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Two friendly ghost-like images, one representing Day and also the other Night, fight cracksum some other to see which has more accessible. Is it Day's sunbathing beauties and dawn or possibly it Night's Vegas lifetstyle and the twilight series. They soon see that they both have something the other can't offer and become friends. While the story is okay enough, as well as the visuals are excellent this short just doesn't seem to keep the pizzazz that usually associated with Pixar storytelling. It methods that extra dimension of depth that we associate their own animated project. I find it hard to think this is the most suitable that Emmeryville boys could come on the top of.

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The Wackness paints a mural of the latest York City in 1994, the year when hip hop was golden and a heat wave hit the city. Written and directed by Jonathan Levine, who earned an Audience Award in 2008 Sundance Film Festival, expectations of this Wackness are that it's a goofy comedy about having a party. Instead, it takes us on a raw graffiti soaked morality tale the actual streets from the Rotten .

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