sleep.

Subject attacked quietly, quickly, and made quick work of the 4 class 3 personnel escorting it by attacking pressure points.

Subject had taken one of the personnel’s key cards and at 12:14 am used said key card to gain access to elevator 2, which they took to level B15. They then ran to lab 79, where 612s containment chamber was located.

It is believed that the subject has overheard 612s containment chamber location through reconnaissance and eaves-dropping on personnel.

Patient entered 612s chamber at 12:16. The following events were captured on security cameras

Subject enters test chamber

( this is all I have so far. stay tuned! )
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