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Escort/Cash/Staff/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from SERVICE staff **** **** to request an escort from the LOCATION located on the 1st Floor of the Victoria building/Main Floor of the Dickson building/Basement level of the Bethune building to the Business Office located on the 1st Floor of the Centennial building. C/O **** tasked Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** with the escort. S/O/S/S **** escorted **** **** to the Business Office at ****hrs and one/two/eight/nine bag/bags was/were deposited into the safe. NSHA-2018-*******

Escort (EHS):
Escort/EHS/Patient-Staff-Visitor/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from Locating on the Security Dispatch Emergency phone line to acknowledge an escort for EHS that was dispatched to **** located on the ** Floor of the BUILDING. C/O **** dispatched all units. Shift Supervisor **** **** responded to the unit (get details of what happened, persons involved) Security Officer **** **** secured elevator #** of the BUILDING on ** Floor, Security Officer **** **** waited for EHS arrival at entrance of BUILDING. EHS arrived on site at ****hrs to tend to (patient, staff, visitor) EHS departed site with/without patient to head to the Emergency Department at the Halifax Infirmary site at ****hrs. NSHA-2018-*******

Access Request:
Access Request/Staff/Door/Interior/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from staff **** **** to request an unlock of room **** located on the ** Floor of the BUILDING. C/O **** tasked Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** with the unlock. At approximately ****hrs, S/O/S/S **** completed the unlock of room **** for STAFF. NSHA-2018-*******

Access Request (TPU):
Access Request/Staff/Door/Interior/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from Housekeeping staff **** **** to request access to the Termination Pregnancy Unit located on the 5th Floor of the Victoria building. C/O **** tasked Shift Supervisor **** **** with access request. At approximately ****hrs, S/S **** granted access to the TPU via the Dickson building entrance for STAFF. NSHA-2018-*******

Access Request (Brachytherapy):
Access Request/Staff/Door/Interior/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from Housekeeping staff **** **** to request access to the Brachytherapy Suite in the Cancer Centre located on the Main Floor of the Dickson building. C/O **** tasked Shift Supervisor Megan FROWLEY with the access request. At approximately ****hrs, S/S FROWLEY granted access to the Brachytherapy Suite to STAFF and remained on scene while Housekeeping duties were conducted. At approximately ****hrs, STAFF had completed all Housekeeping duties and departed the Brachytherapy Suite along with S/S FROWLEY who re-secured the unit. NSHA-2018-******

Access Control:
Access Control/Unsecure Area/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** completed rounds of the BUILDING and had discovered **** doors either unlocked or open; (DOORS) were promptly locked and secured. NSHA-2018-*******

Maintenance Requisition:
Maintenance Requisition/ISSUE/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** discovered ISSUE located on the ** Floor of the BUILDING. S/O/S/S **** submitted an online work order for Maintenance; work order #****** NSHA-2018-*******

Locksmith Requisition:
Locksmith Requisition/ISSUE/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** discovered ISSUE located on the ** Floor of the BUILDING. S/O/S/S **** submitted a work order for Locksmith Services. NSHA-2018-*******

Lock Cut:
Access Request/Lock Cut/Staff/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from staff **** **** to request a lock cut in room **** located on the ** Floor of the BUILDING. C/O **** tasked Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** with the lock cut. At approximately ****hrs, S/O/S/S **** completed the lock cut from locker #** in room **** for STAFF. NSHA-2018-*******

Alarm Response:
Alarm Response/****/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** issued an all units call to LOCATION as a Door Forced/Tamper Trouble/Intrusion/Panic alarm was alarming in the C-Cure Monitoring system located in the Security Dispatch booth on the Main Floor of the Dickson building. Shift Supervisor **** ****, Security Officer **** ****, Security Officer **** **** responded and SPOKE WITH STAFF/SPOKE WITH PATIENT/INVESTIGATED (provide explanation of what alarm response was for) At ****hrs the all clear was given. NSHA-2018-*******

Alarm Response/Panic/Test/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Shift Supervisor Megan FROWLEY tested NS Rehab ** Floor panic alarm Tag**** with Nurse **** ****. Communications Officer **** **** confirmed test came through loud and clear. NSHA-2018-*******

Lost and Found:
Lost & Found/Logged/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** logged a/an ITEM into the Lost & Found as item #****. ITEM was tagged/bagged and placed by Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** into the Lost & Found locker #**/Valuables locker in the Security Office located on the Main Floor of the Dickson building. NSHA-2018-*******

Lost & Found/Returned/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** returned Lost & Found Item #**** to INITIALS. Item was signed for by owner and removed by Security Officer/Shift Supervisor **** **** from the Lost & Found locker #**/Valuables locker in the Security Office located on the Main Floor of the Dickson building. NSHA-2018-*******

