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/Rolls into your room and leaves a well-written parchment/

Uh.. Hi. Sorry if I'm kind of bothering you but tonight is the 3rd of July, isn't it? If I'm not wrong, today's our day! I'm having no brave to say "Happy monthsary!" or else literally in front of you, ftf, ete or what, so I'm preparing this letter to you. {Shivers} Why am I being this nervous? lol. I'm having much to say actually. Let us dive to those one by one.

1. Happy 1st monthsary! {Giggles} I have no wish but to keep you by my side until the next month, and wishing the same at our 2nd monthsary, and so on. Hope you find no boredom in having a relationship with me, as my owl, my tutor (you still are!), my inspiration and my reason to do kind moves. You utterly are in me!

2. I should not say this tbvh but I miss you as f*ck. Like, hell, you were gone for days (I'm counting it and I've lost you for about 9 or 10 days long). Are you that busy? Having no time to even say hi to me? The last 27th day of June was my 19th birthday and the one who said "HBD WYATB Yay!" was Lee Howon (I'm not comparing both of you! I'm just letting you to know). Can I get that kind of 'hbd wyatb' from you now? But if I can't, it's okay. I'll wait for it a little bit longer.

3. You know, I was always wondering what the heck did you do. I was asking to Howon (for a better perspective as a "man") what probably he did if he were you. His answer made my smile got bigger; "Gak selamanya yang punya status harus saying hi setiap hari. Jeda itu dibutuhin, biar kangen bisa muncul :)" Thanks to him for making me smiling like an idiot during my waiting. So, that "kangen" thingy is already filling me like hell. When will you come to say hi?

4. I'm writing this at the 2nd day of July, in the afternoon, alone, locking my room because I'm kinda losing my mood for no reason. I don't think you'll read this message anyway. Am I still being yours? Sorry if this letter makes you think like "apaan sih Elyse gak bisa sabar banget," sorry, I said. But is it wrong if I miss you because I don't even know were you doing fine in the past 9 or 10 days?

5. Once, I saw Sunggyu (Howon's friend) said that kind of "people who are not meant to be tgt" relationship is fuckin real. It does exist. I'm telling you his words right now:
"Misal si A sama si B saling suka, tapi mereka cuma bisa jadi cameo di cerita masing-masing, ya mereka bakal tetep jadi cameo."
"Mau si B maksa si A untuk jadi main character di jalannya si B ya gak bakal bisa. They were not meant to be together."
"Lain halnya kalau si A ditakdirin jadi main character di jalannya si C, mau si C nolak pun yaa si A bakal tetep jadi main character."
Those statements made my self-thought became like:
"Kalo ternyata selama ini gue si B, Jaehwan si A, dan si C ini ternyata exist, gimana ya?"

6. I'm clutching my own rib cage.

7. I'm scrolling at our late night texts.

8. I'm extremely rolling on my bed for no reason.

9. I'm wondering what your expression will be, after reading this.

10. The last point to dive in. You're fine, aren't you? I'm still on your Line friendlist, am not I? Hope you see this letter. Don't get me wrong. I can do nothing to show my feelings right now but by putting it into words. Hope you have a nice day ahead (because it is our day! YAY!! :D)

/Smiles then walks away from your room/
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