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What Is The Green Tea Diet And Does It Really Work?
“Some research suggests that the caffeine and catechins found in green tea may assist with modest weight loss, likely because they raise your metabolic rate,” explains Sassos. Your metabolic rate is the number of calories your body burns doing ordinary, everyday things — a.k.a. sitting or cooking, not a furious HIIT workout. You don’t need to drink a lot of green tea to help you lose weight. While weight loss benefits vary based on different dynamics, they have been found by drinking as little as 2.5 cups of green tea per day. The most potent catechin in green tea is EGCG, the powerhouse compound that's responsible for most of green tea's weight loss properties.
To lose weight more quickly, you'll need to cut calories and exercise more often in addition to drinking green tea. There are no magic pill or powder that can replace consistent work in the gym and a clean diet to lose weight. But there are definitely a few ingredients that can boost your body's metabolism rate and help you in your weight loss journey. A hot cup of freshly brewed green tea leaves and green coffee beans can have some exceptional health benefits.
If you have high cholesterol levels, you might want to look into drinking green tea. A The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition meta-analysis that reviewed the results of 14 studies, found that green tea intake lowers fasting serum total and LDL cholesterol in adults. Green tea isn't the only thing worth consuming to lower your cholesterol, there are also these 17 Foods That Lower Cholesterol. Working out is an essential part of any weight-loss plan, but soreness and recovering from an intense workout may keep people out of the gym longer than they want to. That's where green tea comes in; Polish scientists found that study participants who consumed three cups of the beverage every day for a week had fewer markers of the cell damage caused by resistance to exercise.
It is not just effective for weight loss but is even good for your skin as a regular intake of this green tea will keep your skin glowing and hydrated. Since it is rich in antioxidants, it will help in making your immune system stronger. Tea Burn Review will even keep your digestive system healthy, heart healthy and boost the rate of metabolism to make you lose weight at a faster rate. Brewing it for 4-5 minutes will be sufficient to get the right flavour. Organic India is surely one of the most popular brands in the market of healthy tea and herbal tea.
Clearly, more studies have to be performed to elucidate the effects of GTE on fat metabolism as well as improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. While exercising and eating a healthy diet may be effective, drinking green tea will act as a natural stimulant that can speed up weight loss. But what really makes green tea outshine in your weight loss journey is the presence of antioxidants called catechins, most importantly epigallocatechin gallate - a substance that is known to boost metabolism. Weight loss is at the top of the list of health goals for many guys, and if you’re in that group, here’s a strong case for green tea—it has been shown to increase metabolic rate and fat burning.
The Mythical Green tea from teakruthi is his all-time favourite for rejuvenating his mind, body, and soul. Ginger has been used for medicinal purposes since historic times and has very powerful health benefits. With Green tea, along with all the health benefits, it also provides a spicy flavour to it. This combination can help in fighting nausea and curing digestive problems of the stomach. Ginger and lemon can both be added to Green tea together as well.
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