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>this argument makes no sense, considered both things did happen the only margin of error you've is picking the wrong nigger, not that picking a nigger in the place of a white person
Or picking two when there was only one responsible. And no what you're saying about there margin of error isn't even true. There have been thousands of cases where cops fake a crime to get black people convicted.
Either planting drugs, bribing a witness, or something else. It shouldn't come as a surprise that a corrupt bureaucratic institution like the police routinely does these things. Anyway disproportionate wrongful convictions are still an obvious example of white privilege. Even if you factor in blacks committing more crime (a result of white privilege in the first place), they only commit like 2.1 times more crime per capita yet are wrongfully convicted 7 times as often for murder and 12 times as often for drug crimes. Assuming that the higher black crime rate is the only reason they have a higher wrongful conviction rate doesn't add up statistically because it's not true
>consecuentially this phenomena would barely give any increase in crime rate for niggers
When did I say it would?
>>there is no antiwhite scretching
The point was there is no grand conspiracy by U.S. political parties to "fund and megaphone anti-white theories" which is what that Chud was claiming. And no, critical race theory doesn't count as "anti-white theory". Criticizing white people in writing or speech without getting imprisoned doesn't somehow make white privilege non-existent
>can you name a case where a 12 years old black or POC boy within the anglosphere, in the, idk, last 40 years, got arrested for using a racist slur against anyone?
No but why specifically that? I mean why specifically something that you're making out as equivalent to anti-black systemic racism in the police apparatus because its the only example of a perceived injustice against whites by authority that exists? Besides the obvious fact that no white equivalent of the n-word exists (if you're not aware why it's the historical context of the power relationship between blacks and whites, blacks being the subordinate race) the distinction here is when a white suburban kid gets arrested for saying the n-word in school he isn't arrested ''for being white''. White people by and large don't have to worry about being followed around by cops for "looking suspicious" or dealing with arbitrary traffic stops and searches. I know many cases of black children getting beaten or arrested by cops for either nothing at all or meme crimes like loitering and jaywalking, including a case in my own province where a 6 year old black girl got handcuffed and beaten for holding scissors in "a threatening way" or some shit (I don't remember the details).
>wealthy blacks commit disproportionate crime still
>crime is le bad because it just is chuddy, you WILL follow the made up book of laws written by an illigitimate occupation government OR ELSE
Not globally (see pic) and if they do regionally in certain states or whatever the discrepancy can be attributed to environmental factors and certain forms of white privilege. Not to mention rich blacks tend to be less wealthy than rich whites.
>because of white privilege or because of black incompetence?
Two ways of saying the same thing but
>being born into poverty means you'll have less money to spend on you kid's education
>they're also born in black ghettos or republican shitholes like alabama/louisiana that don't have sufficient accessability to public school resources
>they will end up doing worse in school and end up unemployed or with a minimum wage job
>in turn any kids they have will be born into poverty
Starting to see the pattern here? And
>inb4 muh iq
I already proved that there's no statistical difference in IQ scores between races earlier in the thread (>>751929)
>because white population commits less cirme
White people are less likely to be arrested for committing crimes that are committed equally frequently by both races per capita

"African Americans are arrested for violating marijuana possession laws at nearly four times the rates of whites, yet both ethnicities consume marijuana at roughly the same rates."

>furthermore you never named a thing that identifies "white privilege", you named phenomena that identifies benefits of living in a household with higher income and within a social context with imperative to become socially functional
The entire significance of that is that white people tend to disproportionately have these systemic benefits which is precisely what social scientists call "white privilege" even if you don't want to call it that because it's an inconvenient word to you. The social division between blacks and whites in America is way too obvious not to notice, and the entire point being made by the other Chud was that it's "incidental" - when it's clearly not. A seven fold or twelve fold increase in wrongful conviction rate between races is nothing but incidental and your point of "black incompetence" admits a cause and effect.
>indian americans for instance tend to have the highest household income and there, there is no human priviledge over dogs
What the fuck? They're relegated to indian reservations aka rebranded internment camps where they struggle to make ends meet and lack basic resources like clean running water and heating
None of the tribes listed here have a higher household income than white Americans
>probably you don't either understand a lot about genetics, polygenic traits, clines and overlaping genetics
I've read several books about genetics and natural selection I'm interested in knowing what you've read
>why do we categorize atoms based on protons instead of electrons or neutron?
You see, the thing here is protons are objective, discrete and quantitative. You can identify an atom by counting its protons because that's what distinguishes the elements in the first place. Lighter elements are simpler, older and have less protons. No equivalent to distinguish races exists in genetics. Historically arabs and even southern europeans were called "black", the standard for who is black isn't even universally agreed upon and poltards argue about it all the time. It's a completely subjective categorization
>the least polygenic the easier its to find in peripheral populations
"Non-polygenic" traits are a meme, read lysenko. Multiple different genes go into the process of producing every single phenotype including skin color.
>why would both elites and white people reduce willingly their own power over minorities
They wouldn't; back then they used the black vs white distinction to justify political repression, conquest and genocide (crusades, spanish inquisition, american slavery, holocaust). Today it seems like they're trying to antagonize black and white people while reproducing black immiserating by protecting repressive capitalism
>I lived in a ghetto and the blacks were criminal and acting gangster
One ghetto isn't an adequate sample size to represent all blacks, and I seriously question if black humor gets mistaken as being criminal because I read about false reports made against black "criminals" all the time in the news. Usually it's some karen calling the cops feeling threatened over black slang. There's a whole range of other things to consider like "which blacks am I more likely to see in area x, or the news or whatever" and is there any correlation between crime rates and those people that isn't tied to race.
>even if both are conditionated by their autism to certain patterns of reaction
You don't know much about autism do you
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