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Let the World Know about his Multigaming Community in 5 Steps for Rust, Ark And Minecraft Servers

Events organized by server owners, often known as "Community Manager" is an excellent way to get players. Multigaming communities are supposed to enhance the gaming experience for multiplayer players by creating "plugin" features that alter or create a specific objective for the player and consequently make the game more enjoyable and appealing.

These modifications are available in some games like Minecraft (with Bukkit plugins platform), Rust with the Oxide API, ARK:SE FiveM and other games. Certain communities have thousands upon thousands of members and are funded by donations and purchases (premium account gold coin, premium account.).

Premium accounts provide players with advantages such as: being able to customize their vehicle and access new items (as in Minecraft, Rust or ARK), get an award or a VIP name.

1) Create a logo for your multigaming community

Your community will have an online presence. It is your responsibility to create one. There are many platforms available online that can help you design your website without experience with PHP. A CMS such as WordPress is the best choice when your website is limited to articles publication and presentation on the server. It's available for download from the internet!

2) Create a PHPBB forum

Create a forum It's a plugin that I recommend you integrate on your website to allow members to share their favorite moments, their creations, and share YouTube videos. It is advisable to use a CMS like PHPBB (free to use).

3) Engage your community on a regular basis

Animations, also known as "events" in online video games, are vital features that grab players' attention and prove that your community is active. Be active on social networks and create regular contests with prizes to be won.

This will allow you to increase the activity of your community, build player loyalty and have a quick contact when you need to get a message across.

4) Maintain a high servers visibility

Servers lists exist for each game and are visited by thousands of potential players each day. If you have a Rust server, register it on a maximum of top sites.

5) Be visible on Google and other search engine

In our example: Rust servers, Minecraft servers, locate servers on the Rust multiplayer server... be yourself; everyone else is already taken You can start threads on forums that are relevant to your game. Answer the most popular questions with Google and then provide the link to your community site. Make useful articles for forum users.

Write content that is keyword-rich and links to your website. Also, write about your community and organize events.

This article outlines the essential elements you need to keep your community active and growing. You can create new features, create servers for multiple games, and even be present. Do not be afraid to hire moderators to assist you in managing your players or to animate your servers.

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