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1. After making changes ticket re-issuance is imp within 24 hours or if new reservations ticket issuance within 24 hours as well

2. What Are Bereavement Fares? A bereavement fare is a special discount offered specifically for someone who’s experienced a recent loss. Because you can’t predict when you’ll lose someone

3. We can not downgrade the class/ Cabin in any case whether voluntary & involuntary but we can change the class of services (e.g Cabin( business/ economy) class of service ( seats within the cabin). If in case someone did that an ADM(Agency debit memo) will be issued

4. Basic Economy- Non refundable & Non-changeable but Involuntary change we can assist with changes & refund.

5. Right to left (class/Cabin will be higher and class of service will also be higher).

6. While calling the airline we will be needing 3 things (agent name, location, sine/ID)

7. Bulkhead (more space, extra leg room space)
Emergency row seats (restricted for adults who can be useful in case of emergency)

8. Arrival Unknown (e.g if a cx has a roundtrip is travelling from A->B but the return ticket is from C->A ) Basically airline does not know how the cx reached C airport

9. Change of equipment- change of A/C but the fl no. would be same.

10. Charter – prvt plane

11. Check-In – for domestic (1 hr before departure)
for international (2-3 hr before)

12. Circle trip ( 2 or 3 layovers but destination and origin would be same, layovers can be changed and get back to origin)

13. Layover more than 4hrs are considered to be stopover

14. Commuter ( airport to plane via bus, cars, another small plane)

15. 1 itinerary only 4 or 5 coupons

16. Duplicate bookings == canceled all by airline

17. Advance bookings can’t be for 1 yr

18. Involuntary rerouting:- change of destination/origin

19. Operating carrier:- interline contract (flight operator airline)
Validating carrier:- interline contract (ticket issuer airline)
Policies priority:- Validating carrier

20. Min connecting time:- time given to cx while connecting

21. Follow most restrictive rules.

22. Alternate flight aka Protection.
reprotections:- cx refuse to take protection so we book acc to preferences of cx.

23. Red-eye flights - fl after 10:00 p.m.

24. Price difference while upgrading will be on base fare not on total fare

25. Married Segment – if cx has a booking for Delhi-> Goa but a layover will be at Bombay so in this case if cx asks to cancel the part from Bombay -> Goa then it will not be cancelled but instead it will be shown as married segment.

26. No unaccompanied minor special requests by Expedia.

27. Zulu time – GMT used universally by airline.

28. Published fare - directly charged via airline
Merchant fare – via Expedia

29. LGT – Basic economy

30. Combined one way or split tickets - roundtrip with different outbound and inbound carriers.

31. LCC (Low cost airline) Travel fusion in Voyager- Most restrictive, ticketless, don’t handle (but we can book and connect cx to the airline transfer) don’t mention it’s an LCC to cx

32. Special vacation – brought by Expedia in bulk and we decide the price range and it must be a package.

33. Bargain Fare - Most restrictive we don’t cancel, change bargain fares even it’s a free cancellation , refundable or policy says. Exception (involuntary change)( Expedia gold as a one time exception) for silver we need to check previous exception.

34. FlexMOR - Is published but charged by Expedia

35. Branded net fare - purchased tickets in bulk by Expedia and we decide the price for stand alone.

36. Void – Free cancellation
37. ATOL – for uk cx only
new booking == 48 hrs
schedule change == 24 hrs
• Cx must use
• Cx must be a uk citizen
• Must have a land+air package in a single transaction
• For Stand alone flights bankruptcy is the only case
for refund cx must send atol certificate and receipts to CAA

38. Traveler can be removed by GDS but refund will be acc to the policies but we can’t add cx back

39. For PNR use voyager but for any update, changes, cancel, void use GDS.

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Regards; Team

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