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Do You Want More Traffic On Your Website? Try These Search Engine Optimization Suggestions.

If search engine optimization was an easy thing to do, you wouldn't be here right now trying to learn some great tricks of the trade. The truth is, that it can be very confusing to efficiently optimize your web pages to a search engine's liking. A lot goes into the process. Find out about some of that process below.

Plan your website so that the structure is clean and you avoid going too deeply into directories. Every page you write for your website should be no more than three clicks away from the homepage. People, and search engines, like to find the information they are looking for, quickly and easily.

Attract more traffic to your site and boost your search ranking by establishing relationships with other sites. Sharing links with well-respected sites will help raise your profile and bring in more visitors. Be sure to reciprocate by linking back to their site as well, and avoid "link farms" with bad reputations.

Joining SEO communities is a great way to learn little insider tricks of the trade. Say Google suddenly changes their policy and begins to treat HTML title tags differently. You may not find out about this until your site falls in the rankings. But if you're signed up to receive newsletters and e-zines from the SEO community, you will always be in the know.

Check your bounce rate and lower it as much as possible. Your bounce rate is how quickly someone clicks into your site and then leaves. Search engines interpret a high bounce rate as a signal that your website was not helpful when searching on that keyword. This damages your standing in the SERPS.

When you initially launch your new site, send out a press release to local media who may be interested in covering the story. Even if you already have an established site, do a "remodel" and send out a press release for the new and improved unveiling. You might be surprised by how many publications have space reserved for just these types of stories.

Provide high quality photographs of products, and include an easy to use magnification system so customers can get a good idea of the details. Be sure that colors are accurate and that no parts are obscured by reflections. Try photographing the items from several angles and either choose the most attractive result or allow customers to view each version in turn.

Remember that keywords or phrases on each of your pages should total to around 3 to 5 percent of the total text of the pages. Your keywords should be spread out across multiple pages, not just focusing only on the homepage, as all of your pages carry an importance. Your page can have more entry points if it has more ranks.

Give your website a theme, and use it accordingly. Giving each of your categories a theme that is relevant to your overall increases you readership, which in turn can raise you up on search lists. Make sure that your theme stays within the trend of whatever you are working with, or else it may have the opposite effect.

You should incorporate your location into some of the text phrases that are on your site. Key phrases such as the name of your company or services you provide can easily be combined with your location. This is a great way to help your site become a result when someone searches for the specific area in which you are located.

Constantly evaluate your website. If you want it included in the first page of search results, it has to be one of the best. Look at your competition and ask yourself how your site stacks up. Be realistic and continue to work to make it better. Get opinions about your website from your friends and family as well.

Search engine bots look for new material on sites, so a consistently updated blog is a great method for giving them an excuse to look at your site. Well-written articles will often be shared. Then the people who shared them will come back for more and so will their friends.

Make sure the that SEO services provider you choose will make a site map for your website. Additionally, be SEO Company Kelowna that they use Google .xml standard formatting. An up-to-date site map in the right format is very helpful in attracting search engine bots and showing them around your site. It is also helpful to human beings who want to know what's on your site!

Search Engine Optimization only works when it plays by the rules! The rules, however, change over time. Either the web site owner and developer have to be constantly upgrading their knowledge on Search Engine Optimization and the way search engines work or, alternatively, they should hire a professional.

Don't overuse header tags to try to increase your search engine ranking. Use the H1 tag only once on your page, near the top. Then use the H2 tag a few times, 2-3 maximum. Lastly, use the H3 tag for the least important titles on the page. As long as you stick to these rules, feel free to fill your titles with keyword-rich phrases!

Log-based statistics are far superior to tracking code statistics like Google Analytics. Your logs will cover every single call to your site, from pages to images to video. These statistics will also cover all visitors, not just those with the ability to be tracked by JavaScript. Log-based statistics are totally comprehensive.

Keywords are absolutely essential to get your website on the search engine map. All aspects of your site; titles, content, tags, URLs, and even image names; should contain plenty of words that a person might be searching for to find your content. Beware of putting too many unrelated keywords, though- this can label you as a spammer and blacklist your site.

To improve your site's search engine optimization, make sure that every page of your site is thematically focused and simple to understand. If a page on your site covers multiple topics, it will be very confusing for a spider. If you need to express more than one topic on a single page, you need to create more pages.

The abyss is no place for a great website. Make sure that you're paying close attention to the tips contained within this article. You will get a feel for how search engines operate, and from there, you can start to format your site so that it's search engine-friendly and eventually able to rank highly in your market.

Boost your e-commerce site's search ranking
Once a surfer gets to the products page, they expect to be able to find out more about each Fretzel or buy it by clicking on it. Instead, they get a pop-up window with a larger image and a negligible amount of text.

Crompton thinks your site would be more user-friendly and rank higher on the search engines if you created a page for each Fretzel type and for each boxed assortment.

"In the 'shop' tab, for instance, there is way too much information. The search engine doesn't know what is important," he explains.

So as you create one page per product, use header tags (also known as H1 tags) that emphasize facts such as quantities available, price, description, ingredients and history. Why will this help? The text that falls under each of these categories can be chock-full of keywords for each of your unique products. Furthermore, header tags are prominent to search engines and will give the users what they are expecting. And finally, this organizational structure will enhance your site map and overall reliability of the site, in Google's eyes.

Best of luck, Jill. To find out more, check out a video Steve Wiideman made which analyzes your site and shows you how to get more traffic to Fretzels. Also, check out Wiideman's Top Ten Tips and Tricks.

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