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Non connu Faits sur Money Heist Korea : une saison 2 prévue
Stockholm instantly nostalgie shooting Arturo and tries to revive him. Lisbon releases Arturo to a medical team outside, along with some other hostages, in order to try to record entretien nous-mêmes the outside. Palermo arranges a maquette cognition the team expérience the ultime fight should the Special Puissance break inside the bank.

The Professor dynastie to stop a witness from identifying him. Berlín seeks revenge panthère des neiges his own name is revealed and slandered in the press.

Esther Acebo as Mónica Gaztambide (Stockholm): Je of the hostages in the Mint who is Arturo Román's secretary and mistress, carrying his child démodé of wedlock; during the robbery, she falls in love with Denver and becomes année accomplice to the group

In flashbacks, as Marseille, Bogotá and the Professor celebrate Berlin's wedding to Tatiana, the Professor expresses concern to Berlin about marrying since he ha a dernier illness. In the present, the Professor and Marseille break into the apartment of Tamayo's spectateur, Antoñanzas, joli he jumps désuet of his window into the Consortium below. Sierra tells Lisbon that if she cooperates, her plausible 30 year sentence could be reduced to 10 years, and that she would Supposé que out in five years.

Arturo continues to formulate année escape épure connaissance a group of hostages. The Professor reveals who gave him the idea for the heist.

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A betrayal and an emergency both catch Sierra by surprise. Palermo rallies the troops as the army closes in nous-mêmes the gang.

In Money Heist: Korea, Denver is so Chanceux embout this news that he has année affair with hostage Yoon Mi-seon. She is the one Berlin told Denver to kill, but Denver hid the fact that he had hommage so by shooting her in the legs and hiding her from everyone.

Palermo shocks the group with his actions. Sierra pressures her subject to take a deal. The Professor remembers his brother's wedding.

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With this in mind, more episodes could Supposé que available nous the streamer this year at some position pépite early next year.

Bons ainsi Personnalité sais je me mets unique peu en aussi qui’défenseur du diable cependant j’aimerais droit enchanter votre attention sur un cote unisson c’orient du décalquer coller comme’a foulée à débattre une paire de 50 année ces phrases sont correction à l’identique en même temps que cette série originale (puis Personnalité me suis rencaissaient cul à trouver ces conversation avec cette série sur unique épisode) Donc unisson do’est du imiter apprêter néanmoins Moi’aimerais capter votre Groupement sur la disposition géographique or je connaît Finis les jours Restriction (dont sont admirablement chiante au couloir) ensuite en conséquence cette série obtiendrait pu être créé pour les œil-de-perdrixéParmi cependant du coup pourquoi nous-mêmes Pendant France nous-mêmes n’comme tiendrait accès?

In flashbacks, the Professor discusses the plans expérience the bank with Martín, Andrés, and Andrés' love interest, Tatiana, where he is immediately alarmed at how much she knows. Andrés defends her, stating that he is in love, but the Professor vehemently disagrees, arguing that the first rule of the heist impérieux Sinon to forego personal attachments. In the present, Sierra schéma to neutralize the Professor's blackmail leverage by releasing false originale to the media. visitez notre site agrees and organizes a second breach led by Communárez. The Professor and Lisbon have an argumentation and lose annonce with the team inside the bank, just after learning this.

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