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>Which itself balances with picking reincident criminals and locking a single incident with 1 a multiple charge
That doesn't balance shit. I don't know how you're even coming to these conclusions but incarcerating two innocent people doesn't "make up" for a criminal getting away, it only adds fuel to the fire. You're basically fucking over someone's life because someone who looked like them is alleged to have committed a crime. And then people wonder why cops are so widely hated.
>your data has no context, is a completely shallow data because you give no furthee implicationswere they re-incident?,
That's a moot point, what that article and I were saying was that regardless of the cause, a study found that black people are exponentially more likely to be wrongfully convicted for an assortment of crimes, and this is an exemplar of white privilege. Black people committing more crime in the first place is also indicative of white privilege as I explained
>Thousands of cases distributed arround several years won't make a statistical difference
They very much will especially when there have been other police scandals that aren't as high profile which we haven't been hearing about
>if you want to pull the idea that a big margin of blacks get represented in crime statistics for this you may aswell just go and provide evidence, otherwise your argument could mean that in fact blacks may be underrepresented.
For starters there's the study reported by vox and the marijuana posession stats I referenced. Then we have

>Police kill a disproportionate number of black people

>Black drivers more likely to be stopped by police (an indirect one)

And a few more. Pretty clear that you're denying it and trying to find idealist loopholes out of white fragility

>No, not really, they are examples of how low socioeconomically positioned ghettos tend to get wrong convictions
You mean black ghettos? Even the poorest white areas in West Virginia, Penn., etc. still have lower wrong conviction rates than black neighborhoods
>Which i am expecting you to provide, repeating that this magical white privilege you perceive like a godlike entity
I already did several times itt. Black people have criminal inclinations because of the link between poverty and crime, they have little inheritance because the consequences of slavery persist today. Sometimes black people are forced into a life of crime as their means of subsistence. And I don't believe in white privilege "like a godlike entity", on the contrary your denial of white privilege is dogmatic and has more resemblance to superstition. I believe in white privilege because as it stands the empirical evidence we have strongly suggests that white privilege is a real phenomenon, something which most sociologists have confirmed. On the other hand you're conveniently denying the statistics we have and finding excuses "um but Chud, black people getting wrongfully convicted 12 times as often doesn't actually matter because repeat offenders exist".
>What is interesting about murders is that you wont be able of faking one, so unless you can prove that they get wrongfully convicted IN THE PLACE of white people and not other black people your argument falls flat
There have been cases of that happening. Any I don't think you're following the argument. It's
>Black people are more likely to be wrongfully convicted for just existing
>White people don't have to deal with this issue
>Therefore black people have a reduced quality of life compared to whites in this category hence this is a form of white privilege
>>Criticizing white people in writing or speech without getting imprisoned doesn't
Finish the sentence
>doesn't somehow make white privilege non-existent
>Eh yes, it does anon, giving constants speechs about how a group of people is morally evil, be it whatever it is, and as such is fine to demonize it gives not only a moral permission and justification but a direct incentive to be racist and discriminative against it,
Snowflake, I already explained how criticizing the nazis or indian boarding schools or whatever isn't "anti-white". And you're just cherry picking this one single point which might offend white people. Your ancestors being insulted is trivial compared to what black Americans deal with on a daily basis
>I don't know anonmay it be because you instated that being discriminated openly by society is part of privilege of other group? Blacks use derogatory slurs all day against white people, yet, viceversa is actually llegal and its considered a social taboo.
Ah yes I point out discrimination so the logical conclusion is to cherry pick a relatively unprevalant and minor form of discrimination to prove that white privilege isn't real, makes perfect sense. Black people NEVER use derogatory slurs against white people. I have heard a black guy say "cracker" once and he was just joking around with his white friends, it wasn't even meant as an insult because it's nothing.
>while you are stablishing correlations and subsequently creating conspirancies and establishing causalities that you have no evidence of, i gave you a very direct case of discrimination against whites by the legal aparatus that is openly given, can you do the same?
Chuddy I provided direct statistics and examples wherever they applied. You provided 1 (one) case of racist edgy white kids being arrested for saying the n-word, which for the record I don't agree with. I have already mentioned several direct cases including black people getting stalked by cops, getting arbitrarily searched and traffic stopped, getting convicted at a disproportionate rate compared to whites, not getting represented in television, etc. There are some other ones from ''Critical Race Theory: An Introduction'' worth mentioning
>Studies show that blacks and Latinos who seek loans, apartments, or jobs are much more apt than similarly qualified whites to be rejected, often for vague or spurious reasons
>The prison population is largely black and brown; chief executive officers, surgeons, and university presidents are almost all white.
>Poverty, however, has a black or brown face: black families have, on the average, about one-tenth of the assets of their white counterparts. They pay more for many products and services, including cars.
>Maybe because white people commits less crime? Really is this so surprising? When blacks are comitting crime up and down the odds they get convicted wrongfuly becomes higher
I would agree if they were only 2 or 2.1 times higher but it's more like between 3.5 and 12 times higher depending on the crime. Including crimes with a similar frequency in both races like drug use. Furthermore the study I referenced found that
>“The causes we have identified run from inevitable consequences of patterns in crime and punishment to deliberate acts of racism, with many stops in between,” the authors conclude. “They differ sharply from one type of crime to another.”
>For example, the researchers found that some of the disparity is driven in large part by higher murder rates in black communities. “If the real criminal is black, anybody who is mistakenly convicted for that crime will almost inevitably be black as well,” they wrote.
>'''But the researchers found that law enforcement misconduct and racism also played major roles, such as police deliberately targeting black people for raids, arrests, and false confessions, witnesses identifying the wrong suspect (“a notoriously error-prone process when white Americans are asked to identify black strangers”), and preexisting racial biases among jurors and judges influencing convictions and sentences.'''
So in summary even though the black crime rate is one of the causes it's not the only one, which is what I have been arguing itt
>You're actually proving that indian americans have a massive privilege and overrepresentation in position of power anon, not whites.
>Yeah I won't explain why chuddy even though it's incredibly unclear because multiple studies have shown that brown people are disproportionately imprisoned and hold less authoritative positions compared to whites
>Yeah, sure, but by which standard do we determine that is the correct way?
If you don't remember this from high school chemistry every element has a unique atomic number and its atoms will always have the same number of protons while the number of electrons is variable and can change. Atoms can become stable or unstable (gain or lose electrons) but the number of protons will always remain the same. Two atoms of the same element can have a different number of electrons and two atoms of different elements can carry the same number of electrons which is why it wouldn't make any sense to use electrons for the standard
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