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hii babuu, i just wanted to say sorry for everything, ive been a bad girl lately and im really sorry. i just hope you too could fix your attitude because i really dont like seeing you with those actions or attitude too since yeah i have this feeling of uneasy and uncomfy. i know that these days im the problem or the one who causes problems, i keep on making things a big deal and i just dont know what to do maybe because i make things a big of a deal is i got hurt or something? like when someone bought you a gun and i think that was a girl, well my heart sank and i know that if i told you, you'll say things or get irritated or even burst out, i just wanted some comfort or assurance that time but i didnt ask for it because i want you to give it without me telling you, ive already expected that to happen which i hope you could understand me next time? i dont know anymore lol, maybe next time if i feel like it'll just become a fight i won't tell you anymore for us not fight? i can handle myself, with my emotions and so on. apparently ive already learned my lesson just now and i hope you wont say things that might trigger it like abt boys or like what i did the other day or like i lied ganun, it makes me lose my hope to even change. im really sorry hon, for everything. i promise ill try my best to be better, not try my best but be better. i think i made you overthink some things just now, i dont know what to say, i just cant tell you that im writing a letter for you, right? well ali i know that i made you questioned yourself if i love you, like awhile ago you asked me if i love you, well the answer is i love you more than anything or anyone in this world, you're enough and i really love you no matter what because you're my everything. thank you for everything too love, because without you i wont feel loved or i would've given up living by now. i love you in every universe or even multiverse. sometimes i let my expectations have me, i expect way too much where i get disappointed at the end. well for example im expecting you to laugh with me but you got irritated. well yeah, ill try to change that, it might take time to process but ill try my best. one more thing is i dont turn the tables up, if you think i do maybe its because i feel like its partly your fault, like if you would've said things like that i would've had burst out like you cursed at me like awhile ago multiple times, i just dont like being cursed at maybe thats why i keep on getting irritated or when you say things like i have some other boy or what when you know to yourself that im only talking to you and you already have my account and so on. and also i hope you know that things sometimes can be unfair, what i meant is like example i can curse to you as a joke but for you to curse at me you cant well you can but idk im just too sensitive with your tone cursing at me sometimes lmao. i dont know maybe thats how other couples are but yeah, too dumb to even think like that, im such a stupid ass bitch for thinking like that lmao im sorry. my jealousness to other healthy relationship might have took over me, both of us are still growing up and still a bit immature at our age. well yeah i dont expect this to be perfect but i just hope we can be healthy? i have many problems too, to myself. well i guess it really takes time. oh and also with your patience, could you do me a favor? if you can be patient sometimes whenever i cant tell you something yet or what. and also awhile ago, i didnt told you that i was writing something for you because i really want it to make it long and give it to you surprisingly without you thinking that i wrote something for you. well if you dont know, i want to share things with you, a lot of things, like what im doing or what happened to my day and shits. dont think that im writing something for some other people without you knowing ah? because before i do something, ill always tell you. anyways i feel like ive had enough writing since my back hurts and you're saying that ill leave you or what but dont think like that omg, ill never leave you hon. just wanted you to know also that no matter what will happen, i will always love you and i really really do love you my tangi. you're my everything and i will do anything for you, i hope you know that and i hope same goes to you, i love you.
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