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• EX_R_NEW :- while cancelling and refund is permitted we need to send PNR to this queue.
• PNR CR NEW:- for new ticket

• While selecting function we will use Voluntary exchange , refunds and sched change exchange

2. * == display

3. ¥ -> (cross of Lorraine) for filters

4. *S -> to display Pseudo city code (PCC current)
in history we will get the booking PCC

5. AAA(pcc) -> to jump PCC
for autojump -> atleast a ticket is necessary or a fl segment would work or both

6. Ctrl+backspace -> to clear sabre screen

7. To display PNR
a. *PNR
b. *-last name/first name
c. *-last name

8. IG -> just ignored (and to get out of the pnr)

9. IR -> ignr nd retrieve. (but you will stay in the same pnr)

10. To del a flight segment: X(serialno.)
if more than 1 -> X(1st serialno.)-(2nd serial no.)

11. To create a new pnr
• for adding name -> -lastname/firstname*(ADT/CHD/INF)
if an infant then -> -I/lastname/firstname*(INF)
• for adding agency no. -> 9404-728-8787-A EXPEDIA TRAVEL/1161727

• for adding cx phn no. -> 9[area code][phone number]-[phone type code]

• for adding ticketing line -> 7TAW[PCC][Queue]/7T-[current date]
PCC refers to booking PCC ( we need to enter the current PCC in which booking is made

• for adding retention line -> 0OTH[Airline code]GK[no. of passengers][Departing City][180 days date DDMMM]-INFO/RETENTION

12. Steps for saving any changes in pnr
a. 6(del ID)
b. ER
c. ER once again
d. IR

13. To check availability -> 1(traveldate)(citypair)
for specific airline -> 1(traveldate)(citypair)¥(airlinecode)
for checking more flights -> 1*

To display cabin details-> W/RBD*airline code

To select Flight seats -> 0(no. of passengers)(class of service)(serial no. of flights displayed)
if connecting type both serial no.

shortcut- 1(traveldate)(citypair)¥(airlinecode)//SB(or BB or )

14. To display f/b rule -> RD(issuedate)(city pair)(traveldate)(fare basis code)-(carrier code)*16

15. Alt+ up arrow key -> to execute previous command

16. *A -> to display itinerary

17. *PNR or *last name -> for display PNR details

18. After *A
• first there will be the name of the travelers by 1.1 last name/first name*ADT , 2.2, 3.3 etc
• ADT= adult, CHD=child, INF= infant
• in the third line = flight segments
• fourth = fl details
• W/RBD*airline code -> to display cabin details

19. Retention line is the date to keep the PNR active/live & ticket validity max-(180days) we can extend when there are no fl segments and will not expire if not retention line it must have fl segments
PNR will be by default active till 365 days from booking date and
cx need to complete his/her travel within 365 days of ticket issuance.
we can extend it by retention line acc to airline

20. HK- (Holding Confirmed) seat on flight
NO- No Action Taken
HN- Holding Need
HL- Waitlisted
UC- Unable Flight Closed Not Waitlisted (waitlist is also closed)
LK- Holding Confirmed
HX- Holding Cancelled
KL- Confirming From Waitlist
UN-Unable Flight cancelled by Airline
TK- Time Change Advise Passenger New Time
NN- (Need need) May or may not be confirmed
SS- Seat sold but booking not ended and Re- Retrieved
XS- Cancel segment or remove segment
AS- added segment

E.g. 3 UA 520V 30JUN 4 SFOJFK SS1 0900 1730

• 3- serial no.
• UA- airline code
• 520 – fl no.
• V- Victor class of service
• 30JUN- 30th June 2022
• 4- No. of Weekday (Thursday)
• SFOJFK- San Francisco to john F Kennedy ( city pairs O/D)
• SS- fl segment status
• 1- one traveler
• 0900 1730 – 9:00a.m.( in SFO ) to 5:30 p.m.(in JFK)

21. *T -> command to display all the tickets

22. Ticket display commands
• WETR*serial no. of ticket/ticket no.
• WETR*Tserial no of ticket/ticket no.

IF a ticket is re-issued
• WTDB*serial no. of ticket/ticket no.
• WTDB*Tserial no of ticket/ticket no.

