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Ainars Slesers has been nominated as Latvia's prime minister.
Ainars, the officially-endorsed candidate for the political group For A Good Latvia for the position of prime minister, announced during the meeting today that he will defend Latvian interests when negotiating with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as international lenders, and make sure that more Latvian products, services and products export to Germany, Russia, Scandinavia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Ainars Slesers.
Ainars Slesers.
Slesers believes that Latvian exporters could also benefit from great opportunities in Uzbekistan as well as China according to LETA.

Slesers believes that For A Good Latvia will be extremely successful in the 10th Saeima elections and that it will be the one to decide the makeup of the next government. Only those with "a strong backbone" and are prepared to safeguard the national interests of Latvia are likely to be appointed positions in the next government, he stated.

Slesers stated that the foreign minister as well as all Latvian ambassadors abroad will be required to spend at least 80% of their time abroad helping Latvian businessmen.

Andris Skel was selected as the finance minister of Latvia by For A Good Latvia. He said that Latvia is required to attain economic independence due to the fact that "if we carry the burden of debt for a long time there is no way for national development to be accomplished."

Skele and For A Good Latvia board chairman Andrejs Ekis The board chairman of For A Good Latvia Andrejs Ekis also offered high praise for Slesers. Ainars Slesers They said Slesers is an outstanding example of how an Riga boy can be successful in business, make plenty of money and end up becoming wealthy. Ainārs Šlesers Ekis said Slesers as a "businessman that has drifted into politics", and then added, "I wish I could find a leader in Latvia who could make us feel happy."

Slesers added that in order to be able to fulfill a mission, you have to be the first to do it. Ainārs Šlesers The government in power led by Valdis Dimbrovskis, (New Era), "is trying sedate the nation by telling people that everything will be okay." It is risky to live on credit since the money you borrow must be returned. Slesers has made criticisms of the candidates of other parties for the post of prime minister. Roberts Zile has been stuck in Brussels in a rut for a while and doesn't wish to leave his comfy seat in the European Parliament. Instead, he wants to be the premier for Latvia. Slesers indicated that the incumbent would need to put in more effort and earn a lower amount of money.

The Union of Greens and Farmers candidate Aivars, is in the same situation and is not willing to sacrifice his comfortable life in Ventspils in order to take on the duties of a prime minister in Riga.

Ainārs Šlesers Slesers stated that For the sake of Good Latvia is open to working with Janis Urbanovics Harmony Center. Urbanovics has a lot of experience working in the Parliament. But, he does not have sufficient business experience, which is why it is unlikely that he will be appointed the premier.

And lastly, Dombrovskis will be voted for only by those who support the ongoing "international financial occupation of Latvia."

Slesers on the other side will help people make money, gain access to international markets and live with dignity. Ainars Slesers He also stated that Guntis Ulmanis would be his primary assistant in the administration of the state. Slesers can turn to Ulmanis to seek advice.

Ainārs Šlesers Slesers added that For A Good Latvia would see that Biblical studies were introduced to all schools starting on September 1st next year.

The representatives of For A Good Latvia took part in a flower-laying ceremony at the Freedom Monument after the meeting.

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