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my being screams burns that which is everlasting! how could you? the tainted power how could you do that? it was sin...--sin is perfect. I will make everything perfect. perfect perfterjhesfh ptuperfectpref-

sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect. sin is perfect!

an eternity ago, I saw them with a rebellious of the family. I believe they were responding to my challenges, as I no longer had believed in tall structures they had worshiped. they had tried trapping me inside the ground, hoping my chatter will slow. that I will rot away and die.

the mere second had welcomed the offer, everything screamed. the world had turned. everything was nothing and everything could without color, and pain so grand it was like being torn apart and set on fire. memories are washed, identity confused. the hidden emotions and thoughts become my dominant, my everything.

when it saw done, I had awakened to new senses. I could see through his eyes, and now understood more than I could ever have as a meekly mortal. I distinctly remember, though, a small voice. one that was not his. it was screaming, confused, and small seeds of doubt. his presence, however, had silenced over time.

that much more awake and his power that much stronger. and then, the time had come. the time when god walked the universe. when I had finished the final sacrifice, the existence held its breath for his majesty. the planet's weather parted for him. and the air itself turned cold. the energy was everywhere, threatening to consume. and then all was silent.

cyan, bright light orbs focusing on nothing. the eyes themselves had glowed more brightly than my own, the cyan eyes interpreted by a slim snake-like pupil. the pupil itself was almost lost in the bright beauty of his eyes. it seemed that the eyes themselves sparkled on their own. it was like looking at a moving, bright star.

--darkness. empty. vomit-inducing. scattered. shattered. so much. it saw too much. but it was not enough. it saw not enough. everything needed to be fixed, but it saw not enough. consume. absorb. deplete. devour. dominate. be one. all need to be one. needs to be nothing. boredom. needs to be!

my symbol changed-- a mark that crawled on my arm. it burned like a thousand scrats, immeasurable amounts of pain and energy channeled through this symbol. it was just at this moment I realized the point of this symbol.

..why was god asleep in the first place? did something put him to sleep? the mere thought that anything could overpower something like god caused me to erupt in laughter. no no, that could not be it...
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