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How A Beauty Business Benefits From A Chatbot
The beauty industry is a highly competitive field. With so many brands vying for customers’ attention and money, your business needs to stand out to be successful. On top of that, customers are savvy and demanding in this space.

They expect a personalized, high-quality experience every time, so your brand has no margin for error. Which tool meets all these requirements and gives your business the competitive edge it needs to succeed? A Facebook beauty chatbot.

Messenger chatbots are not only an ideal tool for beauty businesses, but they are also easy to create and implement. Are you ready to make your beauty business stand out from the crowd? Learn why a chatbot is the best solution for you and get helpful tips for creating your first chatbot.

read more about Of Beauty Businesses That Can Benefit From Chatbots
The benefits of chatbots apply to all players in the beauty industry. Stationery businesses such as salons, spas, and beauty schools can be as successful with a Facebook chatbot as online businesses such as cosmetics e-commerce shops.

Chatbots are also helpful for beauty businesses of all sizes. More prominent brands inundated with Facebook messages can use a beauty chatbot to answer frequently asked questions automatically. It can also help them collect data on prospects and customers and send newsletter-style messages to users.

Smaller brands may not need bots to handle a full Messenger inbox, but they can benefit in other ways. Your bot can convert users who comment on Facebook posts into leads. It can also act as a mini-CRM to collect, filter, and export data about customers engaged with the bot.

How A Chatbot Can Boost Your Beauty Business
A beauty live chat on Facebook can provide valuable information about your business, but more engagingly. It can share details about your services or products, your opening hours, directions or prices, as well as your reviews and examples of your work.

However, that’s not all a beauty bot can do. While they were initially only used to handle simple customer service queries, they have evolved into savvy virtual assistants with even more robust features. Use them for:

Send News And Updates To Subscribers 🔔
Among the most helpful features of Facebook chatbots for businesses is sending messages to segmented subscribers to retarget them. To engage prospects and customers, you can share information about new products, sales, coupons, and more. You can send out these messages within 24 hours of a user’s last communication with your bot, or you can pay to send a sponsored message at any time.

Provide 24/7 Support 💻
The beauty of chatbots (pun planned!) is that they have no closing time. It doesn’t matter what time zone the user is in or when trying to book an appointment or request information. The bot is always available to chat with and help the user, day or night.

Add the live chat feature to your bot so customers can reach a human agent with any unanswered questions.

Schedule And Book Appointments 📅
A chatbot makes scheduling appointments for inpatient businesses quick and easy. Customers can book treatments instantly, anytime, without leaving the Messenger app or filling out cumbersome web forms.

Sell Products 🛍
A beauty bot makes product sales much easier for e-commerce businesses. Just like booking can make appointments sales 24/7 through the Messenger app. Combine this functionality with a bot’s ability to send promotional messages about sales or new products to users, and you’ve created a sleek, highly effective new sales funnel.

Provide Personalized, Expert Advice 🗣️
It’s in the best interest of any beauty company to position itself as an authority in its niche, and chatbots are great for that. You can give users the valuable and engaging experience of chatting with a beauty expert by preloading your bot with helpful tips, tricks, and advice.

For example, questions about the customer’s hair type or eye shape can be used to generate hairstyle recommendations. This can be accompanied by the opportunity to book an appointment or suggest make-up products with links to purchase. This is a high-value but straightforward way to build trust in your brand and also increase sales.

Entertain, Educate, And Inspire ✨
Chatbots offer other features that help your brand build credibility with users. You can use messages with specific tags to send content designed to educate, entertain, and inspire your users.

For example, you can provide a quiz that recommends a nail color or face mask type depending on their mood. This type of creative, engaging content is usually well received by users and can lead to more brand loyalty and sales.

An example of among the best beauty bots on the market is the story of Beauty Player, a Chatfuel client. First, the company solved the immediate problem of Facebook message inundation by setting up their bot to handle FAQs.

Then they equipped their bot to offer quizzes on the user’s skin type and then recommend products along with coupon codes. Thanks to these innovative features, they attributed a whopping 40% ($250,000) of their sales the next month to their clever beauty bot!

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