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so if you live in Canada you've definitely been affected by the rogers outage. now the reason this is happening is because they are taking on a new company, Shaw communications. or at least allegedly this is why it is happening. and so I've seen the Liberals criticize this move as rogers creating a conglomerate and having a stranglehold on the market, allowing for an outage of these proportions to occur. and now I agree with the common person, this is a bad thing. it is a bad thing that they allowed an outage this large to occur. what i think is retarded is blaming it on the fact that rogers is a huge company with control on a large amount of the market. now Ive heard the liberals talk about it, ive also seen jagmeet singh talk about it. and the funny thing is jagmeet singh is critizing the liberals for not intervening on rogers having this large of a hold on the market. basically he wants to be able to control the market and control how much companies can own. think about that next election.

now again I agree this is a bad thing that this outage happened. and your average person will agree. but thats only thinking shortterm. Hospitals are down, transportation is down, alot of things are down right now. even my job was hindered, we cant take calls. I have a source within a company that deals with transactions and they said around 2 billion in transactions had to be halted because of this outage. so the world has essentially been held back. now short term, this is a bad thing. how short term? Rogers said anywhere from till tomorrow to months from now. but this is actually a good thing. the libiral goverment is wrong. obviosuly jagmeet singh is wrong, i mean when is this guy ever right. this outage happening is a good thing. now before i go into this, there are people thinking it could be a cyber attack, its trending on twitter right now. i think thats wrong but i could be wrong.

anyways I think this is a good thing because we can grow from it. we just have to be long term thinkers, which the goverment should be. the goverment should not be causing panic, it should be helping canadians switch from rogers. because rogers is a shit company. they fucked up and they need to be taught a lesson. not only that but a precedent needs to be set. any company that fucks up this bad should be ready to go bankrupt or at the very least loose a majority of their customers. everyone should drop rogers right fucking now. i see no reason not too. "oh its too much of a hassle" yeah has this outage been too much of a hassle for you bitch? thats what i fucking thought. whenever i see someone use rogers im gonna ask them why not and tell them to make the time of day to switch. we need to hurt rogers so that they understand and all other tech companys understand this can never happen. because once we switch and destory rogers, whoever we switch to is gonna take those extra precautions to make sure something like this never happens again. its not because rogers tried to aquire another company, no. its because rogers is a shit company and did not take this into account before going through with it.

so in conclusion, the liberals are retarded for suggesting that no company should be big enough that this ever happens. that is wrong. a company this big should be held to high enough standards so that they would never let something like this happen. and when everyone switches over, we need to make sure that message is heard loud and clear.
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