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Caimos Vaunter of the Moon
Spell Energy: 2500
Pansexual (If important)

Above: Hooded ; Below: After Prolonged Use of Forbidden Magic (Shows All enchanted Items)

Known Spells:

Forbidden Spells:

(50 Spell energy) Puppet Strings: Any person that is incapacitated will suddenly spring to life and use themselves as human shields for Caimos.

(50 Spell Energy) December’s Full Moon: The victim of this spell would see all around them, it would appear to be night. It would feel cold, as if they were wearing no coat in a snowstorm. Above them would be a bright, white full moon. The atmosphere around them would be filled with an intense feeling of dread.

(150 Spell energy) Souls of the Fallen: Souls from the Realm of the Dead would be interrupted from their eternal peace and forced to do Caimos’s bidding, like puppets.

(400 Spell Energy) Sound of a Broken Heart: Caimos would shoot out a thin, purple beam faster than light at the victim’s heart. If it hits, it’ll incapacitate them instantly. The feeling of the strike hurts worse than a heart attack.

(100 Spell Energy) The Eye of Truth: Caimos would open a third eye. This eye can see where people have been, see through cloaks, structures, and spells, and can sense incoming attacks before they happen.

(10 Spell Energy) Personal Hell: The victim would be forced to relive their worst, most painful memory. If they stray and try to do something different than how the memory went, the memory would replay until they did everything exactly as it was to the end of the memory.

(150 Spell Energy) Acute Disability: Caimos would aim his Blade-Wand towards the victim after their most recent spell. It would shoot out a thin, purple beam as fast as light. If it hits, that person cannot use that spell until Caimos is incapacitated, killed, if he chooses to lift the spell, or if a much more powerful spell or potion is used to aid in the re-enabling of the ability.

Fire Spells:

(125 Spell Energy) Smoldering Terrain: Caimos stabs his Blade-Wand into the ground, incinerating everything around him in a large radius.

(100 Spell Energy) Drought: The sun’s light engulfs the terrain, rendering any water or ice spells to be rendered useless. Can only be stopped if the Sun completely blocked by a spell that can create a large cloud or an eclipse.

Forbidden Flame Spells:

(50 Spell energy [The first two times] 110 Spell Energy [The third time])Cerberus’s Bite: Caimos creates a head of a massive demon dog near himself made entirely out of intense flames. If the victim is close, then he can use the flames to “bite” the victim. The attack caused severe burns in the shape of bite marks. If it lands, he can do it again. If the second one lands, he can do it a third and final time. The third bite is the most powerful.

(25 Spell Energy) Flamethrower: Caimos opens a small portal on his hand that leads to the Sun. It sends out an intense beam of flame extremely far in one direction.

Lightning Spells:

(45 Spell Energy) Thunder-Shower: Caimos causes a intense rain shower to happen. The rain causes lightning to be manipulated into different directions much easier. It also intensifies the lightning bolts.

(15 Spell Energy) Lightning Strike: Caimos calls for a single lightning strike in one area.

(45 Spell Energy) Thunder Beam: Caimos can shoot a lightning bolt out of his Blade-Wand

Forbidden Lightning Spells:

(250 Spell Energy) Zeus’s Rival: In a dome-like formation, lightning shoots out of Caimos. Anything caught in the attack will be struck 100-fold.

Additional information:

With every Power Crystal he gets, he grows in power. He only seeks a Flame Ruby, a Water Sapphire, a Lightning Quartz, a Mind Amethyst, a Soul Pearl, a Floral Diamond. He has no need for any others.

The majority crystals are self explanatory. They make it easier to cast the spells he needs.

The only one that differs is the Floral Diamond. This crystal aids by allowing Caimos to have herbs ready instead of having to look for them. He uses the herbs for making potions, serums, and powders such as:

Teleportation Mix: The teleportation mix is a two-part potion. First, you drink one potion bottle of the mix, and then you throw the other wherever you wish to teleport.

Bottled Healing: A serum speeds up the healing process, fixing any broken bones or wounds.

Sleep Powder: A fine, green powder that causes intense drowsiness, disorientation, and dizziness if inhaled or ingested.

Instant Cement: A bottle of an orange liquid that if thrown, will instantly harden. It is used to have people get stuck or stick things together.

Smoke Bomb: A small vial of a black liquid is smashed on the floor, releasing a thick gray smog used to conceal.

Liquid Rage: A small vial of a red liquid is ingested, awakening the drinkers’ inner demon. It causes extreme anger and hatred, causing them to lash out in awful ways.

Caimos also possesses a number of cursed and enchanted objects.

The Silent Tongue Mask: The mask allows him to make any spell (that he is already able to use) to be used without any incantation. It also allows him to breath in the thickest smog and the deepest waters.

The Blade-Wand: The Blade-Wand is exactly what it sounds like. It is a thin black blade that doubles as a wand. Attacks made with the blade are extremely quick and silent.

A Sentient Scarf: This was an accidental acquisition. One day, many years before learning Forbidden Magic, Caimos had found a shop whose name is lost to time. It was a shop filled with cursed items, each bestowed with different abilities. The scarf had seen Caimos enter and immediately took a liking to him. Since then, it has never left his neck. It usually warns him of incoming projectiles or unseen attacks.

The Enhancement Earring: Any threats that hope to be silent are quickly found by this earring. If a silent threat gets close, it causes a small ringing in Caimos’s ear, alerting him.

Undead Cloak: The first person who wears this cloak is cursed to live forever unless someone kills them, even if they take it off. If they try to get rid of it, it will always come back.

Caimos is a skilled sword fighter and martial artist. His blade moves as swift as the wind and his strikes can stop hearts. He only uses these skills if he is out of Spell Energy or to conserve it.

Note that enchanted items take no spell/normal energy from the user.

Note that Spell Energy and Normal energy are separate. If spell energy runs out, the person can no longer use spells until it is replenished. Their normal energy is their life force. If it runs low, they are tired and must sleep. If it runs lower than that, they will pass out. If it runs lower than that, they will die.
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