10-19/Received/SERVICE/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** was notified of a 10-19 transfer to M2 in the Mackenzie building at the Victoria General Hospital from ****. C/O **** contacted Security Officer **** **** to allow transfer services into M2 at approximately ****hrs. At approximately ****hrs remains of CASE # VM18-**** were placed in M2. DC is/is not present, no effects or valuables, is/is not for autopsy, is/is not for ME, transfer completed with no incidents to report. NSHA-2018-******

10-19/Release/Service/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** was notified of an outgoing 10-19 to be released to **** from M2. C/O **** contacted Security Officer **** ****, who was tasked with transfer at approximately ****hrs to escort **** to M2. At approximately ****hrs remains of CASE # VM18-**** were released to ****. DC is/is not present, no effects or valuables, is/is not for autopsy or ME, transfer completed with no incidents to report. NSHA-2018-******

10-19/Transfer/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** was notified of a 10-19 on unit ** in the Centennial building. C/O **** contacted porter services at approximately ****hrs. At approximately ****hrs Porter Services informed C/O **** that a porter was en route to ** for the transfer. Security Officer **** **** was tasked with transfer. At approximately ****hrs remains of CASE # VM18-**** were placed in M2. DC is/is not present, no effects or valuables, is/is not for autopsy or ME, transfer completed with no incidents to report. NSHA-2018-******

Patient Valuables:
Patient Valuables/Release/DATE/****hrs: At approximately hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from nursing staff on unit ** located on the ** Floor of the Centennial building to request a release of patient valuables for patient **** from the safe in the Business Office located on the 1st Floor of the Centennial building. Shift Supervisor **** **** was tasked with the release. S/S **** met patient/charge nurse **** **** at the Business Office and released the contents of bag #*** (contents) to patient/charge nurse; all necessary paperwork had been filled out and the release was completed at ****hrs. NSHA-2018-*******

Patient Valuables/Deposit/DATE/****hrs: At approximately ****hrs on DATE, Communications Officer **** **** received a call from nursing staff on unit ** located on the ** Floor of the Centennial building to request a deposit of patient valuables for patient **** into the safe in the Business Office located on the 1st Floor of the Centennial building. Shift Supervisor **** **** was tasked with the deposit. S/S **** met patient/charge nurse **** **** at the Business Office and deposited contents into bag #*** (contents); all necessary paperwork had been filled out and the deposit was completed at ****hrs: NSHA-2018-*******

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Navjot Kaur
VG Security Officer

Paladin Security
T. 902-473-2230 F. 902-473-2228
[email protected]
Dickson Building
2131-5830 University Ave.
Halifax, NS B3H 1V8

Code Blue/ Actual/ Patient/ September 14, 2020, /1603 hours: At approximately 1603 hours Communications officer Bruce LAMBERT called for all units for a code blue for 6B Centennial. All units responded. Security officer Luiz MENEZES secured Centennial Elevator 5 , Security Officer Navjot KAUR went to the room to assist the code blue team. At approximately 1638 hours S/O Navjot KAUR escorted the code blue team and patient to the ICU 3B in Centennial Elevator # 5. At approximately 1639 hours security was all clear of the code blue.

Patient Assist/ 5B/ December 7 2021: At approximately 1045hrs Communication Officer Rita MATTE received a call from 5B nursing staff for patient assist. Shift Supervisor Navjot KAUR and Security Officer Nicholas DOWLING responded. Upon arrival patient was sitting outside the family room at 5B Centennial building, nurse told security that patient is fine and ready to go to back to his room. At approximately 1055hrs patient went back to his room and all clear was given. Nothing further to report. 7986635

Code Yellow/ Centennial 5A/ December 06 2021: At approximately 1050hrs Communications officer Bruce LAMBERT called for all units for a code yellow at 5A Centennial Building All units responded. As per the information the patient initials are B.R. Patient is female and was wearing blue jacket, she has white hair and she is 5’4.While doing the ground search centennial door watch officer Gursharanpreet SINGH informed Shift Supervisor Navjot KAUR that the nurses found B.R. and took her back to the unit. SS KAUR went to 5A and confirmed that the patient is back hence, all clear given at 1105hrs. 7977392

Escort/Patient/December 6, 2021/12:15 hours: At approximately 12:15 hours, on December 6, 2021, Communications Officer Bruce LAMBERT informed Shift Supervisor Navjot KAUR that patient (M.C.) had arrived at the Dickson building security desk for their escort to 6th floor Dialysis; patient did not need to lock up any items in the Security Office, and a clear bag was provided for their personal effects. At approximately 12:20 hours, S/S KAUR completed escorting (M.C.) to their appointment; S/S KAUR then informed the charge nurse that the escort went well with no incidents, with nothing further to report.

