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T he education on anaphy laxis management should be strengthened.N onallergic reactions to H ymenoptera stings include common local irritant reactions and, more rarely, toxic systemic reactions. IgE mediated allergic reactions triggered by H ymenoptera stings range from large local reactions to systemic reactions, including urticaria, angioedema, asthma, or anaphy laxis, which may be lifethreatening. A quality of life questionnaire was administered to venomallergic patients in S pain.T he results showed that people with venom allergy had a poor quality of life because of increased anxiety directed towards the risk of accidental exposure to H ymenoptera stings. B ee venom therapy is delivered either through a live bee sting also known as live bee acupuncture, L or venom injection.InA sia, bee venom has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis for decades. M oreover, B ee venom therapy is also used to treat other conditions such as osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, asthma and cancer. of bee venom allergy cases were due to iatrogenic exposure. T herefore, bee venom allergy due to L is a signicant problem warranting additional investigation.A T here are a very few of studies on bee venom allergy in C hina, especially for the highrisk populations such as beekeepers.Inthis study, we analyzed bee venom allergy in two populations with high risk, beekeepers and individuals receiving L, to answer the following questions what are the prevalence and clinical features of bee venom allergy in C hinese populations who are at high risk, what are the risk factors associated with bee venom allergy in C hina and what is the management <a href="">search Calcineurin Autoinhibitory Peptide</a> strategy used for venom allergy in these two populations.T he rst focused on subjects receiving L from D ecember to J anuary in S hijiazhuang D azheng H ospital of T A pitherapy in northern C hina, and F irst H ospital A liated to G uangzhou U niversity of C hinese M edicine and S henzhen T raditional C hinese M edicine H ospital in southern C hina.T he second study focused on beekeepers from A ugust to S eptember in the B ee I nstitute of the C hinese A cademy of A gricultural S ciences and E ntomology department of C hina A gricultural U niversity.D emographic information and characteristics of bee venom allergy were <a href="">buy Calcineurin Autoinhibitory Peptide</a> collected using a questionnaire.T he features of allergic reactions including local reaction size, involvement of other systems, duration of symptoms, and prognosis were investigated in detail.P ossible inuencing factors such as working yeas or duration of L, frequency of bee stings, atopy history and family history were analyzed.Wealso collected the data regarding the management of venom allergy due to L and the education status about venom allergy management in beekeepers.Toconrm the diagnosis, skin prick tests were performed on subjects with suspected bee venom allergy.Rsare dened by edema, erythema and pruritus and have maximum diameters greater than cm peaking at to dafter the sting and resolving to dlater.S ystemic reactions involve two or more organ systems and usually begin to minutes after the sting, but can also arise faster.
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