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The interactions didn't do much for Akaashi either. He hadn't met a nicer customer after the golden-eyed one, but he was used to it. Most customers knew what product they looked for, and used self-service for the most part. He got paid for playing phone games during his shifts. Which wasn't something he could complain over.

Neon signs lit up better once the skies enveloped the sun like a duvet. The store always looked different in the darkness. Different hues of color would always enhance the white shelves. The different genres and layout looked clearer with the sunlight brushed away from the center of attention. The pretty effects lasted periodically. In the end, the sun returned to being the main character.

With few customers needing assistance, Akaashi let himself indulge his attention on his phone. Kageyama did the same next to him in the register. Working with Sugawara would force him into many nice dialogues. Kageyama was indifferent to interacting, though he preferred to read manga on his phone.

Amidst their peace, the employees heard the familiar tune of the work cell. Both Akaashi and Kageyama instinctively reached for it and shared a look. The look between each other was a battle to give the annoying task to one another. Akaashi retracted his hand the fastest and left Kageyama to take the phone. While he bit back a victorious smile, Kageyama rolled his eyes before coughing and preparing his polite voice.

"Manga Matrix, you're talking to Kageyama. How can I help you?"

Akaashi gave him a look and bit back a laugh. Kageyama's polite voice was nothing like his actual voice. The contrast was too funny, for everyone but Kageyama. He soon caught Kageyama's eyes widen, and sparkle. Before he knew it, Kageyama reached the phone in his direction. Confused, Akaashi gave him a befuddled expression.

"It's for you," Kageyama said in a hushed, sarcastic tone as revenge for earlier. Karma sure bit Akaashi's ass, however, he sarcastically smiled at his colleague and took the phone. Ah, he loved colleague banter. Two colleagues who didn't prefer phone calls sure made a good team.

"Manga Matrix, you're talking to Akaashi. How may I be of assistance?" Akaashi spoke in a polite tone, though more professional.

"Hello. I recently bought the manga of which you checked its age restrictions and everything. I don't mean to bother you again," The familiar customer chuckled, and continued talking. The customer didn't remember the title, even.

"Anyway, I was wondering if the next volume is available." He asked. Akaashi soon took over the computer on which Kageyama's game was running. He gave Kageyama a stern look, so as to visually scold him for playing at work. Kageyama only sunk in his seat, and Akaashi was back to assisting the customer.

"Sadly, its availability is limited in-store. However, I can order it for you in exchange for providing a few details. Is that okay with you?" Akaashi informed, and found the form he needed to fill out for the customer.

"Definitely, thank you!" The customer beamed, just as he did the last time. His enthusiasm was something one of a kind. His voice was something opposite of boring. Work was fun with enthusiastic customers.

"Of course. Firstly, would you like for it to be sent to your address? Or would you prefer pick-up?" Akaashi hovered the mouse over the two options. After somewhat of a pause, Akaashi heard him form a response.

"I would prefer pick-up," Akaashi pressed the right option, before asking for more details. Kageyama was soon obligated to go, due to a customer needing help. He watched Kageyama disappear to the main entrance.

"Name it should be under?" Akaashi asked, and kept the phone between his shoulder and ear. His fingers hovered over the letters, ready to type in the name as fast as possible.

"Bokuto, Koutarou."

"Alright, Phone number?" Akaashi asked, and was prepared to type in the different numbers in the right field. The customer shared their phone number slowly, and comprehensively. The typing went fast, and no mistake was made.

"Lastly, payment method. Would you like to pay on arrival, or would you like to pay with the order instantly?" Akaashi asked, and put in the store's address and necessary organizational details.

"On arrival, please," the newly named customer politely said. With that, Akaashi sent prayers of gratitude at the option. If the payment method had been different, he'd have to put in Bokuto's details and it would take an excessive amount of time.

"Alright. The shipping time varies between two to four days. You'll get notified on your phone when it's ready to be picked up. You will also receive an order ID you'll need to register for confirmation." Akaashi was informed properly and confirmed the order. After the website confirmed the form had been sent, he closed the tab and went back to a standard tab.