23. F/B -> fare bases code
To display f/b rule -> RD(issue datewithyear)(city pair)(date of travelwithyear)(fare basis code)-(carrier code)*16

if there are serial no.
RD(serial no.)*PE

24. We can make changes in a connected fl only if there is a min departing time of 5 hours.
e.g if the fl is for A-C and have a connecting at B so if there cx already boarded from A-B and if there is a min connecting time of 5 hours we can make changes from B-C but less than 5 hours cx need to contact airline If the ticket is still open

25. If status open then only we can cancel or make changes.

26. Bag : -> checked in baggage

27. Check -> whenever expedia is charging
Cash -> whenever Airline is charging


AA facts (airline facts)
• OSI -> ssr (not in ss)
• 1. It states that this pnr after adding it has not been placed on queue.
• 2. It states that if ticket has not been issued by 2 july airline will cancel it.
• 3. It states a ticket issuance is necessary

• U*1 – cx email // is used instead of @
• U*2 – itinerary no. and acc ID
• U*38 -

30. *HIA –> history of pnr
Last action to first
at the end original date of ticket will be displayed

H*AS(PCCsabreID) -> to check who has done the action

31. MU – scroll up
MB – Bottom
MD – Scroll down


• XS- remove/ del segment
• *NN/HK2 -> it states first we captured or requested the seat then Hk stands that it is confirmed by Airline
• R- Lakshay -> action done by Lakshay
• SS- seat sold
• AS- added segment
• 80JF -> US point of sale
• AHS-> agent unique ID
• R- GCOWMNMCORPUZ1 -> action done by automated system
• R- 5MWA -> action done by automated system
• Last line
5MWA 5MWA*AWT 1948/23NOV21 -> original date of ticket issuance

33. *PQR ->(price quote record) display whenever any changes, sched change a Price record has been stored
*PQS -> to display history of these stored price on a pnr (we will store the price)
*PQ –> for display particular fare for baggage (to store retained fare)
*PQ(serialno.) –> for see particular fare

34. Use SAE (Sabre automated Exchange)
only use manual pricing if SAE fails.




SCM—automated response
EWR—command to confirm the changes/ pax ok with the changes
5MRA – booking PCC
9LXB*AA1 – agent ID
2013/18APR21—> date of (SC)
R- SC.REAC.E22APR21 –> E for Electronic ticket, this date is for the cx that he can accept/reject the SC ,

37. SC—Schedule change
AS-- Added segment
WK/SC--- sched change has been done

Merchant fare bookings :- WFRF(TICKETNUMBER)¥N(passenger seq 1.1 or 2.1)¥A(airline code)¥PJCB
Published fare bookings :- WFRF(TICKETNUMBER)¥N(passenger seq 1.1 or 2.1)¥A(airline code)
For specific pax type :- WFRF(TICKETNUMBER)¥N(passenger seq 1.1 or 2.1)¥A(airline code)¥PCNN

39. For Manual pricing
WP -> price for the selected class of service
WPNC -> price for the lowest class of service in same cabin
WPNCB -> price for the lowest available price in flight ( basic economy)
*I -> to display the fl segments only
• WP (to check pricing)
• PQ (to retain or save pricing)
• *PQS (to check all the retained prices)

40. While Exchanging
1st del previous fl segments
2nd add new segments
3rd WP (for new fares repricing)
4th *PQS (for checking previous price)
5th PQ (for retained fare)
6th Difference from total to total (in US pos case) in this case if new booking amt is less then cx will get a credit as an MCO(miscellaneous charge order )
but in case of uk pos or others like Singapore( base to base fare tax type to tax type) if new booking base fare is less than previous but taxes are higher so cx need to pay taxes and base fares would be forfeited

PQD(serial no.) – to delete a PQR

41. To add remarks:-
if add more
5H- ( your remarks)

42. To display remarks -> *P5H

43. To Divide a pnr :-
a. D(serial no. of passenger)
b. F
c. 6(del)
d. ER
e. F
f. ER
g. ER

44. Void a flight – WV(serial no. of ticket) do it twice

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Regards; Team

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