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Woodland Hills private school is using arts to develop Emotional intelligence in kids:
When you think of the emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ) of your child, probably your mind might get attuned to your kid’s academic intelligence. And that too, especially the score in Maths quiz and Spelling bee. However, emotional intelligence is beyond what a child knows in Maths or Science or English or any other subject for that matter.
But the Woodland Hills private school is using arts to develop the emotional intelligence of its students. And the outcomes have been very positive and numerous, to mark for. The attempt by the school has evolved how children use their emotions in constructive ways. This is not the diversification of emotions or changing their direction, but utilizing the potential for the child’s benefit in understanding, using and managing emotions towards inner harmony.
Furthermore, it has improved how kids communicate and understand each other. A change in perceptions, or what you can call a paradigm shift help children in overcoming challenges and defusing conflicts.
Children learn to paint their thoughts, and their outcomes and even express more interest in how others feel. Their positive passion helps them exercise patience. Processing time constructively also helps them in processing their emotions and think beyond their self-emotions, think about their fellow beings, and think about the community and society. Pacific Palisades private school, get closer to nature and can think on matters needing collective consciousness such as global warming, saving the earth, saving water, saving forests and much more.

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Regards; Team

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