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Pink Himalayan Sea Salt Lamp Benefits
Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is a high quality salt manufactured by Rock Salt International. This salt comes in two different forms. One form is pink Himalayan which is sourced from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. This pink Himalayan is harvested during the late summer to early fall season and is ideal for use in cooking and baking. The second form is an evaporated pink Himalayan which contains trace minerals from the natural deposits in the Himalayan Mountains. The Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is harvested during the springtime and is used for baking, cooking, sprinkling on foods and even for spa treatments!

The pink Himalayan Sea Salt has been found to contain many minerals such as sulfur, bromine, magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, sodium, potassium, sodium chloride, and potassium nitrate. These minerals have been found within a number of ancient rock salt beds in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. Although most salts today are laboratory created, this pink Himalayan Sea Salt is sourced from pure salt beds in the mountains of Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet, India and China. The salt is mined in the Himalayan region which is considered to be high altitude and is the highest peak in the earth. Scientists and enthusiasts have been using the information on ancient rock salt beds for years to develop high quality commercial grade salt products.

Many health benefits have been associated with salt over the years. Many people do not realize that salt can actually lower a person's sodium intake without adding any sweeteners or calorie to compensate for the loss of salt. When looking at various health statistics and tests over time it has been discovered that individuals who consume increased amounts of sodium in their diet, live shorter lives, have higher blood pressure levels, and suffer from more serious diseases including coronary disease, heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. A single teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt contains a plethora of minerals and nutrients that help enhance overall body function and are needed in balanced and correct amounts. The following are just a few of the benefits provided by this salt and why you should consider adding them to your regular diet.

One of the many unique characteristics of the salt involves the presence of magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Each mineral is needed in balanced quantities and can be harmful if not found in enough amounts in your diet. The presence of trace mineral traces increases the amount of sodium in the bloodstream which in turn raises the level of calcium along with it. Individuals with high blood pressure and heart disease have been advised to add this pink Himalayan sea salt to their diet to decrease their risk factors for these two dreaded conditions.

Salt is needed to dissolve excess liquids in the body and in doing so it increases water intake and inhibits dehydration. Many individuals mistakenly believe that table salt is fine as it is and to get the same results, they substitute it for their regular table salt. This is not the case however as regular table salt contains only one-half teaspoon of sodium chloride. Pink Himalayan Sea Salt contains five times more sodium than table salt and has been proven to have beneficial effects in lowering your sodium intake in a safe and natural way. It is important to note that high sodium intake over a long period of time can damage the kidneys and have other serious side effects. Therefore it is best to stay away from sodium rich foods while trying to reduce your salt intake.

The health benefits of pink Himalayan sea salt include lowering your blood pressure and lowering the amount of triglycerides in your bloodstream. High levels of these two substances are associated with increased blood pressure and elevated levels of triglycerides are linked to heart attacks and heart failure. These impurities also contribute to atherosclerosis and increase the risk of developing clogged arteries.

When using this pink Himalayan sea salt lamp, you get the most of the benefits without experiencing any negative side effects because it contains all of the trace nutrients that are good for the body. It can be used by anyone no matter what their age and despite its popularity, this salt lamp is made of natural mineral rocks that contain no chemicals and no preservatives. In addition to having healthy benefits, the natural pink Himalayan Sea Salt lamp is also considered to be a Feng Shui enhancer because it has been proven to help relieve stress and improve blood circulation.

If you want to add this salt lamp to your kitchen or work area, make sure you use it sparingly. Too much of anything can cause harm and using this salt too often may cause side effects such as headaches and fatigue. This pink Himalayan sea salt lamp can also be placed in a drawers or on top of a desk so that it can be reached easily. It is best to let it settle first on a soft surface before adding it to a hard surface. With continued use, it helps you relax by releasing endorphins into your bloodstream which help in reducing stress and tension which is good for overall health.
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