Code Red/False Alarm/Smoke Detector/December 1, 2021/10:07 hours: at approximately 10:07 hours, on December 1, 2021, Communications Officer Rita MATTE received a Code Red alarm over the Security fire panel indicating an activated smoke detector in a room directly behind the Dickson 4th floor elevators; Site Supervisor Philip MACKINNON responded to the unit, Security Officer Ray GALARNEAU obtained Dickson elevator #2 for transport, and Security Officer Navjot KAUR remained near the closest stairwell to ensure no one entered in. Upon arrival to the unit, S/S MACKINNON confirmed the cause was due to contractors doing sanding work inside a communications closet that set off the detector. At approximately 10:17 hours, fire department crew arrived on site and were escorted to the 4th floor where they spoke with the contractors. At approximately 10:20 hours, fire captain S. BUSSEY gave Security the all clear; panel and elevators were reset, overhead announcements were made, supervisory emails sent out, and Locating was made aware of all clear. Nothing further to report

Security Systems Ticket/Stanley/Doors/November 26, 2021/10:00 hours: at approximately 10:00 hours, on November 26, 2021, Site Supervisor Philip MACKINNON placed a Stanley Security systems ticket to have them investigate issues regarding the interlock system on 3rd floor Mackenzie for room 323; ticket #10324127

Security Infraction/Smoking on Property/November 25, 2021/12:02 hours: At approximately 12:02 hours, Site Supervisor Philip MACKINNON noticed two hospital visitors smoking in the alcove just outside Dickson Centre Entrance; individuals apologized after being informed of smoking policy, and moved out to the sidewalk off property. Nothing further to report

Elevator/Entrapment/Staff/November 22nd, 2021/1740HRS: At approximately 1740 Security Officer Nicholas DOWLING was informed of an entrapment of a staff member on the 3rd floor of the Centennial Building, in elevator 1. Elevator 1 was confirmed to have someone trapped inside at around 1744, and the elevator in question was stuck between the 3rd and 4th floor. At approximately 1805 an Elevator Technician arrived on the scene and opened the door, allowing the staff member to climb out. Elevator 1 is currently not in service, and is still stuck between floor’s 3 and 4. The technician is still on site as of now and the all clear for the entrapment was called.

Access Control/Unsecure Area/windows/November 21, 2021/2300HRS: Between the approximate time of 0200 hrs. and 0300 Security supervisor MALIK began discovering opened windows and found no windows open in Dickson, CCR and Maintenance Building

Safety Hazard/Leak/November 19, 2021/11:05 hours: at approximately 11:05 hours, on November 19, 2021, Communications Officer Prikshit MALIK received a call from Locating Services informing him of a leak in room 706F on 7th floor Mackenzie; Site Supervisor Philip MACKINNON responded. Upon arrival to the area, S/S MACKINNON confirmed a leak had developed in a ceiling tile in the room, and housekeeping had the leak contained with a bucket and rags. At approximately 11:08 hours, plumbing staff arrived on site and moved to 8th floor machine room to look for excess water. At approximately 11:20 hours, plumbers confirmed the cause of the leak was due to collected rain water leaking through structural damage in the floor; Security was then given the all clear, and staff were informed that contractors would be contacted to respond and help fix any damage. Nothing further to report.

First Aid/Patient/November 12, 2021/11:25 hours: at approximately 11:25 hours, on November 12, 2021, Security Officer Logan RICHARDS called all units to respond to a first aid call in the Rehab University Ave. Parking lot; upon arrival, Security met with an elderly female patient who had just finished a stay in the hospital and was leaving for home with her granddaughter who was driving. Patient had a large gash on her left calf which was bleeding quite a lot, and Security assisted in wiping away excess blood with antiseptic wipes, while also applying pressure to the wound with medical gauze pads. At approximately 11:37 hours, the patients granddaughter informed Security she would be taking her over to the Halifax Infirmary for further treatment. All clear was then given, with nothing further to report.

Elevator/Entrapment/November 2, 2021/08:50 hours: at approximately 08:50 hours, on November 2, 2021, Communications Officer Navjot KAUR received a call that 2 hospital staff members were stuck inside the CCR elevator on Basement floor; Site Supervisor Philip MACKINNON responded. At approximately 08:52 hours, an elevator technician was contacted to respond. At approximately 09:13 hours, the technician arrived on site, and the entrapment was all clear at approximately 09:20 hours. Elevator is now in working order, nothing further to report

Access Request/Shredder Box/November 2, 2021/15:12 hours: at approximately 15:12 hours, on November 2, 2021, Site Supervisor Philip MACKINNON unlocked the shredder box outside room 3024 on 3rd floor Dickson for staff member Chandra SPICER; staff showed ID upon request, nothing further to report.
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