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How To Make An Opt-In Form For Your Email Marketing
We’re going to talk about what is an opt-in form and why it’s so important for your business today.

So if you’re like most people you started your website or your blog and you have all these followers and people who are reading your content or maybe you’ve developed this following on social media but what would happen if all of those things just went away if social media you know and half the people aren’t seeing your stuff anyway because of the algorithm so that’s where an opt-in form comes in so handy because it gets people to sign up for your email list and then that way you control your audience and what you’re sending to them but now where can you put an opt-in form, the easiest place you can do it is obviously on your website so you can do it on the footer say hey you want to join my newsletter I want to hear more get my weekly tips they can just sign up right there you could have at the end of your post you can have it in your social media profiles really you can put it anywhere there’s a link so I heard that you can you know buy a list of email addresses is that really the best practice, that’s a no we’ve all been added to lists where you get these emails and you’re like who the heck is this from that’s it that’s a one-way ticket to spam ville so don’t do that don’t be that person the easiest way is just to give your readers the opportunity to sign up and then they’ll enjoy the content that you’re sending and most likely read it.

Video Script Template know I’m already part of a lot of different email list and I wouldn’t really want to join another one, so what do you do to make someone or entice them, I know your fans are going to join because they want your content but some of your readers and fans may need a little extra incentive and that’s where an opt-in incentive comes in so this could be anything where they sign up and you get this freebie or you get my checklist on how to be more productive things like that just give them something that encourages them to sign up so that way they’re not just signing up for another list and a lot of times you will have people sign in get the little freebie and bounce and unsubscribe but a lot of the time you will have people who will stay and if you have great content they’re gonna stick around and that’s more opportunity for you to market you and your business as you often heard content is king so you have your email subscribers but how do you keep them, so you want to make sure number one is that you have a really eye-catching subject line.

I think one of the easiest way to do this is to throw an emoji in there because it when I see that those emails stand out so and don’t just go emoji crazy because that’s a little too much but you want to have just a little emoji just get a little color a little pop and then also have a subject line that really says who I need to click that I want that content is king and so you want to make sure that content is super relevant to your audience they signed up and they want to stick around for what they signed up for that’s what they’re expecting so if you have a newsletter that has the top 5 articles of the week and then you change it up on them and you’re just saying hey this is what I did today and like here’s a vlog about my life you know you may find people who aren’t really into that because they actually really liked your top 5 articles of the week so make sure that your content is relevant and really driving to not only what your users want but also what you want for your business this is a huge opportunity to convert these users into paying customers so you’re gonna have to balance that and another way to get people to opt-in to your email list is to have subscriber only perks.

I know I’m a part of some email lists where you get first chance at merchandise or the opportunity to see different videos before everybody else does and it kind of makes you feel you know special part of cool kids club exactly and the next thing is don’t email your subscribers every day you don’t want to be that one that floods everyone’s email we all we know who you are company X unsubscribe so make sure to space it out and you know to give your subscribers a breather every now and then so guys you need to get started creating your opt-in and your email list now it is so important even if you don’t have a product yet you have people who will be following you and you want to start creating and building that list even if your product is a year out so that way when it is ready to launch boom you have an instant base of customers that you can now sell to don’t wait and I know it’s a lot of work and coming up with this emails and I’m already doing social media.

my sales script ’m already doing blog posts but make the time it doesn’t have to be like we said definitely don’t do once a day it doesn’t even have to weekly just find a nice cadence so you can start getting people on your list and giving them some value.

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