"Thank you so much for your time and assistance. You've been very helpful." Akaashi widened his eyes slightly at the genuine tone. He could feel his embarrassment rise. These were standard employee routines. He didn't need excessive praise for doing them. However, he appreciated the sentiment.

"Of course. You're welcome to return to Manga Matrix, and we have a TripAdvisor page for you to leave a review if you're interested." Akaashi tried the marketing strategy his boss found ever so beautiful.

"You bet! Thank you, have a nice day,"


And the phone call ended. The memorable customer made it back to Akaashi's head out of curiosity. He was tall, athletic by assumption, and had an individualistic hairstyle memorized by grey and black hair. His hair defied gravity by sticking up, and his golden eyes defied any eye color he had seen. Despite his look, he remembered his personality and behavior to be at his very best. Interesting. Some customers were odd.

The previous customer he remembered well, was a child who knocked over a shelf. Absentmindedly, he brought out his phone and discreetly opened the chat with Sugawara. Suga-san, as he preferred calling him. "online". Perfect.

Me: Your favorite customer has returned.

Sugawara Koshi: Daichi likes manga?

Me: Funny. No, the golden-eyed you teased me about the day I screwed up the machine.

Sugawara Koshi: HAHAHAHAH I remember! Oii, what do you mean he's returned?

Me: He called to order the manga, pick-up actually.

Sugawara Koshi: OIII, I told you.. He's keen. Did you get a name from the form?

Me: Yes, but that's strictly prohibited to share according to our contract.

Sugawara Koshi: Well, I'm a colleague. I'm not a friend. You can tell me. I might work without you the day he picks up. It would make the process faster if I knew his name, and then give him the right book.

Akaashi narrowed his eyes at his phone. He absolutely despised when Sugawara had a point. Akaashi could feel the despicable hatred in the pit of his stomach. He envisioned a picture of his older colleague burning in open flames. However, he cleared his throat and started typing.

Me: Alright. For work purposes only. Bokuto Koutarou.

Sugawara Koshi: WAIT

Sugawara Koshi is typing...

Akaashi had waited five minutes, distracting himself by assisting a young teenage customer. She was definitely having snacks after dinner, judging by the big bag Akaashi gave her at the end.

Sugawara Koshi is typing...

Sugawara Koshi: He's a volleyball player, he seems fun, and loves his daughter "over everything on this earth." That's sweet <3

Me: Magnificent, he's a parent who loves his child endlessly.

Sugawara Koshi: not like THAT, but he censors her to protect her from media.

Me: Oh, so he's smart and a family man. What are you suggesting?

Sugawara Koshi: He likes talking to you specifically...

Me: Yes, we have three commonly working employees. Very suspicious to seek assistance from me. He must be in love with me now.

Sugawara Koshi: Your endless sarcasm won't stop me.

Sugawara Koshi: Kageyama told me a weirdly happy customer asked for you specifically. He asked if that was allowed, and what to do in those situations.

Akaashi looked up from his phone and turned his head slowly toward Kageyama. The younger instantly read some of the words Sugawara had written. Kageyama blinked in confusion, wondering what he had done wrong. He'd only asked for advice. Akaashi soon realized that himself and rolled his eyes.

Me: It was funny at first, but you're going to make it weird once he returns to pick up the book. That's if I work there that day.

Sugawara Koshi: Listen, it's not weird. He's handsome. His instagram is absolutely insane. Athletes always get these pictures that... display them at their best.

Me: Ah yes, looks only. Will definitely go for a married man with a wife and a kid. With all due respect, you're making it weird. I'll admit he was weird for constantly leaning on me for support when you and Kageyama were available. That's all.

Sugawara Koshi: THAT'S where it starts. He might be interested in you. Not in love or whatsoever, but you might've piqued his interest. ALSO, there is no wife.

Me: I'm at work, we got to discuss this later. Though, you are wrong this time. You're smart and intellectual, and I go to you for any enlightenment or advice. However, you're wrong about this. Stop teasing me and the innocent customer.

Sugawara Koshi: Alright <3 I hope I didn't upset you 'Kaashi. I'm just looking out for you. I was excited to see an opportunity of dating in front of you, that's all. :) <3

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