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It's important to set goals to know what you have to achieve, and have to get to. You need to know
how to achieve goals to complete them and then make new goals.
My three goals this year are to get great grades, my past few years I have been slacking and I need to change if I want to get somewhere in life. My second goal is to meet some new people, make some new friends, I have always kind of kept to myself but i want to change that. My last goal for now at least is to maybe get in to some activity of some sorts.
Getting good grades is so important to me because I want to get a good job when i'm older. A job like a programmer or visual animator, these are jobs that really interest me. In order for me to maybe having a chance to actually get one will require some hard work in school and collage. When i'm applying for a collage they're going to look at my records of my high school year. They're going to look at the grades I got, my GPA, and all sorts of stuff. That's why I want to get good grade this year and all the following years. If i achieve this goal I'm probably going to just take it easy afterwards and enjoy summer break because I know its going to be hard and a lot of work.
I have a good feeling about this goal.
This year i'm going to meet some new people and make some new friends. I just really want to meet some new people because i'm pretty shy. I'm hoping by meeting some new people and making friends I can get over this shyness. I hope the people I meet are nice and friendly. It would be cool to hang out with people outside of school too and even the friends i have now. My friends we never really hang out ever, I kind of want to so i would have to make some plans. If i achieve this goal, well im probably going to be hanging out with some new friends. Hopefully this is the year, I did try last year but just never really fit in.
I hope to join something this year like a club or some sort of activity. I have never joined anything or have done anything at school. I always thought it sounded fun but I never did it because i'm pretty shy. By joining something I think it might help with my shyness as well as just being fun. It's important to me because I always hear my friends talking about being in this and that and I always wanted to know what it feels like. I don't know what club i would join, i'm going to need to look and see what ones there are I can do. I hope there's one that interests me.
My three goals Getting good grades, meeting new people/friends, and joning a club/activity. Are my main three goals this year and I really hope to accomplish them!
It's so important to set goals, goals allow you to measure progress, goals give you motivation, and goals help you choose a path in life that will lead you to success.
This school year is going to be great! Because what are we? We are an academic institution!

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